I'm hoping for some advice from wiser people as I somewhat at a loss what to think, and therefore what to do. I've done our work here for the most part for the last 20 years, and have never had to hire a real electrician before. I don't know if I've been a sucker for the last four months, or if I'm being precipitate now (or maybe both).

The back story:
I bought a house last fall in a tax auction that has been abandoned and had the meter pulled in 2015. I gutted the house, including removing all the old wiring. Some of it was old cloth covered and getting pretty crisp, and there were some anomalies including a buried junction which was not even in a box, between a newer wire and an old wire. The house had 100 amp service and a relatively new panel, but I wanted to put in 200 amp service so I can not have to put in any propane appliances. I am planning to do the wiring myself from the panel onward.

I found an electrician who lives in the town and called him last November. He came out the same day and looked at the job, which I thought was pretty impressive. He said he would put together a quote, but it took a few weeks and some hassling from me to get a quote of $3400 to install a Square D QO 200 amp panel inside, a cut off panel outside, and to get a new line run from the pole to the house (maybe 30 feet or so) and to get the power company to hook it up and turn the power on. He said it would work well because he had a house to wire in another town in December, but he could do mine in the meantime. I didn't hear any more from him. Early in January I called and he said he would get started on it very soon. Then a few days later he emailed and said he was in COVID isolation for a while. I waited about a month and wrote again and he said he would do it soon. 10 days ago I called to see if anything was happening and he said he had a question about the riser that the local electrical inspector had not been able to answer, and that he needed to talk to the utility about it, but that he was in Mexico on vacation and wouldn't be back for a week.

All along I have told him that I was happy to have it done any time, but I really would need it in the spring when I get back to work on the house so I can run power tools without the generator. I emailed him Wednesday and said that I needed to know from him when he thought he could actually get it done, and that at some point I would have to try to find someone else who could do the job if he can't. I have not heard back and have been ignored when I have tried to call several times today. I am feeling frustrated, but I know that this is a tough time to find people to do any kind of work and I don't know if my expectations are unreasonable. I can't tell if he's actually done anything at the house, it doesn't look like it. I don't have a contract or any paperwork about any of this, it was an oral agreeement. I just would like the job to get done soon, ideally by early April, whether by him or someone else. If anyone has any advice on what I should do next I would appreciate it.