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Thread: We Are An Official Non-Profit Organization

  1. #16
    Keith, I sent an email to the listed address and got no reply. Is there a way we could either have a copy of the declaration posted here or emailed to me? I am preparing for end of year stuff and I require the IRS page that certifies you as I do from all charities I give to. I can send a letter if that works better, just let me know.

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    Sure, I will take care of it tomorrow.

    Sorry about the email, I'm working my way down the list as fast as I can however with the fund drive underway my email and private messages are even busier than usual.


  3. #18
    No problem, I just wanted to get this done before it was too late.

  4. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Outten View Post

    Sure, I will take care of it tomorrow.

    Sorry about the email, I'm working my way down the list as fast as I can however with the fund drive underway my email and private messages are even busier than usual.


    Keith, I know you have been busy, just a friendly reminder that I am still patiently waiting.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    I have the document in hand but I'm not sure posting our ID numbers on the Internet is a good idea. We are a 501 (c) (3) certified organization per our letter from the Department of the Treasury / Internal Revenue Service dated June 13th, 2005. Contributions are deductableunder section 170 of the IRS code

    public charity status: 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi)

    Donations sent to us at the following address will receive a letter of confimation for the donors tax records. Please make all checks payable to Freedom Pens Project.

    Freedom Pens Project
    8770 Little England Rd.
    Hayes, VA 23072

    Let me know if you require any further information and thanks for your help acquiring donors for the Freedom Pens Project.


  6. #21
    No, it is okay to post, that Federal ID # is a matter of public record. You can PM it if you like and I can verify through their website. That will save you having to mail me a copy of the document. I have to keep track of where I donate and verify status, Even my church has to supply the proper documentation. The IRS requires you provide it upon request anyways....not that it was gonna be a problem. I know we are both busy and this got by me too.


  7. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Martinsville, Indiana

    I tried to locate Freedom Pens at the web page, but was unsuccessful using the name. Most charitable organizations are posted in Publication 78. However, if the you are not required to file any reports with the IRS, you may not be listed. The only other way to confirm you are an approved organization is a copy of you letter or for you to provide each contributor with a statement attesting to your validity. I would think posting a copy of your letter would be much easier. Mike is correct that the ID # is not protected information. However, if it would make you feel better, you can always redact your ID # from the copy you post. A contributor is not required to have the organization's ID to take a contribution deduction.

    However, in addition to a contributor confirming that the organization is a valid charitable organization, they must maintain proper substantiation of their contribution. they can go to the following web page for information regarding contributions.,00.html

    I hope you find this helpful.


  8. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    The IRS does not require us to file a report since our gross receipts are less than $25,000 which is probably why we don't show up in the listing. The funny thing is that we received more donations before we became a nonprofit organization that we did after we became nonprofit. Go figure!

    I do however, try to send out a letter to everyone who donates to Freedom Pens. The
    letter states that we are 501(c)(3) organization and that their donation is tax deductible. If there is anyone who has donated this year and has not received a letter for tax purposes, please send me your name and address and I will get a letter out to you.


  9. #24
    IRS is not known for speed when updating lists and sites. It may take a long while for FPP to show up on their site. That list is probably not a priority, even right now in what is generally the slowest time of their year for most departments.

    And Jackie is right. If the list is dependent on reports and they don't have to file one, it may take even longer.

    Additionally, that list might be for a certain aspect of the 501(c)(3) program. Many orgs receive a provisional or probationary status. Those might not be included in that database.

    Just some random thoughts from someone who has to deal with them now and again and who knows some of their ways of doing business.
    Dean Thomas

  10. #25
    I have received my cancelled check for the donation, but have not received a letter of acknowledgement.
    This is required by the IRS.

    Thank you,

    Larry Gottlieb

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    Your letter went out this past Friday.


  12. #27
    Ah Fritz.

    This is a Freedom Pen thread.

  13. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by FRITZ STOOP View Post
    Whatever! I'm new to this thing and already upset.
    Let's give it an "oops!"
    Maybe I'll just go build something!


    Thats what I'm doing. Building stuff. [If I can stay off of here ]

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