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Thread: Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments....

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Bedford County, Virginia
    • Had a HF almost completed on the lathe when I accidentally cut through the wall.
    • Said nasty things about the Midi Hollowmaster
    • Turned a HF vase and dang near cut through it too but caught it in time
    • Not to be deterred, chucked another blank and turned another HF, this time using a Multi-tip Hollowing Tool instead of that *%#@ Midi Hollowmaster
    • Admitted that I should have listened to Hoyt when he talked ugly about that *%#@ Hollowmaster
    • Swore that I'm gonna get a decent captive hollowing rig with a laser

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Burlington NC
    (After alot of cursing and swearing) managed to get the wireless internet DSL modem up and running on Fri. so the LOML and I can both do our schoolwork at the same time. Saterday was just a nice low-key day spent with the LOML. Met up with some NC woodworkers on Sunday at a lumber-fest no lumber but I did go to meet up with a fellow so I could take a used Delta planer off his hands I'll post a pic at a later time. It turned out the fellows that run the lumber mill knew my father-inlaw.
    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the very last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.

  3. #18
    Saturday turned an antler pen that has a crack in the antler so glued it and hung it for another day to finish, drilled through the side of a 2X2 blank for an oil wand kaleidoscope, drilled and turned and finished another blank for an oil wand kaleidoscope, hole to small for mirrors. Turned an acrylic pen and it went together nicely. Gave the pen to my niece that evening. Sunday, drilled another 2X2 blank for the same oil wand kaleidoscope I tried to build Saturday. Success (I thought) drilled, turned, finished, put in mirrors, needed to drill another 1/2 inch. Nicked through one spot, oh well, put together and is my first success (as small as it is) with an oil wand kaleidoscope. Quit for the day.

  4. #19
    1. Completed the assembly of the new table saw (SC 3HP)
    2. Waxed the cast iron
    3. Bought 8-3 wire at HD for a garage subpanel ( on recommendation from a sales associate )
    4. Ran the wire from the basement panel into the garage
    5. Got mad at the fact I only needed 8-2 for the panel (bye bye $30)
    6. Finished the panel up and hooked in my new table saw
    7. Stood in awe of the saw's power.
    8. Took delivery of 20 sheets of A-1 Oak plywood
    9. Took apart the home computer to send out the motherboard for warranty work ( USB controller is toasted )
    10. Watched the deer in the backyard for about 1.5 hours
    11. Cleaned the garage

    I think I am going to take tonight off.

  5. #20

    Smile Julie's Armoire nearly done

    I am getting close to finishing Julie's Armoire.
    It is the last piece in a bedroom set started over two years ago.
    I have learned a great deal from the project.
    As an example the drawer boxes for each piece are built with three different joints.

    Here are two recent images...
    IMG_2523.jpg IMG_2842.jpg IMG_2509.jpg

    Only work left is the finish.
    'Only', huh!

    If you'd like to review more images, and the other pieces...
    Last edited by George Matthews; 01-29-2007 at 2:12 PM.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Gambrills, MD - Near Annapolis
    George, that Armoire is beautiful! I like the lites on the top. Will those be open or have glass in there? I assume open, which should also help a lot with air flow.

    One question: are you going to cover that plywood back with something, or finish it as-is? I ask only because the grain on that detracts from the rest of this wonderful piece. Of course, you will be unlikely to see much of it with clothes hanging in there

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Darien, Ga
    Spent Sat & Sun for the most part hanging 25 sheets of 5/8's T1-11 on shop walls. Cutting in all those dedicated wall outlets for 23 circuits was a PITA. Since the boxes are set back 1/2 and the T1-11 is 5/8's I had to get good tight fitting holes. Plus had to cut sheets in 2ft sections to go all the way up to 10ft ceiling. Whew..........only 9 sheets to go!

    Will post pictures tonight.


