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Thread: What is happening around here???

  1. Quote Originally Posted by Keith Outten
    I pulled the thread in question early this morning.

    Ken Salisbury already touched on most of my reasons for removing the Dust Collection thread but I would like to add that SawMill Creek isn't the proper place for managers of companies to resolve their differences. The violations of our TOS in this thread particularly our rule of not attacking another Member of our Community placed the thread in jeopardy from the beginning, the topic is important to all of us and it is unfortunate that the intent was not to share information about dust collection.

    Removing the thread instead of ending it is customary here, many disagree with this policy but we feel it doesn't serve our Community to leave these kinds of threads accessible, for the most part they set a bad example for others and would allow the violations to remain public possibly placing us a bad position legally.

    You are certainly allowed and encouraged to debate any woodworking subject here at SMC but it needs to be done the proper way. I think everyone knows exactly what I mean and everyone knows when a thread turns South it will be removed. When this happens it isn't the Moderators or Administrators fault, it is one or more of our Members who causes this to happen so place the blame where it lies.

    My first obligation is to protect our Community.

    Let me remind everyone that this is why we are here. Click on this link
    The ability to view this kind of craftsmanship and communicate with people this talented is what makes The Creek a friendly place to visit.

    Thanks for the explanation Keith.

    If I may, I will make a suggestions to the mods, this comes from being a former mod on a bike site. We pulled a lot of threads, but when we did, the thread did not just go "poof", instead, we erased the whole thread, but put up one post locking the thread, the post went something like this........

    "This thread got pulled, it is now gone, why, because some members posting on this thread could not mind their manners, and they violated the TOS, thus we had no other choice, but to pull it.
    -- the management"
    I know it is a tad more work, but I think it would be a better solution than just the "Poof" it's gone solution.

    Just relating my experiences, and offering a suggestion that could help.

    Last edited by Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan; 10-06-2006 at 10:44 AM.

  2. #32
    I read a lot, post a little. DC thread seem much more like political battles than actual exchanges of factual information. It seems folks want to believe someone rather than something. Then when the going gets tough, they look to defend the someone rather than actually look at facts and let them speak to the issue.

    I thought this was a place of civility, yet I see that is really a lie. The shame of folks interested in defending or attacking a person rather than getting and using factual information to settle an issue. Note I said issue, because people are not issues, people have issues. The issues are usually insignificant. However, people seem to make them so large and in the process themselves more important. And when other people join in their issues, they become even larger and harder to sift through to resolution.

    If we were to actually take an interest in knowing more about DC's, we would skip the personalities and begin with the facts. PROVABLE facts and repeatable. Not hearsay, not innuendo, not favorites. Ever get in your shop and try to turn on a personality to collect wood chips?

    Until then, continue into your political forays, but don't lie to yourself about what you are doing. Seek the truth or seek to cover your fragile and egotistical individual ID.

    I'll go back to reading.

    Admin Edit:
    Keith Outten
    Mike, SMC is a civilized place. Blaming our entire Community for the sins of a very few is a bit harsh. Our Staff work very hard to clean up these kinds of threads or remove them from public view when they become uncivilized.

  3. Quote Originally Posted by Alan Simpson
    I happen to completely disagree with that. The other party involved has been doing it for years. How do you propose the very companies he slanders fight back??? A mass mailing?

    I believe if you're going to let one party talk bad about another on a public forum, it's only right to let the other party respond. You can only take punches to the gut for so long before you have to do something about it...
    Alan, don't start it up again please.


  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    West Central Ohio
    Quote Originally Posted by Charles McCracken

    Since I try to stay out of controversial threads I don't know the background for this post. However, I take offense at your implication that company representatives only participate to promote their products. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, even if it is extremely cynical. Please be aware that there is nothing preventing the representatives of all of the woodworking machinery and tooling manufacturers from posting on this or any other forum. Perhaps instead of lashing out at those that are on the forum you should take aim at the ones who only lurk and never contribute.
    Wow!!!!!!!!! I stay out of the controversial issues, but guess I would have to ask how is a newbie suppose to learn if he does not utilize all or his resources (lurk)? I lurk many times a day, but do not feel that I have the professional talents it takes to answer the threads properly. I am also a contributor.
    I did not mean to hi-jack this thread Hans, just thought a reply to the above was needed.


