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Thread: A Design Problem

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Protractor measures out to 63 degrees..
    Linen Closet, sunday work, 63 degrees.jpg
    Which means the Mitre Box was set to 27 degrees....Cardio workouts involved both the Mitre Box & saw, and...
    Linen Closet, sunday work, Cardio Work out.jpg
    The Disston D8 Rip saw...then a bit of cleaning up..
    Linen Closet, sunday work, cleaned up.jpg
    To get things nice and leveled out...

    Both the top and bottom rails are half lapped....time to make some grooves, next..
    Tested things out on a middle Stile..
    Linen Closet, sunday work, first grooves.jpg
    Vintage SKIL Router Table, with a Vintage B&D Router..
    Linen Closet, sunday work, B&D Router.jpg
    Back when they were all metal. Needed to mark start and stop lines, and add a second fence..
    Linen Closet, sunday work, start here.jpg
    As I don't want the grooves to run all the way through..
    Linen Closet, sunday work, Rails grooved.jpg

    Still have to mill the 2 Long Stiles...but, not anymore, today...
    Stay tuned...
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Yes, the photo is too fuzzy...but was taken before I could get the camera onto the tripod..
    Linen Closet, door build, frame dry fit.jpg
    I though I could try a dry fit of the frame...and see how things were going to fit together....some did, some did NOT..
    Linen Closet, Door build, new parts made.jpg
    Mainly the center styles were to narrow, and the middle rail was too wide...Saved the middle rail for the next door...and re-made one that did fit...saved to 2 stile parts ( for a later Box Project) and cut 2 new stile parts....

    16 Raised Panels....and all need a rebate all the way around...Could have used a plane, IF I wanted to change out the nickers for end grain to Long grain and back again..or, set up a second plane...however, wanted to get the rebates cuts..
    Linen Closet, Door build, First cuts, rebates.jpg
    Blade height at 3/8"....width at 1/4".....second cuts..
    Linen Closet, Door build, rebates done.jpg
    Reset the fence and blade height, and remove the waste...set aside 4 of the 16...
    Linen Closet, Door build, 4 panels.jpg

    New parts needed bead work done, so..
    Linen Closet, Door build, More beads.jpg
    About 8 full length passes per edge...6 edges done...

    The router table came back stop and start marks made....Long stiles now have their groove thing going
    Linen Closet, Door build, quitting time.jpg
    Was already at the 90 minute mark ( on a Monday?) so I decided to stop here, for the day....

    Will see about the rest of the grooves, later today....then start on that Mortise & Tenon thing
    Linen Closet, Bead work, meeting a rail.jpg
    Not really a "Cope & Stick" joint...1/4" tenon goes into a mortise...bead work gets mitered..
    Stay tuned...would like to get this door glued up by Thursday? We'll see....

    Then start up Door #2?
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    So....later today, when Mr. Gumption and Mr. Motivation get me up and headed for the shop...and remind me to take the camera along...I might get a bit of work'll see..
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    So....Last of the grooves are done, for now...
    Linen Closet, Door build, quitting time.jpg
    Rail & Stiles need a 1/4" tenon milled..
    Linen Closet, Tues. Work, Tenons milled.jpg
    Yes, just a 1/4" other spots will re-inforce the joints.....6 tenons
    Linen Closet, Tues. Work, Tenons cut.jpg
    A miter was match up the bead work, when it goes around any corner...

    Lay out for the rail to meet up with the Stile...
    Linen Closet, Tues. Work, Mortise laid out.jpg
    Easiest way, was to make this cut on the bandsaw...then the Stanley No. 77 Mortise Gauge can lay out the Mortise to be chopped out..
    Linen Closet, Tues. Work, almost there.jpg
    Narex Mortise chisel to do the chopping, Mallet is from WalMart, "HyperTough"....
    second dry fit..
    Linen Closet, Tues.Work, test fit 1.jpg
    One joint done..only 5 more to do....Before I can add the "Glue & Cauls & Clamps"...Then start on Door #2....out of 4...

    Mortises will get 2 Brass pins, after the glue-up...Parts will all be cleaned up, and smoothed down, BEFORE the glue up can happen...
    Stay tuned...
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    have fitted 2 more of the...halfway there...maybe tomorrow, I can get the other 3 done...have to go and edit a few photos...Film @ 2300 hrs..
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Lay out..
    Linen Closet, M&T Work, cut laid out.jpg
    Then Bandsawn..
    Linen Closet, M&T Work, after the bandsaw.jpg
    Then the No. 77...
    Linen Closet, M&T Work, No. 77 Gauge.jpg
    Trace the lines with a pencil..
    Linen Closet, M&T Work, marked up.jpg
    So I can see where to chop, better...Chisel?
    Linen Closet, M&T Work, Mortise Chisel.jpg
    Checked for square..
    Linen Closet, M&T Work, checked for square.jpg
    Square is sitting in the grooves, BTW...
    Linen Closet, M&T Work, 2 stiles done.jpg
    Middle rail is fitted to the outside Stiles....

    Got 3 out of 6 M&T Joints done...maybe tomorrow, I can get the other 3 done...we'll see

    Stay tuned..
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    I just MIGHT try the shop, in a little bit..

    Yesterday, I was fighting Brown Recluse Spiders that kept charging right at my feet.( Bad move #1) although, one decided to skitter across the top of my bench, in "protest" of me banging on a Mortise chisel ( bad move #2, as I had the mallet in my hand)

    About 10 minutes ago...had another one go zipping across my computer desk...Trip to Lowes today, to buy a can of Spider Killer Spray...

    One of the mortises in the middle rail was also done, yesterday ( between stomping on the floor)..
    Linen Closet, M&T Work, NEXT.jpg
    When the "last" spider decided to "Critique" my work....

    We'll see how things go, today...BTW...I also have Laundry Detail, today...
    Stay tuned..
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Have one more mortise to do, tomorrow...decided to skip the Laundry Detail....too many cramps going on..
    Raised Panels needed some fine tuning work..
    Linen Closet, Panel cleaning, needed thinned.jpg
    Rebates were a tad too fat...we have ways...Craftsman #3720 to lower the long grain sides...Ward's Master #78 to do the end grain..
    Linen Closet, Panel cleaning, perfect fit.jpg
    Test fit as I went around all 4 edges...of all 4 (for now, anyway) Raised Panels...

    Linen Closet, Panel cleaning, smooth the rough down.jpg
    Inside faces were still rough sawn...not anymore...Stanley No. 3 took care of that..
    Linen Closet, Panel cleaning, show face smoothed.jpg
    Same with the "Show Face"...that center strip was still rough sawn...planed that smooth, and smoothed out any saw marks on the beveled areas..
    Linen Closet, Panel cleaning, Part about done.jpg
    If I can get that last mortise chopped out...I just MIGHT be close to gluing this first door up....should be a bit of "fun"...might be a bit of cussing involved, too...

    Stay tuned..
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

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