Thank you.

Today was a bit busy....panel was taken out of the clamps, and cut to width..
IMG_2842 (640x480).jpg
Then the edges were jointed..
IMG_2841 (640x480).jpg
Clamped this flat to the bench....
IMG_2844 (640x480).jpg
Planed the face smooth and flat. Then a few other planes took over.
IMG_2845 (640x480).jpg
Planed a bevel on each end....end grain first....
IMG_2850 (640x480).jpg
And when the edge grain was done, I got corners like this. Still a bit too thick, got out the #78
IMG_2853 (640x480).jpg
To make the cross grain rebates, and do a test fit..
IMG_2852 (640x480).jpg
Once the end grain was done...on both ends. I got out the Stanley 45, set it up to make a matching rebate along the edge grain..
IMG_2856 (640x480).jpg
Rather than mess with the #78's spur, I just used the 45 without the spurs. Once I got all four edges done... I set up to chop four mortises..

Stay tuned, for the next episode..