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Thread: Arm R Seal semi gloss advice

  1. #1

    Arm R Seal semi gloss advice

    I’ve got 3 or coats on top and middle shelf and 6 coats on the vertical sides.

    How do I apply the last coat? Been using a sponge pad. I’ve been sanding lightly with 400 between coats.

    Will this level and dry even on the final coat?

    My garage is cold so I warmed up the table in the sun and applied finish in the garage. Kept the door up and my luck it’s a windy day, little nubs all on top. So I’ll likely l have 2 more coats now.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    That's a cool looking bench, Patrick. What is it, Sapele and bloodwood? Or maybe African mahogany.

    I use a blue paper towel to apply the last coats of ARS. It levels and dries evenly if you get it on reasonably evenly and the RH is high enough so there is enough time for it to flow out. The key for me is to put enough on the shop towel so that you can apply finish from one end to the other. Do two or three rows and then go back once to address any issues. After that it's best to just leave it be, because if you keep working it you are likely to leave streaks as it begins to set up. Once you've done two or three rows, do the next set, etc, until you are done. And it's sort of obvious, but I'll say it anyway, start at the far side and work your way back to the side you are standing on. On really wide tabletops you have to start in the middle and work your way to each side, alternating as you go. At least that's what works best for me. A large applicator may be a better choice on wide and long surfaces, however, like a floor applicator.

    If you need more time for it to flow out, you can either dilute it some with mineral spirits, 10 - 25%, or you can apply a heavier coat, or a combination of both.


  3. #3
    Hey John, yeah, it's sapele and I think paduak, not really sure on the center strip. It was in my pile. I wanted a 13" piece of 8/4 sapele that was 12ft long so I could do my first mitered waterfall edge. Didn't have it so I planed and joined pieces of sapele and added the padauk for color.

    I thinned the Arm R Seal a little and did what I hope is my last coat. I did a light coat and just resisted wiping after, hoping it will level. If not I can send and do another but I think it will be my last.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Houston, Texas area
    I normally use satin Arm-R-Seal but this technique may still help.

    For you final coat: do a VERY light scuff sand, clean up the wood, stir the can well, stick in a blue shop towel or cotton cloth, WRING OUT the cloth so it is barely damp then wipe on a very thin coat while observing with raking light to ensure full coverage.

    This thin coat will dry to touch in 10-15 minutes, reducing the chance to get dust nibs.

    I can't remember where this tip came from, possibly Jeff Jewitt.
    Mark McFarlane

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