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Thread: Lasered Mural Tiles Question

  1. #16

    Large jobs


    Has Paul been able to give you examples of some of these large jobs that have been mentioned? I'd like to see some of these examples and talk with the dealer that acquired these jobs. Seems like references shouldn't be a problem to provide.


  2. #17
    We have asked for references, he has provided none. Several people on the Engravers Etc forum asked specifically for installation locations as well as "successful dealers" and he has provided none. He told Mick Eminger that if he (Mick) was interested, call him and they can talk. Yet he refers to their "most successful dealers" and the highly successful corporate environment. He told my advisor/backer that the money was in the hotel industry because they were spending alot of money on the tile -- but Joe (my backer) called him on it because Joe has alot of investments in the hotel industry and there is NO money there. Hotels are losing money and doing everything they can to stop the bleeding. Joe is extremely savvy in the financial arena.

    Like you, I am very aware that if there was so much success with the product he would not have any qualms showing pictures and naming names. Also I would think the dealers themselves would post pictures on their websites. Yet all I see on the websites are the stock photos we were supplied by 3Score.

  3. #18
    It is said to hear that Lisa. It is not fear.
    I guess if that money will bring You work its worth it. Did You make any sales for those mural tiles?
    Zeev Goldin Engraving solutions

  4. #19
    I wanted to post that after getting all our signals crossed and not communicating like we both should have, Paul Hodge and I had a good conversation today. I also spoke with 2 other dealers of the product who are having good success with it and they were both able to reignite the fire in me that initially started when I saw them at the Vegas ARA show in February. I hope we are back on track and look forward to growing our businesses and getting this great product out in some high profile places.

  5. #20
    Great to hear that Lisa would You mind to share who were the other two dealers that had success with the products I would love to speak with them.
    Zeev Goldin Engraving solutions

  6. #21
    Sure. I spoke with Jennifer at Innovational Expressions, 219-663-6297 and Eric Aamodt at The Aamodt Companies 612-240-0807. Jennifer was especially helpful. They have recently moved into a new 9,000 sf facility and are cranking wide open with the LTM laser (which is really an amazing machine, albeit pricey. But if you can be successful with it, then the price is not an issue. That's where I want to get eventually.)

  7. #22
    Thank You Lisa for that info I did talk to Paul again he kinda failed to answer a question that I had maybe some one here can help me.
    I was wondering if we are supposed to go and sell to the architects and interior designers how should we convince them to use this specific way of marking tile-lasering . Because I saw that there is couple of different ways to mark tile sublimation drawing etc.
    I guess what should we tell them in order to persuade to use our technology?

    Zeev Goldin Engraving solutions

  8. I've seen a brochure for these laser tiles and really thought about trying to get some but when I went onto the site to find the nearest dealer, I had to fill out all my info and some guy from OR sent another brochure. Anyone know of a lasertile dealer a little closer to Hawaii? Are they easy to get and sold everywhere on the mainland? Sorry to runoff with this thread, but I didn't want to start another one on the same subject...

  9. #24

    Wink laser tile

    Lisa is their wildlife artwork as good as it really looks? Right now I caan't afford the artwork but I love what it looks like. I am having a real hard time finding good artwork of wildlife. I saw you are a dealer and should have gotten their artwork.

  10. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Cindy Rhoades View Post
    Lisa is their wildlife artwork as good as it really looks? Right now I caan't afford the artwork but I love what it looks like. I am having a real hard time finding good artwork of wildlife. I saw you are a dealer and should have gotten their artwork.
    They do have some beautiful wildlife images, yes. I love my Tiger Eyes mural, it is gorgeous. The question is -- do you have a market for it? What I find is many customers want their own images. But what the wildlife package offers you is existing art, that has already been drawn and prepped to go large. Rather than buying the big package, why not consider buying use of a single image or two? Or just one art package?

  11. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Perreira View Post
    I've seen a brochure for these laser tiles and really thought about trying to get some but when I went onto the site to find the nearest dealer, I had to fill out all my info and some guy from OR sent another brochure. Anyone know of a lasertile dealer a little closer to Hawaii? Are they easy to get and sold everywhere on the mainland? Sorry to runoff with this thread, but I didn't want to start another one on the same subject...
    The dealers on the site are for finished product. We are a dealer, but we do not sell blank product. If you want to buy blanks you should contact the West Coast distribution, which I believe is 3Score direct, whereas on the East Coast they have East Coast Laser Tile for selling blank froducts to laserists.

  12. #27
    Lisa how would You prove Your point when talking to a potential costumer to use Laser engraved tiles VS Sublimated tiles?
    I mean sublimation offers You color it is more or less same price and not that hard to do as draw on the tiles?
    Zeev Goldin Engraving solutions

  13. #28


    How do Sublimated tiles last in conditions such as a shower or a swimming pool??

    The laser tiles can be used in a shower.

  14. #29
    I heard that sublimated tiles are ok for showers water pools etc. But cannot have a direct sun exposure anybody can confirm that?
    If that is true the only difference will be that You can have lasered tiles with direct sun at it. But is a weak selling point because at least 90% of the projects will be indoors.
    So I ask again what would You say when You want to sell this thing that will be an advantage VS Sublimation? And to honest the sales rep down at Lasertile could not really answer that he avoided it a bit stating that I should offer sublimation as well.
    Zeev Goldin Engraving solutions

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