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Thread: Pearl Harbor Day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    Pearl Harbor Day

    I was rushed this morning and failed to create this thread before I had to dash out the door but I didn't want to let the day go by without recognizing such an important day in history and to acknowledge the sacrifices made by our Countrymen on December 7th 1941.

    This is a date that we should never forget, it is appropriate that we remind ourselves that the cost of Freedom has been borne by Patriots whose sacrifices have been immeasurable since the founding of our country.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Brooklyn, New York
    Rest in Piece


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Mid Michigan
    There are so many of the WWII VETS passing away each day. They gave so much for our country. I remember back when I was a child that there were still some Civil War survivors still living. We owe all of our military so much.
    David B

  4. #4
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    Blairstown, NJ
    I had an Uncle Jim, who was in the 101 Airborne, during the War - Band of Brothers stuff. He was at my house for a cookout about 10 years ago. The movie "Saving Private Ryan" had just come out. My mother had always told me that he was there at D-Day, and she feared the worst as the news dribbled out. When we were growing up, Uncle Jim was around at holidays, but the men NEVER talked about stuff like that. My father war Army Air Corps and he never talked about anything serious. Dad passed away on Veterans Day, 1984.

    So at that cookout 10 years ago, I asked my uncle (somewhat in private) if he had seen the movie (Private Ryan). Maybe I shouldn't have asked him. I think I caught him off guard. He just looked at me, his eyes welling up in tears. He said no. He went on to say that it was just so terrible, and told me a few things he had seen. He said he could never watch that movie.

    He passed away shortly after that. Had a military honor guard at the cemetery. Think it was a five gun salute.

    I somewhat mentioned this conversation to his widow a few years ago. She said the the absolute worst (from private conversations she had with her husband) was Battle of the Bulge.

    Uncle Jim was a lifetime New York City firefighter, and was injured jumping across rooftops during a fire. After retiring he remained a local volunteer firefighter in his small town on Long Island. That local firehouse had a large bronze statue displayed in front. It was a firefighter (fully decked out) carrying a small child. It was Uncle Jim's job to keep the statue clean (birds etc). He did it proudly.

    Sorry for the run on, but wanted to say something about WWII Vets. Different kind of men (and women), in case folks here never knew one.
    Last edited by Tom Fischer; 12-08-2012 at 6:34 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Many thanks for all of the service men/women who serve this nation

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Southern Kentucky
    This may be just the Redneck in me but we always watch the DVD Pearl Harbor on Dec 7th. I know it's just a movie but it's my way of remembering.
    ---I may be broke---but we have plenty of wood---

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    So West Colorado
    Pearl Harbor is a day we should all remember and it should be taught in every elementary, middle school and high school history class.

    Both the Japanese and Germans underestimated our manufacturing capabilities and this is why they lost the war.

    One of the saddest parts of WWII was the interment of the Japanese who were loyal US citizens.

    My father-in-law and two of my uncles were WWII vets, sadly they are no longer with us.

    Steve Costa

  8. #8
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    Red Deer, Alberta
    My Dad (92/3 in May) was a WWII vet. And like so many would never talk about it. He said: "if you weren't there, you would never understand."

    I'm grateful that I have my Dad, and am grateful for those who fought and died for the freedom we have.

    That you all, past and present, for your service to this great country of ours...

    Funny, I don't remember being absent minded...

  9. #9
    I honor both of my parents who still live and served in the Navy during WWII. Mom as a 1st Class Yeoman/Cryptographer and Dad as a 3rd Class Electricians Mate SS. It was a terrible time with plenty of fear for both those serving and for the families back home.

    As for discussing actual combat Keith's Dad hit the nail on the head. From my time as a twice wounded Marine grunt during Vietnam I can tell you that describing combat to someone who has never experienced it can never convey the reality. It is a totally sensory experience where you are assailed by an overload of every one of your senses and your mind is working at fever pitch processing multiple thoughts at light speed. Even the opening sequence of Saving Private Ryan, which if viewed in a movie theatre on a big screen is as close as Hollywood has ever got, still can't capture the smell, the ground and air vibrating, and the feeling of not being in control of events. Add to this the things we saw and had to do and it is a wonder that any combat vet ever recounts their experinces. Some memories are more comfortable if left buried.
    Dave Anderson

    Chester, NH

  10. #10
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    Easy to remember the day as my son was born on December 7. Both of his grandfathers were WWII vets. We owe them so much...

  11. #11
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    I'm a little late, but here are some photos taken at the memorial in 2008. Here's how it looks as you approach from the visitor's center. IMG_2944.jpg

    This is a photo I took inside the memorial during our visit, after waiting for almost 5 minutes for the young man to leave to clear the frame of the picture, I determined he was reading every name.IMG_2940.jpg

    This last one shows the USS Arizona still bleeding oil after all these years.
    Lee Schierer
    USNA '71
    Go Navy!

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  12. #12
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    I wore my BB-38 Arizona Memorial hat on Friday. As I do every year. A twenty something co-worker noticed it and said something about remembering this day. Kind of gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling. Most have not forgot.

  13. #13
    Thanks Keith.

    My Dad, three of his brothers, and 8 other uncles and great uncles served from China to Germany. All made it back, some wounded. All are gone now but there was never a word in my hearing about the war. There were jokes and stories about their buddies and how they met guys from such far off places as Brooklyn and San Francisco (my family was from a little town outside Dayton, Ohio and most had never ventured far from there).

    I hadn't quite reached my fifth birthday on Dec. 7, 1941 but my memories are surprisingly clear. I've never been able to visit the Memorial at Pearl Harbor but on two occasions I had the good fortune to visit the beaches at Normandy and the American cemetery there. If you've never been there you will cry. Somehow it seemed like they were all my relatives. (for those who haven't been there there is not a blade of grass out of order in that cemetery--it is absolutely immaculate. I was pleased to find that the French are by far the most frequent and numerous visitors--they didn't forget.)

    Brokaw got it right. It was the greatest generation.
    Last edited by Mike Null; 12-10-2012 at 11:55 AM.
    Mike Null

    St. Louis Laser, Inc.

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  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    The school I went to was built over an old Japanese internment camp.

    So many lives on all sides of the conflict lost, it's something we should always remember........Regards, Rod.

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