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Thread: I'll see your trash pandas and raise 1/2 dozen neighbors

  1. #1

    Angry I'll see your trash pandas and raise 1/2 dozen neighbors

    Anyone else suffering thru the new 'inconsiderate neighbor' phenomenon? The one where several people who live in the neighborhood that, to beat the boredom of isolation I guess, have gotten great big dogs they take for walks in front of your place, let them poop baseball sized poops on your lawn, sidewalk and driveway, then just walk away? I can't believe people would think this is okay behavior...
    ELEVEN - rotary cutter tool machines
    FOUR - CO2 lasers
    THREE- make that FOUR now - fiber lasers
    ONE - vinyl cutter
    CASmate, Corel, Gravostyle

  2. #2
    There is always some of that, many cities have set fines. Sometimes it's good to find out what they are. Post the figure
    along with a warning. Camera is good, too. Useing two or even three plastic bags to pick it up is easy. And once those
    "gloves are off" those hands will be clean enough for a wedding receiving line. But I'd wash them before eating a

  3. #3
    My great dane refuses to poop on a walk. It's odd, but I appreciate it. Lol

  4. #4
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    I can't believe people would think this is okay behavior...
    The mind reels with possibilities to modify these folks behavior.

    If all else fails there is always the possibility of a well placed catapult.

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  5. #5
    Darcy, yeah ,odd. But a Great Dane is kinda dignified. That makes it even more strange.

  6. #6
    I live in a neighborhood that’s 2/3 homeowners the rest renters.

    So it’s a revolving door of new faces. The renters always have dogs. I have a perfect free lawn and dog of my own. I purposefully have a area of my yard landscaped no grass for him.

    So these people just let there dogs up in the lawn to do there thing. My front window is only 20’ from the street. The dogs get right up to my porch about 8’ from me on my couch.

    I’ll often knock on the window or go out and ask nicely “please don’t let your dog in my lawn” you see I have one and he has not allowed on it.

    I’m always met with a massive attitude. And before anyone asks. I trained my dogs to go on the left if me when walking in a sidewalk. And I pick it up. I’ll nearly kill my dog if he even tries to go to the bathroom in someone else’s lawn.

    I just the way I was raised, you don’t impose yourself on others and when outside you take into account not everyone might wanna deal with you what your doing, what your dogs doing, or what your kids doing..

  7. #7
    You can always do the "on fire paper bag" prank. Personally, I would take pictures and post them on face book, or your neighborhood web site. You can also put out fliers with pictures Wanted, Dog poopers who let their dog on my lawn. You used to be able to buy some stuff that you sprayed and a dog wouldn't cross it

  8. #8
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    My beef with irresponsible dog owners are the ones that don't clean up after Fido on the nature preserve trails I walk on nearly every day. Some of the trails are overgrown so you can't see where your foot falls, and I've stepped in poop more than once. I also resent those who let their big dogs run unrestrained and think it's OK for their dog to jump on others. I'm a dog lover but I also am a senior with several non OEM parts that make it harder for me to absorb a 60 #pit bull jumping on my chest. I've thought of bear spray, but would be more inclined to use it on the owners than the dogs.

  9. #9
    Don't get me started! Our two "pleasant" neighbors not only allow their dogs to run loose, but they have also taught the dogs to chase after their ATVs and vehicles in front of our homes for exercise. They have effectively taught their loose dogs to chase vehicles, so any of us that have to drive past them have to deal with their loose dogs running into the street. We have all politely asked them to keep their dogs on their property and to stop riding back and forth in front of our homes. It doesn't help and since it's a private lane, police/sheriff cannot do anything unless they actually come on to our property. One of the dogs was already killed by a vehicle, but they picked up another one in no time. Not only is it the loose dogs, but there are toddlers running around out in the lane with no adults to be seen. It's only a matter of time before one of the toddlers is hit by a speeding vehicle. We have never heard such unhappy children screaming all day long. It's never squeals of happy play, but the kids are learning by example. We hear the adults screaming and yelling all the time too. Oh yea, and then the 3rd neighbor at the opposite end of the property that is breeding Poms & messed-up, unhealthy Golden Retrievers that bark non-stop from 5am to 10pm everyday. County can't do anything until multiple people complain and not enough will call in a complaint. I hate to think of the future puppy owners of those Goldens. Barking non-stop has been imprinted on those pups since day one. They will never be able to have quiet adult dogs, let alone all the hip, elbow and physical ailments those pups are destined to have.
    I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and I think, "Well, that’s not going to happen."

  10. #10
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    Makes me think of Ethel, a woman not to be trifled with.

    The scene is Ethel enjoying her morning cup of coffee by her front window. Suddenly, she sees the disembodied arms of her unfriendly neighbor reaching through the hedge separating Ethels yard from the neighbors perfectly quaffed yard. The neighbor set her dog down in Ethels yard to poop. Ethel watched the next morning. Same thing. Ethel plotted her revenge.

    At that time you could buy spray cans of a pheromone that was supposed to attract dogs to relieve themselves in a certain spot. Ethel bought out the inventories of three pet supplies. That night, dressed ninja style, Ethel went to the aforementioned perfectly quaffed yard and sprayed. She sprayed for over an hour, covering the entire yard and paying particular attention to the sidewalk and front stoop. Then she waited.

