View Full Version : First turning!

01-08-2007, 1:12 PM
I know I know, before you start I don't have pics yet.

I turned my fist piece on my p.o.s. borrowed lathe! Man I can see why you need weight and rigidity in a lathe now. I tried turning a piece or really really dry red oak. I have had a 2" thick scrap board of it for 2 years now and I live in west Texas if that tells you how dry the wood is! I can see wwhy some get frustrated with oak though. I was very tough to turn as well as splitting a lot. It didn't help that this was only my second time turning, my tools are used and dull, the lathe was vibrating quite a bit. I am suprised I got anything done on it, but I had to turn it on and get some testing! I started turning a cup with a long thin stem, got it all sanded down to 600 and went to the emory cloth. SNAP!!! DOHHHH.

Oh well, took the end of the cup and made a box out of it for LOML to put her ring in! I still hev to finish it, as soon as that is done I will post pics!

Paul Engle
01-08-2007, 5:35 PM
Tyler , cant say good job cause ah cant see it, but the effort is what counts, you'll get there when you get there. Keep at it , dont give up the ship just cause the paint is flaking ...:eek: :D . Sounds like TLOYL will cherish the cup forever .... and that counts for a lot ...;) if not all of it man:D

Jim Dunn
01-08-2007, 10:41 PM
I don't even see your pic in your avatar space??? Are you invisible too? Oh well I guess we can wait on pics for a while.

Congrats on your turning.

Bruce Shiverdecker
01-09-2007, 2:20 AM
WE all started somewhere and have made booboos. That was a learning experience. Use it to get a Good lathe, Sharpen your tools and finally turn ANYTHING but Oak in the begining. It takes a lot of finess to turn Oak.

Keep the faith and keep spinnin'. It'll get better.
