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Thread: Blank Page Issue Is Intolerable - Let's Talk

  1. I too am with Tod on this one.

    I'll kick in whatever is needed, as I've saved a ton of money here with the good advice I get from many members.

    The one thing that you could do, that I think would be a good thing is to not allow "Guests" to view pictures, this would, hopefully save you a ton of bandwidth and give some of those guests out there a nudge to become members, it is just a thought.

    I'm on a bike forum that did just this, and our membership went way up, and the guests went down, and as people are now members, they don't seem to mind kicking is $5 a year to help the site (the bike site).

    Anyways, I hope the coffers overflow, and Keith, don't wait till the next problem to speak up, many of us very much value the time and effort that Jackie, Aaron and yourself put into this place, and will support it if asked.


  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Willamette Valley, OR

    Talking Paypal sent

    I'm happy to become a contributor. I've already received way more than the value of my donation in the wealth of knowledge I've gotten from all at the Creek - I learn something every day.
    Keith, thx for all your good efforts
    I want to encourage all members to become contributors. YOU KNOW this is one of the best places you visit on the web - and you probably check in just about every day. Come on - give it up.

  3. #33
    I also think anyone who has used the clasified section should step up and contribute. Particularly those who it seems to have joined just so the can sell stuff..

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    Quote Originally Posted by Don Baer
    I'm with Todd on this one, sponsership would mean censorship(is that a word?). I'll send some $$ this weekend when I return to California. I wanted to contribute last time but was unable too. Now with the California house sold I am in better shape. After all if I can contriute to getting Ken sucked into the vortex, I can certanly contribute to keep the log jams out of the creek.
    BTW've just added your name to my wife's list of people who got involved..........BE SCARED......BE VERY SCARED

    I'm in.........This place is so unlike the other WW websites I've been member of before! I have gained so much from this site .......information.....friendship.........I can't imagine the Creek not flowing! And like others I don't want to see advertising or my email address given to another wife wants to know who ALL is responsible for my Bomb!

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  5. #35
    mrs. fitzgerald the turning widow with a vandetta.........oh-oh

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Mpls, Minn
    Not sure, but as a newbie I didn't know that a donation was desired/appreciated, considering most (that I know of)forums are sponsored by advertising, the thought never came up, so maybe its just a case of informing people that a little taste now and then would be a good thing?

    Considering I've been both helped and met some pretty nice people, I'd be glad to send something....

    btw, who and where do I send it to?


  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Modesto, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Al Willits
    Not sure, but as a newbie I didn't know that a donation was desired/appreciated, considering most (that I know of)forums are sponsored by advertising, the thought never came up, so maybe its just a case of informing people that a little taste now and then would be a good thing?

    Considering I've been both helped and met some pretty nice people, I'd be glad to send something....

    btw, who and where do I send it to?


    Hi Al, To answer your question, just go to the otp of any page and to the left of the page, in the kinda darker blue header strip, is a "Donate" button. Click on it and you have two choices; One is to copy the email address "sales@north....." and use that at Paypal's site to donate through them. The second way is to just send a check to the physical address listed. Simple and, as Dino says, "EZ".
    Mark Rios

    Anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of.

    "All roads lead to a terrestrial planet finder telescope"

    We arrive at this the unswerving punctuality...of chance.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Mountain Home, Arkansas
    Quote Originally Posted by tod evans
    frank, i`ll continue to support the site as long as advertisers are forbidden, i won`t have my opinions edited by vendors or manufacturers, and quite a few of the vendor/manufacturers i don`t care for would be first in line with their checkbooks. there are plenty of other forums online who accept sponsors, i choose to refrain from chipping in my .02 on each-n-every one of them. i come to this forum as an old woodbutcher who`s been around the block a time or two, taken my licks, and choose to share some of my life experience with those who ask.
    again, i can only speak for myself if the majority decide they`d rather save 15-20 bucks a year and have advertisers then go right ahead i`ll crawl back under the bridge and mind my own business.....02 tod
    OK. Understand (potential) problem. Not sure it would translate into a real problem. Other forums I belong to some of the companies that take the hardest hits are strongest supporters. A company that earns criticizm (usually) learns from it an improves. One that would take the censorship routes, we don't need.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    London, Ont., Canada

    Other Funding options

    It would be nice if another method of donating could be found.

    Because really, the two choices only apply to Americans. Non-Americans really only have the paypal choice.

    For me to use the snail-mail address, I would have to fork out about $5 to get a US$ money order cut at my bank. In my experience, most US banks are NOT set up to deal with someone walking in with a checque drawn on a non-US bank.

    (In contrast, I can take a US$ checque to my local bank and they deposit it with no hiccups)

    Does anyone on SMC know of a way to accept credit card donations through an organization other than PayPal?
    (who despite the above letter, gave up and registered with Paypal so he could donate)

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Bedford County, Virginia
    This is something I've been meaning to do for some time. You know how it goes...we all have those "get a round tuit" lists. I got my round tuit; check's on the way.

    I think contributions need to continue to be voluntary. I don't mind being asked for a contribution when it's a tangible, measurable benefit as SMC is.

    Thank you for the time and effort you are willing to put in to make SMC rock and roll.

  11. #41

    Since joining SMC, I have always tried to support and abide by everything you good folks have done and this is no exception.

    Donation just sent by paypal and hope everyone here who has not done their part will consider doing the same.

  12. #42
    Every so often (is it once a year or more?) public radio has a fund rasing. The Creek is like PBS in many ways. Why not have a fund raising every now and again, rather than only when things get desperate. Any business should have sufficient funds in the bank to cover unforseen events.

    There are many ways to do fund raising, but I bet if you just posted a stickey with details of how to make the contribution, MANY people would respond. Just make sure you point out how to contribute - I know there's a "donate" button at the top of the page, but people miss it.

    I know that you ask people to contribute $6 - why not up to to $10? I doubt that the difference would reduce the number of contributors and people like "round numbers".

    And in addition to a contribution I want to add a really big "THANK YOU" for all your efforts in keeping the Creek going. Some of the money should be going to you to compensate you for all your work.


  13. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Modesto, CA
    I've decided to be very generous and donate all of my 1.6 cent refunds BACK to the Creek. There have been quite a few so they must add up to quite a bit. Keith and Jackie, just go ahead and keep the refunds. No problem.

    Just teasin'. More dough comin".
    Mark Rios

    Anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of.

    "All roads lead to a terrestrial planet finder telescope"

    We arrive at this the unswerving punctuality...of chance.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Mpls, Minn
    Is it possible to put a short little header in each main topic to remind people that a little donation is a good thing?


    I may regret this but....

    ps...whom do I make the check out to?
    Last edited by Al Willits; 06-23-2006 at 2:44 PM.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    In the foothills of the NM Sandia Mountains
    Allen, I agree with almost every word you said.
    With 8000+ members this shouldn't even be an issue!

    Every community needs support or it will die. It makes no difference if its online or a municipality.

    Keith, another donation sent via paypal.

    Keep SMC free from advertisers!
    Please help support the Creek.

    "The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for."
    Will Rogers

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