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Thread: Fun with Telemarketers

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Modesto, CA, USA

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Central MA
    Life is too short; if the call isn't from a number in my contact list it goes to voice mail. Leave a message and I'll call you back, if it's not important enough to leave a message it certainly wasn't important enough for me to answer in the first place.

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    The Hartland of Michigan
    Quote Originally Posted by John Lanciani View Post
    Life is too short; if the call isn't from a number in my contact list it goes to voice mail. Leave a message and I'll call you back, if it's not important enough to leave a message it certainly wasn't important enough for me to answer in the first place.
    ^^^^this ^^^^

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Koepke View Post
    Maybe if enough people do this they will realize tele-scamming is futile.
    If only it were. We "normal" people shake our heads and have to believe that the number of hang-ups and angry responses would make telemarketing a non-starter. Unfortunately the reality is that even with a 90+% failure rate, telemarketing still makes money. Lot's of folks are talking about reforms to protect consumers but, I fear it will be like fixing Social Security. As soon as part of it is fixed there is someone wearing away at it again.
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

    – Samuel Butler

  5. #20
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    This person's way of handling telemarketers will quack you up >

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  6. #21
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    Turn the Tables ?

    I cracked up one day when my daughter went into a routine something like...No, he's not here. You have reached the erectile disfunction hotline. We have several experts who can help you. Please give us some detail concerning your specific ED issues and we'll direct you to the best counselor to help with your problems.


  7. #22
    I always loved Danny Divito's "I love wrong numbers" answer in "Ruthless People". I've never been brave enough to try something like that myself...
    ELEVEN - rotary cutter tool machines
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  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kev Williams View Post
    I always loved Danny Divito's "I love wrong numbers" answer in "Ruthless People". I've never been brave enough to try something like that myself...
    I love Ruthless People! My wife’s favorite line:”I’ve been kidnapped by KMart!” Of course she’s a total Bette Midler fan. A few years ago for Christmas I gave her a list tour dates. She chose the O2 in London which was part of my evil plan. We stopped off for a couple of days learning spinning from Terry Tynan.

  9. #24
    "US Marshal's office, fraud division, how can we help you?" Click, and buzz, instantly!

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    Montreal, Canada
    When I still had a land line, I would often receive calls from "Microsoft Windows security department" (definitely from a call center in India) telling me my computer had got a virus and they would guide me to the steps required to clean my computer. So I always told them that I was going right away to my computer, but had to ask a question first :

    "Is your mother proud of you and the job you do? You are a thief, a fraudster, and you steal money from defenseless older people !"

    Then I would hear their surprised and trembling voice tell me they were not thieves and then they would hang up.

  11. #26
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    Some of these so called 'telemarketers' are "trying to earn a living" by enticing people into giving their financial information and then ripping them off.
    Which separates those people from the telemarketers - the annoying ones that call offering extended car warranty's, lawn care, etc.
    But - as I mentioned, I screen the calls - so - leave a message, if I know you or it's a legitimate call, I'll call back.
    Like mentioned above - life's too short.
    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

  12. #27
    We got a lot of calls for the electric supplier choice program in PA. We get to choose who supplies our electric although it all comes through some other company's lines. Anyway, when they call wanting me to switch and I answer, they usually start some confusing crap about how they are trying to alert me to some over charge. I flat out ask, what are you selling. They usually say nothing, and continue on with their canned speech about saving me money. . After they get another 20 seconds into it, I ask why I should buy anything from a company whose employee lies to me about the nature of the call, That it isn't a very good first impression for a company representative to be lying in the first 15 seconds of the call. Would you deal with a company that lies?

    Or, when they call trying to save me money on my electric bill, I interrupt frequently and ask how much they pay. To which they often say, they are trying to save me money. And I just ask again, how much do you pay me for electric. I just put in all those solar panels and wind turbines and I want the company that pays e the most. I don't want to save money on my bill, I want to make money on my bill.

    I was visiting a client once for signatures to some documents and the phone rang, he answered and the sales person started their pitch. Suddenly the client starts yelling into the phone, But I never touched your wife. Why do you keep calling here? I would not touch that ugly bitch for less than a million dollars and a truck load of penicillin. Syphilis must be affecting your brain. What makes you think I would be interested in THAT? If you call here again, I will track you down and do some serious harm. Then he hangs up and smiles.
    Last edited by Perry Hilbert Jr; 05-13-2021 at 7:59 AM.

  13. #28
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    Down here we had a case a guy was a target for a telemarketing company calling him an unreasonable number of times. This guy worked as an IT senior and he decided to pay tooth-by-a-tooth and constructed a bot to call most of the lines of that call center.

    Soon he received a formal promise from that company to never again call him as well a request for excuses.

    Happy end... but it took a lot of work.

  14. #29
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    The Hartland of Michigan
    I get calls from Jackie or Sally. It's from Matrix Medical wanting to do home health visits. A freebee.

    We had our last home visit 3 yrs ago. It will be our last. We aren't invalid.
    2 weeks after the visit, the calls started. Matrix medical offering a free in home checkup.

    I have 7-8 phone numbers they use blocked. Jackie and Sally go right to voice mail. Among a half dozen or so others.

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    Norristown, Pa
    Bought a new landline phone system that you can set to screen calls.
    Short version: The caller must press the # key (this eliminates robo calls) to talk to you if they are not in your phone book. If they don't phone never rings. Filters out about 8 calls/day. You can also put the number in a block list so they won't get screening. Other options available. I have the vtect, but believe Att has the same type.

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