I am sure this is going to get a lot of different answers. I was awarded a ticket for a weekend hand tool class from my boss. I am a complete novice at handtools, but have really wanted to get into incorporating them into my wood shop. My hand tool collection is limited, but I have been wanting to add to it and figured this was a good reason to justify. The wife seems cool with it too. The class listed some items that I am kind of curious about because my knowledge is not to extensive in the hand tool world.

A. Crosscut saw that would cut 11 1/4". It also mentioned a tenon saw. Do I need/want both? Also, I am looking at getting a couple of other useful saws to and would take suggestions.
B. Smooth Plane (recommendations)
C. Block Plane (recommendations)
D. Also, side note I was wondering about suggestions on sharpening stones.
E. Wheel marking gauge recomendations.

The class is in a month, so I need start ordering some of this stuff this weekend.

This may be a lot to answer, but would appreciate any feedback that is given. I am a firm believer in spending a little more for a quality product. We are building a bookcase all out of poplar and handtools.