  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
    Alan, don't start it up again please.

    Sorry Stu, wasn't my intention.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Modesto, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Hanger
    Wow!!!!!!!!! I stay out of the controversial issues, but guess I would have to ask how is a newbie suppose to learn if he does not utilize all or his resources (lurk)? I lurk many times a day, but do not feel that I have the professional talents it takes to answer the threads properly. I am also a contributor.
    I did not mean to hi-jack this thread Hans, just thought a reply to the above was needed.


    Chuck, I think that Charles was referring to company reps who lurk and don't respond, not regular folks. Charles is a good guy, he didn't mean anything toward you.
    Mark Rios

    Anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of.

    "All roads lead to a terrestrial planet finder telescope"

    We arrive at this the unswerving punctuality...of chance.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Huntsville, AL (The Sun and Fun Capital of The South)
    Quote Originally Posted by Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan

    "This thread got pulled, it is now gone, why, because some members posting on this thread could not mind their manners, and they violated the TOS, thus we had no other choice, but to pull it.
    -- the management"

    I will have to think about that - might even try it. Thanks
    "If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high - but so are the rewards" - - Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant
    Ken Salisbury Passed away on May 1st, 2008 and will forever be in our hearts.

  8. Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    I will have to think about that - might even try it. Thanks
    Great Ken, nice to think I helped the mods, as they do so much for the rest of us, keeping this place running.


  9. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    Stu, I also think your suggestion merits some thought. Perhaps it may make for more consideration before posting if there are reminders sprinkled throughout the thousands of threads that folks are expected to be civil and exhibiting a sense of community as they participate in the same. More work, but perhaps valuable. Thanks for the suggestion.

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  10. #40
    I had a great day yesterday visiting an old friend and trying out my new particle and mass gauges to test the airflow and particle levels in his shop.

    Upon getting home, well after my attorney's office closed I learned of this Robert Witter post. I wanted to contact my attorney to ensure my response did not open me up to a slander or libel suit from Oneida-Air. I emailed Keith asking permission to respond by first allowing him to review my response before it was posted. This morning I awoke to find that thread gone. For those who were so supportive, my thanks. For those I've offended, my apologies. For the SMC moderators who have a difficult job, my sincere appreciation.

    Last edited by Bill Pentz; 10-06-2006 at 12:11 PM.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    May 2004
    North Bend, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Pentz
    "I had a great day yesterday visiting an old friend and trying out my new particle and mass gauges to test the airflow and particle levels in his shop.

    Upon getting home, well after my attorney's office closed I learned of this Robert Witter post. I emailed Keith asking permission to respond by first allowing him to review my response before it was posted. This morning I awoke to find that thread gone. For those who were so supportive, my thanks. For those I've offended, my apologies. For the SMC moderators who have a difficult job, my sincere appreciation.

    Are you going to sue everyone who asks you to publish facts and studies? Should I be contacting my attorney?

    Nice edit Mr. Pentz by adding this sentence; "I wanted to contact my attorney to ensure my response did not open me up to a slander or libel suit from Oneida-Air.". I'll leave mine as is though.
    Last edited by Erik Rudd; 10-06-2006 at 12:47 PM.

  12. #42

    Mark is right that I meant no disrespect to those in general that lurk. I agree that it is the way many learn from the posts and you don't need to post to be a member of the community. My intent was to separate the company reps who contribute from those that do not. I apologize for not being more clear.
    Charles M
    Freud America, Inc.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Collin County Texas
    Erik, go back and read Bill's post, for Pete's sake.
    Best Regards, Ken

  14. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Garlock
    Erik, go back and read Bill's post, for Pete's sake.
    Relax Ken... Bill edited in "I wanted to contact my attorney to ensure my response did not open me up to a slander or libel suit from Oneida-Air. " well after Erik made his post.

    Why is everyone here so quick to jump all over people???

  15. #45
    Join Date
    May 2004
    North Bend, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Garlock
    Erik, go back and read Bill's post, for Pete's sake.
    A sentence was added after my post. Thanks for the benefit of the doubt.

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