Hey guys, I have been a little out of touch here for a little while. I just had a new son about a month and a half ago and when I am not with the kids I am in the shop which has left little time for anything else to include sleep. I have had a few people send me PM’s asking what I have been up to so I will post a few pics of the stuff that has come out of the shop in the last month. Everything below with the exception of the desk was built in the last 30 days. The desk was finished up just before my son arrived. Also the first piece (the Newport lowboy) was my first piece built entirely with hand tools. I details and additional pictures areposted in the hand tool forum if you are interested.

First up is the Newport lowboy in figured Honduran Mahogany. You will have to excuse the wierd distortion from my camera that makes the top of the photo look bowed. I have fixed the problem now

Next is a slant fron desk that was finished up in Oct.

Next is a tiger maple acorn bed. This piece has a single 18” wide headboard which is really spectatular.

Finally there are two Chippendale chests. These were commissioned by the same person as gifts for their children. The tiger maple chest was made to go with the above bed. The chest that isn’t tiger maple is curly cherry which I used an ageing solution to darken up a little.