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Thread: Sleep cycle alarm clock

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Sleep cycle alarm clock

    ok, folks. Here’s a challenge. Over the years, I’ve asked questions on some of the most off-the-wall subjects and, invariably, someone one this forum responds demonstrating a deep knowledge of the subject.

    This idea has been around for a long time. A sensor tracks your sleep cycles and tries to wake you up at the best part of the cycle. The science is called actigraphy. I’ve always thought the idea was a good one. There was a company that made something but it went under.

    I just ran across that looks good. So, anyone care to chime in? Is it a good idea?

  2. #2
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    I'm wondering how it would work for someone like me. Waking up multiple times in a night and an occasional bout of insomnia may be a problem for such a device.

    Before retirement my work hours were on the swing shift. One advantage of swing shift is most people do not need an alarm clock.

    Having been retired for close to sixteen years, the only time an alarm clock is needed is to wake me up for an appointment that can not be made later in the day.

    If it works to the point of waking one up at the most opportune moment to have a "fully rested feeling," then it might be worth the ~$200 they are asking.

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Lake Gaston, Henrico, NC
    If it got the dogs, horses, and chickens to sync with our sleep cycles, I’d buy one.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Feeley View Post
    ok, folks. Here’s a challenge. Over the years, I’ve asked questions on some of the most off-the-wall subjects and, invariably, someone one this forum responds demonstrating a deep knowledge of the subject.

    This idea has been around for a long time. A sensor tracks your sleep cycles and tries to wake you up at the best part of the cycle. The science is called actigraphy. I’ve always thought the idea was a good one. There was a company that made something but it went under.

    I just ran across that looks good. So, anyone care to chime in? Is it a good idea?
    Sounds like an idea for an APP on an Apple Watch or other smart watch.


  5. #5
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    I've long believed that I sleep in 45 minute cycles. When I still worked, if I woke up and had less than 45 minutes before the alarm would go off I'd rise early. I hated getting back to sleep and being woke before 45 minutes had passed. It sounds like this would do something very akin.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom M King View Post
    If it got the dogs, horses, and chickens to sync with our sleep cycles, I’d buy one.

    "What time did you wake up this morning?"
    "About five seconds after the cat started screaming for breakfast."
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  7. #7
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    My bladder takes care of this function.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Starr View Post
    I've long believed that I sleep in 45 minute cycles. When I still worked, if I woke up and had less than 45 minutes before the alarm would go off I'd rise early. I hated getting back to sleep and being woke before 45 minutes had passed. It sounds like this would do something very akin.
    I think rem cycles are 3-1/2-4 hrs. Best results are to get 2 of these a night.
    I average 1 a night. I get 10-2:00 every night but 2/3rds of the nights I dont get the second 1 usually get a couple 20 minute light sleeps after 2:00

  9. #9
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    Getting a good night's sleep with 2 perfectly phased REM cycles is a lovely idea and I might have done that once or twice in the last few years. Here's an interesting article on the BBC web site about a natural tendency to have 2 separate 4-hour periods of sleep with an hour or so between: The Myth of the Eight-Hour Sleep.

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