A friend of mine has this drill press, which I have used a few times. It's quiet, smooth, and seems to have plenty of power. Its' really nice being able to adjust the spindle speed with the turn of knob. I like that you can set it to automatically start when you advance the quill. The electronic depth control works, but I haven't used it enough to know how accurate it is. It does have a mechanical depth stop if need you need absolute accuracy. Overall, I really like it. There are a few things I don't like about it. There is no quill lock, which is a feature that's sometimes useful. While the DVR motor and electronics seem to be high quality, the rest of the drill press looks like it is a generic Asian drill press. Finally, I'm sure that the proprietary electronics will die someday, and if Teknatool doesn't have replacement parts when that happens there will be no way to repair it. With something like a 3-phase motor and VFD, you could always repair it with off-the-shelf parts.