I have an almost 19 yr old Epilog Mini 24. For the past few months the laser occasionally won't fire. It's usually when I first hit go. It seems as though if I keep opening and closing the lid then it may fire which is why I'm thinking it might be the locking mechanism. A few days ago I was engraving a metal plaque plate and it engraved almost all the way down the plate but missed 2 lines close to the bottom. I isolated and tried re-engraving with no luck. Made at least a dozen or so attempts and finally got it to engrave. I've never replaced the CO2 tube so I know I'm on borrowed time. The lenses probably need to be replaced too. Last year I replaced the X-Axis motor. Do you think the problem is the locking mechanism?

At this point I'm thinking it may be worth it to buy a new machine rather than dump money into it. Someone locally contacted me looking to sell their 2021 Zing 12 x 24 with a rotary attachment with approx 50 working hrs. What are your thoughts?