    The results were immediate and spectacular. Ethel had primed the pump and the neighborhood dogs took it from there. Satisfied that justice was done, Ethel never let on what happened.

  11. #11
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    San Antonio, TX

    I'll raise you a 5 quart bucket of trash panda droppings

    Quote Originally Posted by Kev Williams View Post
    Anyone else suffering thru the new 'inconsiderate neighbor' phenomenon? The one where several people who live in the neighborhood that, to beat the boredom of isolation I guess, have gotten great big dogs they take for walks in front of your place, let them poop baseball sized poops on your lawn, sidewalk and driveway, then just walk away? I can't believe people would think this is okay behavior...
    I agree inconsiderate neighbors can be problematic. But here is the five quart bucket I use for Turd Patrol.
    It has been completely full a bunch of times , most weeks 1/4 to 1/2 full.

    Living in the 7th largest city in the country, it is frowned upon discharging firearms in the neighborhood (I would be a different type of inconsiderate neighbor). When we are not under watering restrictions, I have in the past used one of the motion sensor sprinklers, but since I only have one it mostly moves them to a different part of the yard. Might work for the dog walkers. (I wish the motion sensor sprinklers were cheaper and more reliable so I could reliably cover all the access points)


  12. #12
    I've been toying with the idea of setting a bucket and poop scoop next to the mailboxes just to see if anyone uses it...
    ELEVEN - rotary cutter tool machines
    FOUR - CO2 lasers
    THREE- make that FOUR now - fiber lasers
    ONE - vinyl cutter
    CASmate, Corel, Gravostyle

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev Williams View Post
    I've been toying with the idea of setting a bucket and poop scoop next to the mailboxes just to see if anyone uses it...
    They will. And then take the scoop home with them! The dollar stores often has a bundle of dog baggies available for a buck. You could make a sign that says "Pick up after your dog" and have the baggies available.

    I take owning & caring for my animals very seriously. I have stepped in so many different kinds of poo that it doesn't phase me, except when I am out in a public area and see some person has allowed their dog to leave a mess. If I witness a person with their dog and leaving the mess, I have no problem walking up to them and pulling a baggie out of my pocket and saying "I see you forgot a baggie. Here's one." They sheepishly take it and use it. I have also successfully talked to some bad dog people in the abstract and saying "what kind of a-hole leaves their dog poo out for little kids to step in when they are out playing in the grass. It's nice to see you don't do that with your dog." ... knowing full well they are the ones doing it .... and they have all picked up after their dogs after that. This has only worked for people who actually walk their dogs on a leash. The ones that just open their door and forget about the dog rarely ever change their ways.
    I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and I think, "Well, that’s not going to happen."

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Walsh View Post
    I’ll nearly kill my dog if he even tries to go to the bathroom in someone else’s lawn.
    Why would you brag about that? You shouldn't own a dog if something as trivial as going to the bathroom in grass is going to set you into a violent episode. You probably just shouldn't be allowed out of your house if that's the case.

  15. #15
    Ok Wes,

    You can settle down lol...

    By kill I mean correct, like “tank sit” or ‘Tank No” as I nicely use his leash to see that he doesn’t poop in someone’s yard. Once in a while I fail but it’s rare.

    He knows he is not allowed to poop in people’s yards but is not neutered so his sense of smell drives him nuts at a times. As a result in “in some instances” mostly as they relate to the nose he just will not listen.

    Dogs have to have rules, especially big strong dogs like pit bulls. You don’t have to be mean but you do have to be stern and they do have to have a sense you are the boss.

    I’m a vegan I catch and release flys and ants in my house. I won’t even squash a fruit fly.

    The dog in question sleeps on a two $400 memory foam orthopedic dog beds. He eats all and “only” hand made food of fresh ground bison, lamb, sweet potatoes and various fresh puereeed vegetables. He eats a $13 bar of dog treats a day literally. He has massive allergies and lives on $200 a month of medication.

    So you talking to a guy here with a dog that cost him $1500 a month without a single vet bill or emergency visit. 99.9% of people would had dropped such a high cost dog at the shelter by now.

    Oh did I mention he can’t be left alone as he has separation anxiety and I have made sure he has someone by his side all day for twelve very real years 24 hrs a day. I haven’t been on vacation in as long as a result.

    If you thinking I’m a negligent dog owner you surely got the wrong guy. I pretty much have people, love dogs. Once in a while a good human comes along. All dogs are great in my eyes. It’s the owners not so much.

    When I say kill I mean raise my voice and correct and make sure that poop don’t end up in your yard. If that makes me a bad dog owner well then oh well in the case of you...

    Quote Originally Posted by Wes Mitchell View Post
    Why would you brag about that? You shouldn't own a dog if something as trivial as going to the bathroom in grass is going to set you into a violent episode. You probably just shouldn't be allowed out of your house if that's the case.
    Last edited by Keith Outten; 07-07-2020 at 6:19 PM. Reason: Inappropriate Language

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