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Thread: Adventures in Pine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio

    Adventures in Pine

    So...I have a few leftover bits of wood to make SOMETHING out of...
    Adventures in Pine, available for work.jpg
    So..maybe a case to store a couple fancy planes in?
    Adventures in Pine, needs a case built.jpg
    Like maybe a Union No. 41? Or, a Stanley No. 66?

    It is what it is..I have a stash of almost clear Pine 1 x 4s scraps...and will see IF I can cobble something up....using mainly hand tools IF I can...Tablesaw , IF it will help things doing kerf cuts..
    Adventures in Pine, kerfs made, knots removed.jpg
    About 1/2" or so deep...all the way around... a few boards to the same exact width..

    Other wise..all by hand...the kerfs?
    Adventures in Pine, resaw complete.jpg
    Are to guide a D8 rip saw...28" blade, 5-1/2 ppi...Thumbhole...Made BEFORE Disston added the hyphen in the model number..
    Adventures in Pine, BIG teeth.jpg
    So..why the resaw work...other than a good Cardio Work out? Boards are 3/4" thick, and bit too fat for use in making a small, I am trying to work with 3/8" thick stock...

    So..if anyone wants to follow along...Stay tuned...( got a 3 day head start, though....might take a few episodes to get caught up)
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  2. #2
    Doing a good job with the resawing! A lot of people say the thumbhole is pretty, but useless. But I bet those people don't resaw by hand, because that thumbhole makes a HUGE difference for me!

    I don't know what kind of pine that is, but I know some pine woods, like SYP, are very low in tannic acid, which makes them great for storing steel tools in, especially if you leave the surfaces in contact with the wood uncoated so they are free to absorb any moisture. It's a much better choice than something like oak which will rust a tool (or nail) pretty quickly.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Had to clean up a few places..
    Adventures in Pine, leveled up.jpg
    Mitersaw to cut for lengths..
    Adventures in Pine, 2 fer sides.jpg
    A pair at a that both match each other..
    Adventures in Pine, cut-offs.jpg
    As some didn't quite match up...thought I had the length figured out for the ends..
    Adventures in Pine, Resaws, sides.jpg
    Except the horn on the Union No. 41 stuck up a bit more than I thought...resaw another couple pieces..
    Adventures in Pine, Drifted a bit.jpg
    Disston D8 wanted to wander a bit...we have ways....
    Adventures in Pine, Day 2, Leveling saw marks.jpg

    Seems the 4 blanks were a tad too, tablesaw to rip all 4 to the same width..and a plane to joint the saw marks..
    Adventures in Pine, Day 2, matching widths.jpg
    So that they all match for width...

    Lay out a few other tools..
    Adventures in Pine, Day 2, today's tool kit.jpg
    And get set up for Box/finger joint hand...

    Stay tuned..
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Ok..marking gauge first?
    Adventures in Pine, Day 2, base line marked.jpg
    Then the knife and 4" Stanley square to knife the "baseline"

    Then the 3/16" wide chisel to lay out the spacings..
    Adventures in Pine, Day 2, laid out.jpg
    And a combo square to carry the marks over...
    then a saw gets to do a bit of work..
    Adventures in Pine, Day 2, Saw work.jpg

    Then the same chisel that did the layouts..
    Adventures in Pine, Day 2, show side.jpg
    Chopped about 1/2 way down into the "Show side", to prevent any blowouts..when I finish the chopping from the inside face..
    Adventures in Pine,Day 2, first fingers done.jpg
    Then stand this up onto the long side..make sure the "IN" are facing each other..
    Adventures in Pine, Day 2, ready to trace.jpg
    I take a freshly sharpened #2 pencil. and trace around each "finger'.....then saw on the waste side of each line...chop from both faces, a dry fit..
    Adventures in Pine, Day 2, dry fit 1.jpg
    Then repeat for the next 2 corners..for now..
    Adventures in Pine, Day 2, save for tomorrow.jpg
    IF and when things cool down IN the shop..I come back and finish corner number 4...

    Hand made Box/ Finger Joints..easy as can be..about 15 minutes per corner..but, I was being a bit lazy from the heat..

    Stay tuned..
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  5. #5
    Yeah, this heat is rough. I'll often weigh whether the cooling effects from the fan aren't offset by the increased cleanup of it blowing sawdust and shavings everywhere. I guess it depends on how much work I'm doing. And then there's the blisters I get from working with sweaty hands. So it it worth wearing gloves to avoid the blisters?

    I can handle the extreme heat pretty well once we've hit late July and my body has had time to adapt. But the first heat wave of the year is always hard on me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Box fan sitting on the washing machine right behind me...helps a bit...

