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Thread: house wife question

  1. #1

    house wife question

    past ive used the saran wrap stuff things in teh fridge but switched to pyrex and much better. Using this chunk of cheese the neighbours gave me as an example do you still need to wrap the cheese in the pyrex or can you skip it. Logic thought is there is still air all around the cheese does it not have an affect even if the container is sealed.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    NE OH
    Not a house wife, but I play one fairly often!

    We got tired of throwing out badly molded cheese so we have been using these methods:

    When we have brick cheese that we won't use up quickly, I divide it into portions, seal them with a vacuum food sealer, and throw them in the freezer. It lasts a long time that way and most cheeses freeze nicely with no ill affect.

    For sliced cheese, we transfer the slices into a ziplock, with the slices separated by parchment paper, and throw that into the freezer. That way you can take out a slice or two as needed. They defrost very quickly and when you're making something like grilled cheese, the cold slices work better because they don't melt as quickly, and the bread has time to get golden brown.
    --I had my patience tested. I'm negative--

  3. #3
    I cold smoke aged cheddar and then vacuum pack it. I've kept it in the fridge (not the freezer) for up to a year with no spoilage. The time in the fridge seems to enhance the flavor, the longer the better. I have no scientific reason for the improvment, just my tastebuds saying so.

  4. #4
    focus not cheese it could be half an orange question is air in container not wrapped in saran if its bad then might as well just use the saran., Trying to understand air around the item verses wrapped whatever the item is.

    im not a house wife either as is clear by now

  5. #5
    The mold spores are all around us. I expect the cheese has mold spores on it almost as soon as you open the package, and even before you open the package. So, whether you wrap it in plastic wrap or not, it will get mold growth on it in the frig.

    But all you have to do is cut the mold growth off and they interior cheese is good to eat.

    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

  6. #6
    thanks Mike Mold is my friend and follows me like Murphy

    Still same question about the air around the item whatever it may be. Its not about me cutting the cheese. It might be an orange or a Pomegranate whatever its the air around the item compared to wrapped Im interested in. Shop has a vaccum pump but its not a thing for this but someone above mentioned pulling air out, i bet pulling air out is as good as saran wrapping.



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    NE OH
    For what it's worth, Milk Street Radio (A food podcast by Christopher Kimball, the guy that used to head America's Test Kitchen) recommends always double wrapping items before storing in the fridge or freezer. First wrap tightly with plastic wrap or foil and then sealing in an air-tight bag or container, removing as much air as possible. They claim this will preserve the "freshness" of the food item longer.

    I think of it like paint or varnish or even polyurethane glue...if you keep air and moisture away from it, the reactions that occur when in the presence of air and moisture slow down.

    I've seen on the web somewhere the claim that celery wrapped in foil will stay fresh for weeks in the fridge...haven't tried it, but I plan to.
    --I had my patience tested. I'm negative--

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Northern Florida
    Cheese in a bowl covered with plastic is better than cheese in an uncovered bowl. Cheese wrapped in plastic is better off than in a covered bowl. If the plastic happens to be the remains of the opened factory wrapping, that's not as good as Saran wrap but better than nothing. Double-wrapped is better than single wrapped. Vacuum packed is better than not vacuum packed. It's not worth getting the plastic wrap out for 2 tablespoons of leftover cheese, it's worth it if we bought a one-pound block and want to put half of it away while it's fresh.

    I don't know if celery wrapped in foil keeps for weeks or not, but the only way I would eat it is if it was wrapped in plastic before it was wrapped in foil.
    Last edited by Alan Rutherford; 09-29-2022 at 4:22 PM.

  9. #9
    thanks that is allmy brain questions answer all in the name of not wasting saran wrap. Agree on the aluminum oil last I heard they were even wondering if it helped with alzheimers. Never really answered but some stuff likely never will. last alcohol study said its basically evil other than two drinks a week. Its gone back and forth for years. Likely best to find out who did the study and what they have to gain from the end results. Do I sound cynical.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Warren Lake View Post
    thanks that is allmy brain questions answer all in the name of not wasting saran wrap. Agree on the aluminum oil last I heard they were even wondering if it helped with alzheimers. Never really answered but some stuff likely never will. last alcohol study said its basically evil other than two drinks a week. Its gone back and forth for years. Likely best to find out who did the study and what they have to gain from the end results. Do I sound cynical.
    Even if you ARE cynical…. People will still like you if you replace “ cynical” with “skeptical”…. Especially if you decide to run
    against Tru-dough ! I used to be a speech writer and NONE of my people EVER had a bucket of ANYTHING thrown at them!!

  11. #11
    Did you write "you are either with US or you are against us"

    Ah no im neither, but you are telling me im one of the other.

    Our guy is a master at answering questions with answers from someone else's question from three weeks before, different question of course. Dont get me started. Radio station I listen to has torn strips off for years. We all have the right to question stuff just many dont care and most are too busy just with their own lives and al lthe ways they try and divide us. Most of my life is spent trying to figure out how they got the caramilk into the cadbury bar.

    Yes I agree Mel better word thanks, its like being called a conspiracy guy when you question 2 + 2 = 5. I fought city hall once, they made rules, I proved them wrong with their own rules, they made new rules, I proved then wrong and it went on for four years till a cheque was cut.

    Id mention a thing in your history that didnt add up yet the whole world just carried on. Its so blatant that I dont get how no one gets it but that is the world. Listened to late night coast to coast many years and give Norrie lots of credit. Some great shows on many topics.

    Oh and next time I need a speech written ill check with you. I type way to fast breeze in and out and dont proof read. Teel sorry for people that get emails from me as they likely have to hand them to someone else and ask what im on about.

    Im still smiling from the arrow one, I was going to get the glasses nose and mustache one but I like your idea better.

    Now im concerned you are always checking my spelling and grammar and and whatever else there is.

    Last edited by Warren Lake; 09-29-2022 at 9:44 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Anaheim, California
    Quote Originally Posted by Warren Lake View Post
    Agree on the aluminum foil last I heard they were even wondering if it helped with alzheimers.
    Only if you make a hat out of it.
    (But don't ask me if it's shiny-side out or in, I can never remember.)
    Yoga class makes me feel like a total stud, mostly because I'm about as flexible as a 2x4.
    "Design"? Possibly. "Intelligent"? Sure doesn't look like it from this angle.
    We used to be hunter gatherers. Now we're shopper borrowers.
    The three most important words in the English language: "Front Towards Enemy".
    The world makes a lot more sense when you remember that Butthead was the smart one.
    You can never be too rich, too thin, or have too much ammo.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    N CA
    Oh, I saw the title of this thread and it scared me half to death. We recently went to Stash-it bags for quite a lot of things, cheese included.

  14. #14
    Warren, years ago they were thinking that aluminum might CAUSE Alzheimer’s. The “major break -through” was people stopped using
    the colorful aluminum “ice-tea” glasses and so they became cheap, the people who bought them at yard sales and recycled them must have
    made a cool fortune . Needs to be investigated.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Inkerman, Ontario, Canada
    I can help solve all of your problems Warren;

    Don't get a wife, Buy less cheese and more booze..... you can thank me later.


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