I never found my Tormek, which I've owned for 20 years, to be useful for chisels or planes. However, when I started turning about 7 years ago, I found that the Tormek jig for gouges is the easiest and best way to resharpen HSS gouges. Scrapers are also easy to sharpen on the Tormek. When Tormek came out with diamond wheels several years ago, I bought a 600 grit. It is now installed on my Tormek and, while on the lathe, I just go over to the Tormek to sharpen my gouge frequently and it takes literally less than a minute (maybe 30 seconds sometimes). So, the Tormek just stays set up for my HSS gouges. I do have a regular slow speed grinder (Rikon) with CBN wheels that I use when shaping a gouge or scraper because that is faster. The Tormek isn't for everyone. It's expensive, but they do have a jig for everything and is very handy for more specialized types of tools. For resharpening chisels and plane blades I have a set of bench stones and a honing guide from Lie-Nielsen that works much better than any grinder for that.