Hi all,

by now some of you remember that I am building a bench (since march)
it has been an incredibly slow but satisfying experience. I just finished the male dovetail for the bench's tail vise.
My first attempt at dovetails too (gulp!). I think it went reasonably well with one small issue:

Screenshot 2021-12-27 152804.jpg

I was wondering whether it would be noticeable or not, and if yes how best to fix it?

in general, I tend to overelaborate things (i.e. houndstooth dovetails instead of standard). I think I have a fix but I wanted to run it by the creekers collective wisdom. I would reinsert the triangles I cut out that made the dovetail and wedge them upwards, then shoot it on the shooting board until the line is crisp again. hopefully the wedges will prevent spelching.

I welcome any thoughts before I start to layout the pins/female part of the joint