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Thread: 800 service phone calls

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Dickinson, Texas
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    800 service phone calls

    We get them and there is no one there.

    Do any of you know what it is?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    West Lafayette, IN
    As usual Lowell, it’s some kind of spam. Just google this kind of thing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The Hartland of Michigan
    All you did by picking up, is letting the spammers, thieves, cons, etc know it's a valid number.
    If you don't recognize the number, don't answer it.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    New Westminster BC
    Quote Originally Posted by Myk Rian View Post
    All you did by picking up, is letting the spammers, thieves, cons, etc know it's a valid number.
    If you don't recognize the number, don't answer it.
    Or block it. We ignored 800 number calls for years, finally started blocking them on both my cell and home phone, much more peace and quiet now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    So the Caller ID says it's an 8xx toll free number. Caller ID has become almost worthless in many respects because almost any number can be spoofed when they originate from a VoIP source which is often not even in North America. (some are, however) The same tools that can spoof a local number "in your neighborhood" can also spoof toll free and other types of business numbers to make you think they are coming from someplace they are not. This is not going to abate until the carriers start to actually use the newer technology available that can "see deeper" and detect spoofed CID. Some are starting that, but it's a slow start.

    Unfortunately, just blocking calls can sometimes interfere with receipt of a legitimate call that may be important. It's a conundrum sometimes...

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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    New Westminster BC
    I agree call blocking can potentially block legitimate calls, but our policy is if we don't recognize the number we let it go to the answering machine. If no message is left we assume it is not a legitimate call and eventually we block it. If we didn't block it, which was what we did until recently, we would continue to let it go to the machine until they left a message. If it's a legit call I would expect the caller to at least leave a message to say sorry I missed you I'll try again later or I'll try your cell if they don't want to leave a detailed message.

  7. #7
    They likely are part of a “Wangiri” or one-ring phone scam. They let the phone ring once and hang up, hoping you will become curious and call back. You are then routed to a very expensive phone system.

    Read more here at HowToGeek:

  8. #8
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    Some of the silent calls are due to machine calling. The machines call a bunch of numbers and then route them to their various call center members as the number is answered. If there isn't anyone left by the time you answer your phone, you get left out.

    The ones that bug me more than dead silence is the one when you pick up the phone and say, "hello" then a few seconds later the person on the other end says, "hello" and nothing else.

    To me this seems a bit rude of them. Sometimes my response is to say, "good by."

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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The Hartland of Michigan

    It's all a game.

    I have had to intentionally block my health insurer, Matrix Medical, my HAP provider.
    "Hi, this is Jackie, with an important message from your health provider. You are eligible for a free, in-home health check......" Blah blah.

    The problem is, we had that checkup 2 weeks prior to the beginning of those calls.

    I have at least 5 numbers blocked for those calls alone. Maybe 7. The numbers are all legit. One was a cell in the UP of Michigan. It has turned into a game for me.

    I keep my contact list current. Many hundreds of people/companies that I have known. If an unknown number calls, I push it to voice mail. If a blocked number calls, it goes directly to voice mail.
    I listen to all the messages, and either block the number, or call back.

    I've been doing this for many years, and get way less spam calls than most people I know.

  10. #10
    Its simple for me I don't answer unknown numbers period and if theres no message it gets block .
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  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Bert Kemp View Post
    Its simple for me I don't answer unknown numbers period and if theres no message it gets block .
    Ditto- me too.

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