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Thread: A new set of chisels from Stan

  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Stewie Simpson View Post
    Fred & Jim; if you can stomach it, you might want to view the comment section of Stan's blog and see what he wrote about SMC.

    Hi Stewie.
    Listen, I read Stan's blog. Contrary to your innuendo he wasn't ugly. So why don't you ease up a bit? There's no value in stirring this pot. We all miss Stan and I bet a lot of us start following his blog.

    Why don't you show us your latest tool build or restoration, instead? I'm sure that'll be good stuff. It always is!
    Last edited by Frederick Skelly; 05-06-2019 at 9:47 PM.
    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

    “If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Pete; if your so seriously unhappy about the way Stan was treated on this forum site, why not plead your case with administrator and moderators of this forum site. !!!


  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Stewie Simpson View Post
    Pete; if your so seriously unhappy about the way Stan was treated on this forum site, why not plead your case with administrator and moderators of this forum site. !!!

    Come on Stew, stop stirring man...
    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

    “If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

  4. #64
    I miss his contributions also.

    This place has been and is lacking the substance and base of knowledge “at least by people whom share” that once made its pretty great. And even then it was a small handful of people whom took the time to really get into it. But you know those few people made this place..

    Sorry if that upsets some but it’s how I feel.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Jen Joy, thank you.

    Stan, for me, has a perspective backed by real experience, and years of it, all day, everyday. Mortise, tenon, mortise, tenon. Etc. Someone who knows what he is talking about.

    We are in a transitional age. Not just tools but information about tools. You don’t know who is speaking from experience. Some might swear by LN, some by LV, some by Stanley, some by others. Or Kitotada.

    Stan shares experience and wisdom in excruciating detail. It helps us learn, even if we use Western chisels.

    He had differences with SMC. That is unfortunate. Like mom and dad getting divorced, and we lose one.

    On the internet, you might see a fog that gradually dissipates into a focus with a select few that seem to have a perspective that is based on experience, wisdom, trial and error. It takes a long time to understand who is posting.

    I wish Stan were still posting on SMC, but it isn’t an either/or proposition. He has a perspective. More importantly, he shares a lot of knowledge. Others on this site do as well.

    Stan helps arrange sales of chisels. The most important thing he taught me was that I should get better at using saws, so that I don’t need to use chisels as much. A very valuable lesson. That isn’t a salesman. That is a mentor.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Goleta / Santa Barbara
    Todd, very well stated.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Perth, Australia
    Nicely said Todd. And I agree with your comments, too, Fred.

    Regards from Perth


  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    12,621 does the new chisels preform?

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Putney, Vermont
    [QUOTE=brian zawatsky;2923695]Stewie your assumption that Stan was only here to hawk tools blithely disregards his constant willingness to answer questions and share years of accumulated knowledge and experience in an area which - due to the language barrier for all of us non Japanese speakers - is notoriously difficult to ascertain regularly.

    It's also pretty low to level accusations at one whom isn't present to defend himself, IMO.[

    I could not have said it better. Stan was not the type of person to seek such type of self gratification.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Texas Hill Country
    Several folks have mentioned this Stan person has a blog. Can anyone provide search details so that I can locate it? Thanks.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Broadview Heights, OH
    see post 53, this thread

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Texas Hill Country
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Taran View Post
    see post 53, this thread
    Thanks Pete for pointing out the obvious! :-)

  13. #73
    We should start a poll - who gets discussed here (in absentia) the most?

    Paul Sellers, Chris Schwarz, or Stan the man?

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Seattle Wa
    Quote Originally Posted by steven c newman View Post does the new chisels preform?
    Of the the bench chisels i’ve had time to use they preform very well. I currently own or have owned some of just about every chisel widely available and their ability to take and hold an edge is better than those imo. Some western chisels will take a comparable edge but don’t hold as long. I have a set of mass produced Japanese chisels, a few work well and some chip if you look at them wrong. Of the few I’ve worked with so far they appear to be consistent.

    The mortise chisels I need to spend more time using before forming an opinion. I recently made three entry doors and reverted to using the Ray Isles mortise chisels. This may be due to not having the right size gennou or just personal preference.

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Broadview Heights, OH

    Clearly it is your technique, as I was recently instructed. Please try harder.

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Mathewson View Post
    Of the the bench chisels i’ve had time to use they preform very well. I currently own or have owned some of just about every chisel widely available and their ability to take and hold an edge is better than those imo.

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