Good day all. I appreciate the time to read and give feedback. I think this is the right machine and price, but want feedback.

The time has come. I need a CNC to stay competitive and I also just want to create in new ways. I have “non-buyers remorse” for stopping bidding on a beautiful 5x10 industrial quality CNC. It went for $10k!!!! Another 5x10 recently sold for $11k. I have now found a used Avid CNC 5x8 with all equipment and software for $12k, hoping to offer $11k. It isn’t as heavy duty as others I’ve looked at, but it was used in a mostly hobby shop, and the guy is meticulous with his tools. You can look at his shop and see he takes care of things. He didn’t use the CNC as much as he thought, and it’s not been used much at all.

I need to make small furniture parts and cabinet parts. I also want to explore 3D carving. I want to also get a 3D scanner and go on-site to historic homes and scan things like rosettes and carvings that need to be replicated for restorations. (Historic restoration is the bulk of my business).

So- is this machine heavy dusty enough? Is the price too high for a used machine? I like that it’s modular, so I could upgrade it to a 10’ bed. I wish it were heavier duty, but I am not doing huge production work. I would add a vacuum bed as soon as possible- currently doesn’t have one.