I repair the machines, I don't use them.I work with wood and metal, not rock. I checked one of the wife's 6" trim saws, it uses a 1725 motor 1to1. Just a quarter horse. This one uses mineral oil for coolant and lube. Her other one is for opals. The colour in opals is in contained water, so any heat would be a great problem, it would ruin the stone. They make your material seem like chicken feed. This 6" trim saw has even finer blade and uses water. The saw bases are filled with oil or water and the blades run in it. It is not quick. We paid around a hundred for the used saw, about that much for the blade, and we had a 1/4hp kicking around. I mounted them to a plywood base, added a guard and switch, and one of those lamps on an arm. A magnifying one would be deluxe. . The larger 10" trim saws also slab the stone. They have clamps for holding the stone for cutting. You could easily work something like that out in wood.

I joke I'm so cheap my wife has to make her own jewelry . She also does silversmithing.