    Ok Start of corner #4..
    Adventures in Pine, Tues., corner #4 started.jpg
    25 minutes later...
    Adventures in Pine, Tues., corner #4 done.jpg
    Dry fit all 4 corners..
    Adventures in Pine, Tues., final dry fit.jpg
    Then make up a supply of cauls and spacers..
    Adventures in Pine, Tues., cauls getting ready.jpg
    Spacers stand up..and are to prevent any bowing in when the long sides are getting clamped up..
    Adventures in Pine, Tues., pull until square.jpg
    A diagonal clamp to pull until the Stanley Square says "STOP"!...
    Adventures in Pine, Tues., it's square here.jpg
    Double check at each corner..let this sit a day...

    Box Fan?
    Adventures in Pine, Day 2, New Shop Fan.jpg
    Just about shoulder height, for me...usually set on LOW speed..
    Stay tuned..those clamps came off this morning....
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    12,349 like object is out of the clamps..
    Adventures in Pine,WEDS., side view.jpg
    And not looking all that bad..
    Adventures in Pine, WEDS., other end view.jpg
    some of the fingers needed sanded smooth..Checked to see IF the plane has enough room..
    Adventures in Pine, WEDS., plenty of room.jpg
    Seems to be enough room in there...

    later, either tonight, or in the morning...I need to make a large batch of "Slips" and miter their corners, and clamp them in place...let that set up a while...and then saw the lid section free with a back saw...then glue in 1/4" plywood panels onto the slips. Maybe glue in a couple "rests" for the Union No. 41 to sit on..and not rattle around in the box..

    Almost done..stay tuned..
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    These..are called "Slips"
    Adventures in Pine, Slips, wood supply.jpg
    They will need to be mitered on each end..
    Adventures in Pine, Slips, Cordless Mitersaw.jpg
    And glued into place..
    Adventures in Pine, Slips, 1st set done.jpg

    Later, after this saw cuts the lid section off of the box..
    Disston Panel Saw, 11 ppi, 22 inch length.jpg
    I will cut a 1/4" thick plywood panel to for the bottom of the box, and one for the lid's panel..and glue those onto the slips...

    Need to let this sit a day or so..
    Adventures in Pine, Slips, all glued up.jpg
    Stay tuned...( "Hey! Yer slip's showing!")
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Clean and level the edges..
    Adventures in Pine, Lid Work, level up.jpg
    Decide which looked best for the top of the case..
    Adventures in Pine, Lid Work, making a beaded edge.jpg
    Run the Stanley No. 66 to make a bead all the way around...and something for a saw to follow, hopefully..
    Adventures in Pine, Lid Work, stay in the groove.jpg
    Cut the corners first..
    Adventures in Pine, Lid Work, cutting corners.jpg
    Until they are connected..then saw the long sides to connect the corners..
    Adventures in Pine, Lid Work, sawn through.jpg

    Then mark out and cut 2 plywood panels to fit...plane as needed...then cauls and clamps to push the panels down into the bed of glue..first the lid...
    Adventures in Pine, Lid Work, glued up.jpg
    And then the box..
    Adventures in Pine, Lid Work. bottom glued up.jpg
    Let these 2 sit until tomorrow...match the lid to the box, add some hardware...and fit out the inside to better hold the plane...

    Then a coat of Witch's Brew..then a coat or 3 of Amber shellac...and see IF the branding iron work better, this time around..

    Stay tuned...
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Trying to get this one done, before Monday gets here...
    Adventures in Pine, Lid Work, blocking installed.jpg
    Blocking for the prevent things from rattling around...
    Adventures in Pine, Lid Work, Hinges installed.jpg
    used a lot of those tools, to match the lid to the box...then install the hinges..
    Adventures in Pine, Lid Work, tool kit.jpg
    Then check for a latch...
    Adventures in Pine,Lid Work, latch installed.jpg
    And install the latch...just needs a coat of Witch's Brew ( and I need a brush or 3) followed by a coat or 2 of Amber Shellac...and maybe a branding iron session?

    About done..stay tuned..
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    A final sanding today..then a coat of Witch's Brew Stain...which was then wiped down..
    Adventures in Pine, Finish line, Witch's Brew.jpg
    Currently waiting a coat of Amber Shellac to dry fully, before I rub it down...
    Adventures in Pine, Finish line, rubbing out stuff.jpg
    With 0000 steel wool....and decide IF a shop tool case will need a second coat of shellac...
    Stay tuned..
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    And....with the Amber Shellac rubbed down...
    Adventures in Pine, Finish line, shellac done.jpg
    I think that will do..

    Thanks for looking in!
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

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