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Thread: A Message from the Ministry of Abysseration

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Benton Falls, Maine

    A Message from the Ministry of Abysseration

    To all citizens and tax paying residents of the Vortex:

    It has come to the attention of the staff here at MAHQ that there’s an individual who, for quite some time, has been causing a fair amount of ruckus with our fellow spinners. Normally this is an entirely acceptable practice; but in this instance the illegal alien is a devout and prolific non-spinner. As a matter if fact, we’re not even sure if the party in question has done any woodworking of any kind at all – ever!

    As such it was determined at our last Department Head meeting to get this sick and depraved individual to put up or shut up. Given that sick and depraved is an apt description, and one that applies to all of us as well, we feel that assimilation can be easily achieved and worthy of our attention.

    So……… Here we go again. But there’s a twist.

    The last time we did this it was all done in secret (well, semi secret anyway) and while it was a lot of fun and completely successful there were many who felt sad that they weren’t approached for a donation. So, whaddya say? Let’s do it in full view so everyone, who wants to, can participate.

    Ken Fitzgerald (head of Bonker Operations) joined my tenured department heads John Hart and John Miliunas; and then in a stroke of sheer brilliance we asked Tyler Howell to join us as a Special Consultant to our newly established Lathewear Department. Together, this formidable assemblage of talent has worked fastidiously over the last eleven minutes to devise what follows.

    Just like last time, we hope to raise enough funds from right here in the Turning Forum of Sawmill Creek to acquire a new lathe and various accessories to get this individual assimilated and started down into the depths of the Vortex that we all know so well.

    The thing is – we’re not going to tell you the identity of the object of our attention. You’ll have to rely on our Boy Scout’s honor and trust that we have “chosen wisely”. It is our intent to let speculation run rampant, wild, and public. So have it. My guess is that the odds makers in Las Vegas will be taking wagers shortly.

    Keith Outten has blessed this crusade, but has asked that:
    • we keep it to the Turning Forum
    • that we forgo the loud “signature games” from last winter
    • that we avoid referring to this as a bombing run or any variant of that sort
    • that we keep it to just this thread.
    Them’s the rules and I agree with them.

    Here’s how it works.

    To participate, send your donation via PayPal to me at Or, you can send cash or check (payable to me) to 35 Pines Road, Benton Falls, Maine 04901-3623. When your donation is received I’ll shoot you an acknowledgement that it arrived. But I will never divulge to anyone who did or did not participate, or in what amount. This way, everyone is a donor. This goes for you lurkers out there – we want to hear from you too!

    The goal is to let the fund drive run for a couple of weeks and then arrange for delivery towards the end of June. Naturally, we won’t know what we’ll be purchasing until we see what kind of response we get.

    That’s it for now. My hope is that my department heads will chime in shortly to support what I’ve said and add their own two cent’s worth.

    One last word. This is not charity. This is fun.

    Thanks, Andy
    Only the Blue Roads

  2. #2
    Sounds Like fun again
    Count me in!
    Have Chainsaw- Will Travel

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    It is our intention to keep everyone in suspense by keeping the recipient unnamed until he or she has been abysserated! But take my word on THIS....This individual deserves everything they are going to get and more! And.......I will insure they'll get more!..........even if it's just bonker #2! One way to stop the harrassment is to get them into the vortex! Once in the vortex you see the error of your ways and make ammendments! Ask Me How I Know This!

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Grand Marais, MN. A transplant from Minneapolis
    I did not-have-turning-relations-with-that-machine.
    I was forced against my will .
    You just want to hook another poor flat head on spin crack!
    But it is kinda fun to watch them squirm
    Go for for it, spike another one .
    Live Like You Mean It.

  5. #5
    Oooo yea, I'm in!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Goodland, Kansas
    You betcha I am in.

    Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.

    To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Just outside of Spring Green, Wisconsin

    Thumbs up Let's get 'em!!!

    You know, as much fun as it is to see the reaction(s) on the part of the recipient, it's darn-near as much fun watching the others squirm, for fear of the Abyss!!!

    The last "raid" was pretty much "under the radar", but yet, very successful. Let's do this one up right, guys & gals!!!

    We're very, very hopeful that the folks not included in the last go-around will pitch in and make this an even to be remembered! Remember, we are all a community here and sharing is what makes SMC so very special! I'd like to thank you, in advance, for your support and donations!
    John K. Miliunas

    Cannot find REALITY.SYS. Universe halted.
    60 grit is a turning tool, ain't it?
    SMC is totally supported by volunteers and your generosity! Please help if you can!
    Looking for something for nothing? Check here!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Buse Township, MN
    What you did to "poor" Ken pushed me from lurker to member and convinced me to buy a lathe - so I'm in!
    Officially Retired!!!!!!!! Woo-Hoo!!!

    1,036 miles NW of Keith Burns

  9. Interesting idea.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Knoxville TN.
    Count Me In

    No Pain-No Gain- Not!
    No Pain-Good

  11. #11
    Yup...count me in too!! Oh...I'm already in. 'Course...just for the record, I'm going to keep an eye on that Hoyt guy....Mr. "Send me all the money". I hear he has a compulsive attraction to large quantities of ice cream.
    "There's nothing wrong with Quiet" ` Jeremiah Johnson

  12. OK, I'm in too.

    This place has kept me entertained and has caused me to sell one of my much loved motorcycles to upgrade the habit.....

    This will be fun to watch

    BTW, I would ask that you guys go over to the other forums and announce this there as well as here, I do not wish for the turners to be accused of being exclusionary in any way.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Just outside of Spring Green, Wisconsin
    Quote Originally Posted by Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan

    BTW, I would ask that you guys go over to the other forums and announce this there as well as here, I do not wish for the turners to be accused of being exclusionary in any way.

    Stu, great idea but, I'll leave it up to our CEO to make that decision. Reason being, we caught a fair amount of slack the last time when a "bombing" post appeared on the General forum. Most recently, yours truly was chastised for "cross posting" when I made the announcement for the turning blank exchange on the other forums, just as a courtesy. Lastly, our benevolent sponsor and CEO of SMC has requested we restrict this effort to the Turner's Forum. Besides, the members on the rest of the forums aren't nearly as whacked as we are over here and wouldn't understand. (Little subliminal challenge there!!!) So, I think this drive will most probably be limited to "our home"!
    John K. Miliunas

    Cannot find REALITY.SYS. Universe halted.
    60 grit is a turning tool, ain't it?
    SMC is totally supported by volunteers and your generosity! Please help if you can!
    Looking for something for nothing? Check here!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Lakeport NY (Syracuse area)

    some of us flatworkers...

    Do read posts in the turning forum yaknow.... I'm in (or will be in a few days, look in your mailbox andy)


  15. Quote Originally Posted by John Miliunas
    Stu, great idea but, I'll leave it up to our CEO to make that decision. Reason being, we caught a fair amount of slack the last time when a "bombing" post appeared on the General forum. Most recently, yours truly was chastised for "cross posting" when I made the announcement for the turning blank exchange on the other forums, just as a courtesy. Lastly, our benevolent sponsor and CEO of SMC has requested we restrict this effort to the Turner's Forum. Besides, the members on the rest of the forums aren't nearly as whacked as we are over here and wouldn't understand. (Little subliminal challenge there!!!) So, I think this drive will most probably be limited to "our home"!
    OK John, but just let the record reflect that I requested a cross posting.

    After the crap I took over at the Neander forum for suggesting a "Neander Only" give away was not a very "SMC Like" way to do things, I'm just in CYA mode.


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