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Thread: I was turning my calendar . . .

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Dickinson, Texas
    Blog Entries

    I was turning my calendar . . .

    and this year is slipping by. I did not use to think about it, but I am thankful I lived another month.
    I had a heart attack years ago and survived, so I remember each month and I am thankful when I do.
    SWMBO puts up with me still and I am thankful for that also.
    I do not take her for granted.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Piercefield, NY
    I won't be turning my calendar till Monday, unless I'm mixed up again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    Me. I am usually a couple of months behind on changing the calendar.

    ...except for my desk pad calendar at the office, which I think is still somewhere in 2014... Though with the desk at school, I don't always dig down to the strata the desk pad is on (it actually gets changed when there are too many stains and marks on it)

  4. #4
    For us, it's remembering to mark doctor appointments on new calendar before trashing old one. Of course after we transfer them, something changes. We always get calendar with large enough blocks to write appointments and special days on.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by lowell holmes View Post
    and this year is slipping by. I did not use to think about it, but I am thankful I lived another month.
    I had a heart attack years ago and survived, so I remember each month and I am thankful when I do.
    SWMBO puts up with me still and I am thankful for that also.
    I do not take her for granted.
    Had my first heart attack 14 years ago and another 5 years ago. I'm one of the lucky ones. Every day means more to me because of them.........................the gift of it is it teaches you to smell the roses!

  6. #6
    Personally, I'd like last year's calendar back...

    - our 2021 so far--
    Jan 2, wife's aunt (her dad's sister) passes away at 97, old age.
    Jan 6, wife's dad celebrates 92nd birthday
    Jan 15, dad has a mini-stroke
    Jan 17, dad suffers a major stroke
    Jan 18, dad passed away. Funeral set for today, Jan 29.
    We immediately put wife's mom on 24 hour care until we can arrange a rest home.
    Jan 24 early morning, I go into a full-body anaphylactic allergic reaction. Hives, itching, swelling, head to toe. No idea why, they tell me it could be stress (ahem).
    Jan 24 late night, wife's mom sneaks past our grandaughter to make a sandwich.
    --she falls, badly. Based on her day's vitals, her nurses say a mini-stroke likely caused the fall.
    Jan 26, mom's nurses tell us she having more mini-strokes, and likely won't survive the fall.
    Jan 27, about 8pm, mom passes. She was about to turn 90 in April. Funeral home steps up to prepare a double funeral for today.
    Yesterday I had my steroid and antihistamine meds adjusted. This whatever I got just sucks everything out of me. Feels like the flu but with occasional fun of feeling like my skin is on fire.
    Today at the funeral, a cousin of the wife looks at me and says 'uh-oh, you look just like my ex'- she explained that he got Covid last March and didn't know it, and about a month later the hives crap started up, explained as a possible side effect of the Covid. And he still has it...

    And, there's still 2 days left in this month..
    My poor wife is about numb from it all. And not comfortably.

    On a somewhat positive note, my wife's parents spent their entire adult lives in the same house, raised 5 kids in it, passed away peacefully of old age in it, and all 5 kids were at the funeral.
    ELEVEN - rotary cutter tool machines
    FOUR - CO2 lasers
    THREE- make that FOUR now - fiber lasers
    ONE - vinyl cutter
    CASmate, Corel, Gravostyle

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    N.E, Ohio
    Kev, you and your family are in our prayers. You have had a January like no one should ever experience. May God bless you with a better remainder of this year.

    Making sawdust regularly, occasionally a project is completed.

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