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Thread: So who fixes large power tools if the manufacturer won't?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    Hi Alan, I would ask machinery vendors in your area if they have Techs or know of independent Techs who could do work for you.

    I have done work for Felder customers, directly for the customer for work Felder would not do, such as work on machines that didn’t have a valid approval.

    The customers paid and interacted with me personally, not through Felder.

    The customers were happy to have their machine repaired, as they couldn’t do it themselves.

    A couple of instances were modifying unapproved machines so they could pass a field inspection so they could be sold.

    I’m sure you’ll be able to find a Tech in your area.

    Regards, Rod

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Holcombe View Post
    I’m writing in generalities, but referring mainly to machinery built for industry. The stuff produced by manufacturers like Northfeild, Porter, Yates, Whitney, Wadkin, Robinson, Martin, Marunaka, etc. Very heavy, built to last and be maintained.

    I see the comparison first hand with shops near me who have equipment from the typical hobby shop places. Once you start using it all the time, it breaks and comes out of adjustment.

    I don’t think this has anything to do with romanticizing a time period, it’s from experience of using this equipment and noticing.

    Light gauge weldments are cheaper to build and ship, they look cool and modern, but the resulting machine is louder, flimsier and does not hold up as well.
    Exactly what I was trying to say.
    I've seen newer tools quit supporting and offering parts after a very short time, rendering the machine useless. It seems we have to have a new model every five years, instead of a model that stands up for twenty.

    I wish the OP luck in his search for an machine mechanic that suits his needs.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    The old pueblo in el norte.
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Weber View Post
    Exactly what I was trying to say.
    It seems we have to have a new model every five years, instead of a model that stands up for twenty.
    I can tell people who don't work in a manufacturing, or product development, industry.

    Nothing to sell, and you got no company. This isn't planned obsolescence, it's just capitalism.

    happy in my mud hut

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Inkerman, Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by mike stenson View Post
    planned obsolescence, capitalism.
    Same thing!

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by mike stenson View Post
    I can tell people who don't work in a manufacturing, or product development, industry.

    Nothing to sell, and you got no company. This isn't planned obsolescence, it's just capitalism.
    I believe that planned obsolescence was created by capitalists so they could keep making profits instead of a quality product that consumers would prefer. Why do you think the automotive industry changes body styles every year? The new bodies aren't better, just something for consumers to chase.
    Confidence: The feeling you experience before you fully understand the situation

  6. #36
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    No, I suspect they’re trying to meet a price point all while packing in technology that is desired at the sacrifice of durability in the long run to meet that price point in the typical situation. This makes a machine more prone to failure but satisfies the market at a given price point.

    Some companies advance the technology incorporated in the item while maintaining the highest durability and heft, those companies are certainly fewer and they offer their work a price point beyond the typical consumer. They’re also typically smaller companies which likely weight the cost of foundational change differently.

    I can point to Omga and Hofmann as two top of mind examples. I think every manufacturing company out there weights the value of their reputation against the temptation to make a perpetual revenue stream in the knowledge that it does not arrive without obvious cost of people choosing to abandon their product.
    Last edited by Brian Holcombe; 04-10-2024 at 11:19 AM.
    Bumbling forward into the unknown.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by mike stenson View Post
    I can tell people who don't work in a manufacturing, or product development, industry.

    Nothing to sell, and you got no company. This isn't planned obsolescence, it's just capitalism.
    Two schools of thought here.
    1. Sell to the people you can, ONE good, quality product every 20 years or so.
    2. Sell to as many people as you can, a lower quality product at a discounted price, every couple of years.

    1. creates loyal customers, who will often buy more from that company and stay loyal to them over the years.
    2. creates captive customers, who will just buy the same item every new cycle but have no loyalty and can often stray to a competing brand.

    I believe (naively) that products should sell themselves, not need to be sold.
    I'm under no delusions of how manufacturing works, you're talking about marketing and product placement.

    There is a planned obsolescence inherent in the design, based on lots of statistics gathered over the years.
    If people don't hold on to their machines for 20 years, why should we make them last 30?

    Most tools are built for their intended market, hobbyist tools don't need to be as robust since they won't be used for as many hours as a professional level machine. Unfortunately, there is a large price gap in between the two.

    Many older machines were arguably (over-built), lasting far beyond the normal serviceable life. Today's machines are not built that way, they often meet expectations but rarely exceed them.


  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Tampa Bay, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by Rod Sheridan View Post
    Hi Alan, I would ask machinery vendors in your area if they have Techs or know of independent Techs who could do work for you.

    I have done work for Felder customers, directly for the customer for work Felder would not do, such as work on machines that didn’t have a valid approval.

    The customers paid and interacted with me personally, not through Felder.

    The customers were happy to have their machine repaired, as they couldn’t do it themselves.

    A couple of instances were modifying unapproved machines so they could pass a field inspection so they could be sold.

    I’m sure you’ll be able to find a Tech in your area.

    Regards, Rod
    Fortunately, brute force (and more helpfully penetrating lubricant) solved the problem and all is well now, although I had to whack on the platen despite significant amount of dry teflon lubrication to get it back in.

    So I'm okay for now, but think this scenario may repeat in the future. Although, will spray lubricant in there first.

    Interesting suggestion, though. I will keep that in mind for my other machines in the future.
    Last edited by Alan Lightstone; 04-11-2024 at 9:08 AM.
    - After I ask a stranger if I can pet their dog and they say yes, I like to respond, "I'll keep that in mind" and walk off
    - It's above my pay grade. Mongo only pawn in game of life.

  9. #39
    If you never use the platen, why not just leave it out? Did you repair it? If you do intend to use it, it might be wise to carefully ease the fit of the sliding parts so you can remove it when needed without a struggle.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Jenness View Post
    If you never use the platen, why not just leave it out? Did you repair it? If you do intend to use it, it might be wise to carefully ease the fit of the sliding parts so you can remove it when needed without a struggle.
    I thought about that, and maybe should have done it. I wondered if it would be ok to run the wide-belt without it installed.

    I'm really not sure how I could ease the sliding parts (steel, sliding dovetail on the platen). Don't really have the metal working equipment here.

    I'm probably okay unless the graphite pad rips again. In that case, same story as earlier this week, but with lubricant.
    - After I ask a stranger if I can pet their dog and they say yes, I like to respond, "I'll keep that in mind" and walk off
    - It's above my pay grade. Mongo only pawn in game of life.

  11. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan Lightstone View Post
    I thought about that, and maybe should have done it. I wondered if it would be ok to run the wide-belt without it installed.

    I'm really not sure how I could ease the sliding parts (steel, sliding dovetail on the platen). Don't really have the metal working equipment here.

    I'm probably okay unless the graphite pad rips again. In that case, same story as earlier this week, but with lubricant.
    It won't hurt anything to leave it out. I would use a shaped sanding block to ease the fit. As long as it's in there why not try it out? It's designed to smooth out the scratch pattern; the only downside is it can dub over the edges slightly.

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    Alan, even though you seem to have solved the issue at this point, it might still be an interesting and good exercise to find out if there are any independent resource in your geography that you could go to in the future. "Stuff happens", as it were...

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

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