  8. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brown
    George, that Armoire is beautiful! I like the lites on the top. Will those be open or have glass in there? I assume open, which should also help a lot with air flow.
    Open. There was talk of using a open 'screen' material, but there is a shelf there for a cable converter box and the remote control would/may have trouble.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brown
    One question: are you going to cover that plywood back with something, or finish it as-is? I ask only because the grain on that detracts from the rest of this wonderful piece. Of course, you will be unlikely to see much of it with clothes hanging in there
    It will be finished with dark mahogany. The doors will be closed most of the time.

    A TV will also block it until somone (in the future) decides to convert it by removing the TV and adding an optional shelf or as you say a closet.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    The LOML left me for a younger man ...............Well a "little man"...anyway...She had a 3 day weekend so she left Thursday evening and flew to Vancouver, WA to see our great grandson born Dec. 23, 2006. It was the 1st time she'd seen him.

    From Friday evening until Sunday noon.....I got humbled by a lesson in turning beads......wasted a lot of wood......learned a lot.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  10. #25
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Somerville, MA
    Well, most of the weekend was taken up with both wife and toddler being sick, but I did manage to get a final coat of USL on the backs of the cabinet doors. The first three coats had come out kind of bumpy, and this time I a) turned on my shop heater, b) hit them with some 320 sandpaper first, and c) tightened up the flow rate on the sprayer and went more slowly. End result, smooth as a baby's bum (not that I brought the baby down to compare).

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Gambrills, MD - Near Annapolis
    Excellent, George. I bet she'll like that.

    I didn't realize it was for a TV. That's a versatile design.


  12. #27
    Well, I posted earlier about the growling planer. Was milling, cutting and assembling 4 of these boxes from various left over pieces of Sycamore, Padauk, Cherry, Maple and Walnut. Got the first coat of Tung oil on last night. Will post final pics later in the week. I love the look of Sycamore grain.

    Then spent couple of hours fixing nail pops and painting portion of ceilings now that new roof is on house. Had to get primer to cover couple of water spots from leaks then apply paint. Saturday it was 60 here but Sunday high was maybe 40 so its back to heating up the shop, er garage....
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  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Blog Entries
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Becker
    I also split about a cord of wood thanks to having Fred Voorhees' splitter available to me as well as about another half cord for Robert Tarr with his assistance. Of course, that guarantees it will remain too warm to do much burning of the stove...

    That is not such a bad thing there Jim Especially when your main source of heat in your home is electric baseboard. Firewood can keep for a while, but money spent on the electric bill flies away and doesn't return!

    My weekend found me spending a nice amount of time in the shop continuing on the sideboard project, fabbing up shelving, fitting drawers and fabbing up the top. Getting close now. Also nailed an ongoing problem with the computer. It has been slow as molasses for a few months and has also been "jamming up" while cruising the internet. Had been getting a prompt telling me that the system voltage was low. Taking that cue, I replaced the internal battery and after spending a grand total of a few bucks on the battery, problem solved. A most happy camper! Sunday was more time in the shop before doing a little shopping with the missus for some items related to the new kitty addition (below) to the home. That makes three.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Fred Voorhees; 01-29-2007 at 6:53 PM.
    There's one in every crowd......and it's usually me!

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Rio Rancho, NM
    LOML spent all day Saturday and most of Sunday at Rick Levine's new workshop up in Santa Fe putting machines together and in place, running DC and air. Me? I goofed off, went shopping, slept, did laundry, and spent absolutely no time in the shop or in front of the lathe. I did get a batch of lasered name tags finished, but that was it. I needed a weekend of down time. Last night we cut dividers for the silverware drawers in the kitchen and got them installed - took about an hour on the computer and the laser to design and cut them. Cut them from 1/4" a 5-ply maple ply - no finish, just slipped them together and into the drawers. 'Bout time too--the kitchen was finished in 2003!

    Nancy Laird
    Owner - D&N Specialties, Rio Rancho, New Mexico
    Woodworker, turner, laser engraver; RETIRED!
    Lasers - ULS M-20 (20W) & M-360 (40W), Corel X4 and X3
    SMC is user supported.
    It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

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