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Thread: What I did on my Summer vacation..long...lots 'o pics..

  1. #1

    What I did on my Summer vacation..long...lots 'o pics..

    Howdy everyone,

    Well, I finally got some time to post again. Seems like it's been forever since I have posted anything new. We had 4 massive hail storms here in April which meant it was nuts for me trying to keep up with about 500 cliams over the last 6 weeks. I worked from April 18 to June 4 without a day off. I decided enough was enough!!! I've been off and working feverishly on some house/shop projects for the last 10 days. I gotta go back to the salt mine tomorrow so I decided I better post this now.

    The shop was the original focus. The siding had rotted from water intrusion. No clauking or flashing and some general bad workmanship was the cause. Hopefully I have those issues solved now. Here is where we began....

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    Cheryl and I stripped off the old and began to replace what was bad...

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    As usual, I could not have done this without Cheryl's help. Here she is pulling about a thousand nails out of the trim and filling the holes....

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    We were planning on changing the worn out aluminum windows in the house anyway so this was the time to get 2 new white vinyl windows in the shop as well...

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    With the shop pretty much back the way it should be, we began on the house. I have a buddy in the window biz so he came down and measured every opening and provided solid vinyl windows with low E coating and argon custom sized to each opening . I sure hope this is all worth it!!!! Here's the new windows and doors freshly delivered...

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    Here is how the house looked before any of this craziness started. The original bronze windows just made the window openings look like leaky, ugly black holes...

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    Removing the windows was one heck of a JOB!!!! Lots of prying, cursing and lots of sawz all blades. This is one seriously nasty job. This is about the time I am wondering what I have gotten myself in to.

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    And here is the finished product. 44 tubes of caulk and 17 gallons of paint later. I can tell anyone that is considering changing out there old aluminum windows that this is a very worth while project. I managed to change all the windows in 2 days with the help of a good buddy.

    The first thing Cheryl and I noticed is the quiet. shhh.... Amazing how much quieter it is inside the house with these new windows and doors. I immediately noticed as well that the A/C was running about half as much as it was before. This is a GOOD thing!!! A VERY good thing!!!

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    We also installed all new vinyl 2" blinds on all those shiny new windows, new vinyl screen doors and new ceramic tile in the main bath and the laundry room. I still have a bit of trim painting to do and lots of little details to finish but I'm pretty much done and certianly very pleased with the project over all. Other than that, I didn't do a thing on my vacation.

    Thanks for looking,

    Last edited by Terry Hatfield; 06-13-2004 at 12:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Mendham, New Jersey
    I'm tired just from looking at the pictures. That is one big job!!! Bet you're glad it's over.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Amador City, CA


    Hi Terry, Huge improvement on the house and well worth all the hard work.
    Also wanted to thank you for all the very, very helpful info you have posted on your web site as well as your postings on SMC. I have gotten tremendous benefit in dust collector selection, installation and shop layout. Actually, to the extent that when contemplating a shop problem, I find myself asking, "What would Terry Hatfield do?". This has caused me to take apart and redo some things but, when its done, I know its done right. Many thanks, hope I get the opportunity to thank you in person some day. Bob

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    In the foothills of the NM Sandia Mountains
    So Terry, what do you do in your spare time? The House looks great. We installed Pella windows a few years ago and the difference was enormous.
    I don't even want to talk about your shop....

    P.s., summer starts tomorrow!
    Please help support the Creek.

    "The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for."
    Will Rogers

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Wow !!

    How long did you say it took you to do all of this? Good job on the windows and the shop exterior. It's a shame you have to do it yourself in order for the job to be done the right way.

    BTW, Happy Birthday !!

    "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking."
    - General George Patton Jr

  6. #6
    That looks great! Years ago I took off 2 weeks and worked on the house 24/7. I will never do that again
    The windows will cut down on elect bill, sure helped mine.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    Remarkable amount of work in the time you had, Terry. The results are impressive. Your heating and cooling bill should also be remarkably better, too!

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Collin County Texas
    Terry, without a doubt you have been busier than the cat scratching on a tin roof .

    I think you will like the new argon filled, low-E windows. We have them throughout the house and shop. In the heat of summer with the sun shining in the west window on the carpet, you can hardly tell that the carpet is warm. Expensive yes, good - darn toot'n!

    Beautiful work.....
    Best Regards, Ken

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Just outside of Spring Green, Wisconsin
    Kinda' reminds me of one of those DIY shows on TV. You know...The ones where two guys put in the new patio door, which leads to the 50x120' deck they're building and then, they drop in a hot tub, complete with a gazebo enclosure for winter use. And they do it ALL in a half hour! Seriously, a tremendous amount of work in a very short period of time and a magnificent visual improvement, though I'm sure the energy savings will be equally impressive! Great job done by both, you and your bride!
    John K. Miliunas

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Roanoke, Illinois
    Terry and Cheryl

    Congradulations on your makeover. The house and shop look great. Planning to see it first hand later this year.

    Terry and Connie

  11. #11
    Thanks guys..........

    It was quite a thrash for sure. Sunup to sundown most days. It even hurts to type right now.

    Cheryl and I actually stripped the siding off the shop and got most of the new on the weekend before I went on vacation. I spent a couple of vacation days finishing that up, 4 more painting and 2 on the windows. The last couple have been spent on the blinds, geting the trim and doors back in the rooms that got tile and wrapping up a few painting details. I still have some work to go but hopefully I can get done next weekend.

    I did have my buddy Jim Duncan set the tile for me and he is the one that was "lucky" enough to get elected to hang out and help with the window changing. Other than the tile, Cheryl and I did everything ourselves. We are super pleased at the difference in the "look" of the house and shop and I feel that the investment in the windows will come back eventually in reduced electric bills. We can already tell a HUGE difference.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas
    10 days for all that? I guess you're just gettin' OLD!!!!!!

    Boy Howdy..!!!!! You did an EXCELLENT job on the shop and the house doesn't even look the same any more!!! I'm gonna hafta come up for a weekend and see fer me self...!!!!

    Congrats Terry and Cheryl!!!! You did an EXCELLENT job and I too am very please with your results.

    Now....go and rest those aching muscles and enjoy the fruits of you labor!
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    N Illinois

    Hats Off to you!!

    You're a good man and you have a good wife who helped you. This was a BIG project and you should be proud. Great job. Enjoy the fruits of this labor ans sit back for a while ( Before you start your next project) Jerry

  14. #14
    Yo Dennis,

    Cheryl says as she is looking over my shoulder, "I keep reading that the Peacock's are coming for a visit but I haven't seen hide nor hair of them yet". hint...hint...


  15. #15
    You both did a great job Terry. I like the windows, bet your bills will be greatly reduced!

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