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Thread: Final Hours of the Knife Box Project....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas

    Exclamation Final Hours of the Knife Box Project....

    Well....after the LAST changes in the box design when Ron really didn't want to go with the wooden hinges and AFTER I spent THREE DAYS working on making the hinges and getting the mortises cut in each box half.....

    I had to cut the back of the box halves off and start laying out for using the pen hinges. The change came about early Tuesday. So I have been working very long days to get this baby done on time. I don't have time to post the story and pics of the final events tonight as I really need to get some sleep and have to get up early to start again as the knife maker will be here at 1PM today (Thursday) to pick up the knife and hopefully the box.

    I ran out of 600 grit sandpaper!!!! So I'm sending the LOML to Lowes in the morning to pick up some more. I have 1/2 of the box sanded, I have the holes drilled for the magnet closures as well as the holes and back-cut for the pen hinges. I finished the "interior cuts" for the knife/gun which consists of a clean out rod, small tube of black powder, small tube of .177 size pellets (as in pellet gun) and a small tube of copper "caps" for the little bitty black-powder gun in the other half of the knife. He can change it to a 22 caliber pistol just by changing out the barrel!!

    Any way, In a few hours, here is what I have to accomplish:

    1. Finish sanding the other half of the box.
    2. Glue in the REM's (magnets)
    3. Glue in and align the pen hinges
    4. Touch-up sanding
    5. Work with the LOML on lining the recesses for the knife in each box half with black velvet.
    6. Stick on the little black velvet pads to prevent scratching a furniture surface.
    7. FINALLY....take the last pics of the completed project and the knife and accessories in the new box BEFORE he arrives!!!

    Wish me luck.!!!! I'm gonna need it.!!!!!!
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Kennewick, WA
    Man, you really cut your teeth on this one!
    Changes at any time and especially at the last minute usually affect price! It's meant to discourage that sort of thing or at least be reasonable regarding the impact to delivery time.
    What are pen hinges?
    Don't answer this until after you are done, pictures posted, the box gone and you can kick back and relax.
    Can't wait to see the pictures.
    Ernie on-the-dry-side; WA

  3. #3

    Good Luck, my gosh have you really had it tough on this one. We truly understand about lack of pictures (Right, Tyler & Chris???) and your need to keep on workin'.

    We're all pullin' for ya. But we all know the product you turn out will be First Rate, as always!

    Hang In There, hopefully we are helping reduce Your Stress by us taking some on by proxy
    Wood is Good!
    Greetings from The Green Mountain State!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas
    Good Morning Kurt,

    What a real friend you are indeed!! Thank you for your surpport and great "cheering section". I am up and already at it this morning. LOML is on her way back from LOWES...she was there to help them open the doors this morning!!! What a trooper she is. She was up with me until almost 1AM and she got up at 6AM to get things ready with the kids and then out to Lowes and I just got things rolling. I really LOVE that woman!!!

    Well...enough rambling on....I have 5.5 hours left and I gotta get back out to the shop.
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  5. #5

    WOW!!! This has been quite the porject now hasn't it???? Hope you get some sleep.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Kutztown PA
    Dennis, I am really looking forward to seeing the pics, and I hope you really get your money's worth out of this guy for, shall we say, putting you under the gun like this.

    I would wish you luck, but we both know that doesn't exist. Fare well my friend.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas

    All the sanding is done and the LOML has just velvet lined the first recess of the box lib. She is now working on the 2nd recess of the box bottom. I'm about to get back in the shop and glue in the REM's and get ready for hinges when the LOML get's done with lining the other half of the box.
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Coatesville, PA


    You are a better man than I. By now I would have probably used the guys product on him

    I still know that you put your heart and soul into this thing & if the guy doesn't appreciate it then it's his loss.

    I know you will do a great job & can't wait to see the pics.

    Make sure you treat yourself & the LOYL after this job & if there are future commissions from the guy make sure he understands the proper way to do business with a fellow craftsman.

    Keep your chin up - you're almost home & we're all pulling for ya!
    God Bless America!

    Tom Sweeney BP

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas
    Tom and many others,

    The velvet lining is now in....Thanks to the LOML!!!

    The REM's are glued in. One thing to keep in mind when working with magnets: BEFORE gluing them in for a box closure.....<b>make SURE that the polarity is to where the magnets ATTRACT!!!</b> But I caught it in time and made sure that they would attract and hold the lid closed. Now it's time to glue in the hinges, allow that to dry and then PICS!!!!
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Plano, TX
    Dude, you are rocking and rolling here. Do you have to be at work today? Looks like you are due for a PDO for recovery. Hope the box turns out the way you expect it and the customer likes it. Can't wait to see the pictures of the finished product. You have gone through an aweful lot of trouble on this one.

    Is this the same guy Chuck Stuckey talks about sometimes.
    The means by which an end is reached must exemplify the value of the end itself.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Grand Marais, MN. A transplant from Minneapolis

    Thumbs up

    Fingers Crossed.......eyes, teeth, toes!!!
    Live Like You Mean It.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas

    Yes it is...Ron Newton. The box is 100% assembled now and I'm waiting for the epoxy on the hinges to dry now.

    I will take the final pics here in about 30 minutes. I had to RE-CUT some of the places where the "tubes" go inside the box due to the little rubber caps that hold each tube closed. What a PAIN this has been....but then again, it has bee fun to a point and shows me how much I have yet to learn!!


    Thanks buddy..!!!!! We will ALL see the fruits of my labor by tonight or tomorrow. Depending on when I can get time to edit and post the thread the the "Closure of the knife box project".!!!
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  13. #13
    Dennis.................WAY TO GO buddy! I knew you would 'Git 'er Done".

    I am SO relieved to hear you have the box assembled and ready to go. It has to feel like a ton of weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Hopefully, your talent and patience will shine thru in the eyes of Ron. I can't wait to see the final product..............and talk to you about the handoff of the completed box to the knife maker. Your lovely wife is a real trooper for the effort she has put forth...............she deserves a lot of owe her a BIG hug dude........and dinner........and diamonds............well, you get the message! Congratulations Dennis.................I think many of us would have thrown in the towel LONG ago on this was a test of skills, patience, and character..........which I have to say you passed with flying colors! It makes me proud just to know folks like you........and honored to call you "friend". YOU ROCK Dennis! God bless ya.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Knoxville TN.
    Outstanding Dennis, great job. Can't wait for the pictures..

    You Da Man....

    No Pain-No Gain- Not!
    No Pain-Good

  15. #15
    Great News Dennis,

    A Great weight has been lifted! Ron better like it or he'll have to deal with the bunch of us (Your Supporters!) LOL. He should be satisfied with it for sure. Kudo's to your wife for all the help she provided you - it's great to work well with your spouse!

    Can't wait for the pictures! Get some Rest, buddy - You Deserve It!
    Wood is Good!
    Greetings from The Green Mountain State!


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