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Thread: I was walking my dog . .

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Falls Church, VA
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    When we got into a trade war with China, there was a report on NPR about some businessman who figured it was a good time to bring his manufacturing back to the US so he could avoid the tariffs. He was dismayed to find that the machinery he would need to make his widgets are made in China. That concerned him because support would have to come from China as would parts, etc.

    I think we have a long way to go.

    So who do I blame? Harvard MBAs.
    Another report on NPR some time ago talked about MBA's back in the '70s classifying businesses as dogs, cows, and stars.

    Dogs are businesses that don't make money and never will.

    Cows are businesses that make plenty of money but don't show a lot of growth potential. These were things like appliances and TVs.

    Stars are the businesses that are sexy new things and show tremendous growth potential. Hi tech. nuff said.

    The MBA's said liquidate the dogs, outsource or sell off the cows overseas and plow money into the stars. Of course they also raided the 'overfunded' pension funds and other shady stuff. But the core strategy for dogs, cows and stars kind of describes what's been happening.

  2. #17
    Right and now instead of doing the only responsible reasonable thing and talking about and doing everything we can to not die and or transmit this disease to someone unknowingly we are instead “some of us” preoccupied thinking about,planing for what stocks will be “hot” after this.

    Or going “La la la I can’t hear you” and going to work instead cuz society has convinced us it’s more important than doing the right thing.

    Freaking MBA’s.

    Nothin I hate more than money than those whom make everything about it forcing this whole clown card down the same road..
    Last edited by Patrick Walsh; 04-02-2020 at 4:25 PM.

  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Walsh View Post
    preoccupied thinking about,planing for what stocks will be “hot” after this.
    Unfortunately those are the sheeple that keep the system alive squwallering along with the single digit gains while the quadrillionaires sail along on their $800 million dollar yachts that account for .05% of their net worth.

  4. #19
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    SW Michigan
    Hope you had a pleasant walk with your dog Lowell. Probably didn't realize that taking your dog out to pizz would get folks so angry.
    I think I'm gonna take a walk in the backyard that I worked my tail off to pay for with a working stiffs wage that was about 12K below the US average income for 40+ years and enjoy the sunshine while trying to avoid getting my white skin sunburned. And I'll feel grateful to my employer who rewarded my hard work while they enjoy their boat on the lake and I'll not feel the least bit of jealousy or resentment. Then I'm going to check in with my brown skinned neighbor while observing social distancing to see if they need anything at the grocery store to save them a trip. Then I'm going to search for my 2" sash brush to paint a window that needs it instead of the 5" brush that I'm holding in my hand because it has such a very broad stroke.

  5. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Grider View Post
    Hope you had a pleasant walk with your dog Lowell. Probably didn't realize that taking your dog out to pizz would get folks so angry.
    I think I'm gonna take a walk in the backyard that I worked my tail off to pay for with a working stiffs wage that was about 12K below the US average income for 40+ years and enjoy the sunshine while trying to avoid getting my white skin sunburned. And I'll feel grateful to my employer who rewarded my hard work while they enjoy their boat on the lake and I'll not feel the least bit of jealousy or resentment. Then I'm going to check in with my brown skinned neighbor while observing social distancing to see if they need anything at the grocery store to save them a trip. Then I'm going to search for my 2" sash brush to paint a window that needs it instead of the 5" brush that I'm holding in my hand because it has such a very broad stroke.
    Sadly Jon, this where we would all like to be. Content in our existence, helping our neighbor (regardless of color or creed) and content. Its a sadly fading thing. Whether its because people want more, or the bossman pays less, who knows.

    I am a card carrying bleeding-heart. I would hire the homeless dude on the street and take a bath on the endeavor tomorrow if I thought it would help a single human.

    This system is way way way out of balance. People in our government (Im pissed at the left) are allowed insider trading deals....

    I honestly hope this opens up a can of worms that turns into a beautiful garden.. but forgive my pessimism. Just like the sheep grovelling for their gains that always leave them having to work another five years.. were likely going to see the same BS wash rinse repeat.

  6. #21
    I don’t begrudge money or those with it. I begrudge the system and the sheep that so easily follow the next guy thus forcing us all to adhere to the same dream, the same identity, the same reality.

    Yes those whom make everything about money or money the sole focus of their lives the 1% I begrudge. But not all of them “bill gates, warren buffet” no issue with them.

    Many a employer I have had has had great financial success and I don’t begrudge it one bit as honestly they are still small fish just trying to survive themself. Most of the time they have worked their tails off also to assure I had mine so it’s not like that. It’s the system we as a whole subscribe to because we are to scared to suffer a little today to reap the reward later.

    Yes I’m pretty much a you know what but I can’t say that here..

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Grider View Post
    Hope you had a pleasant walk with your dog Lowell. Probably didn't realize that taking your dog out to pizz would get folks so angry.
    I think I'm gonna take a walk in the backyard that I worked my tail off to pay for with a working stiffs wage that was about 12K below the US average income for 40+ years and enjoy the sunshine while trying to avoid getting my white skin sunburned. And I'll feel grateful to my employer who rewarded my hard work while they enjoy their boat on the lake and I'll not feel the least bit of jealousy or resentment. Then I'm going to check in with my brown skinned neighbor while observing social distancing to see if they need anything at the grocery store to save them a trip. Then I'm going to search for my 2" sash brush to paint a window that needs it instead of the 5" brush that I'm holding in my hand because it has such a very broad stroke.
    Last edited by Patrick Walsh; 04-02-2020 at 4:39 PM.

  7. #22
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    And they felt the same way about me as their lazy asses were all “merca” build a wall and you a dam snowflake communist..
    My 'lazy' coworkers always wanted me to slow down out of fear management would expect the same from everyone.

    My reply was, "don't worry, they already know the difference."

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  8. #23

    Wow so you actually know exactly what I’m talking about.

    Yes my hard work was always a threat to these guys.

    My hard work was never intended to be so just what I do.

    Also worth the understanding if the boss doesn’t make money there is untimely no job to be had. I have moved on from so many bad situations in the trades with lifers just hunkered down looking for a ride on the gravy train. Most cases a shirt number of years later and those business are “poof” time vaporized.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Koepke View Post
    My 'lazy' coworkers always wanted me to slow down out of fear management would expect the same from everyone.

    My reply was, "don't worry, they already know the difference."


  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Feeley View Post
    So who do I blame? Harvard MBAs.
    Another report on NPR some time ago talked about MBA's back in the '70s classifying businesses as dogs, cows, and stars.
    Not so original. They lifted that general concept from Pink Floyd's Animals and applied it to business, which would probably make Roger Waters want to throw up.
    Although Pink Floyd lifted the idea from George Orwell, although not before Bob Dylan did the same.

    Talk about six degrees of separation. Who would have thought we could connect Lowell's dog and trash can to Pink Floyd.

  10. #25
    But we can and thank god as connecting anything to Pink Floyd is totally worth it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edwin Santos View Post
    Not so original. They lifted that general concept from Pink Floyd's Animals and applied it to business, which would probably make Roger Waters want to throw up.
    Although Pink Floyd lifted the idea from George Orwell, although not before Bob Dylan did the same.

    Talk about six degrees of separation. Who would have thought we could connect Lowell's dog and trash can to Pink Floyd.

  11. #26
    Most of the people who leave WV because they think other places are better come back. WV has had lots of Fed aid. The old
    senate guy of years back once sent every penny allocated for ALL of the US high ways for a whole year to WV. My
    experience with friends who moved from anywhere to help some family situation elsewhere is they made themselves
    happy. The ones who moved to make themselves happy, failed.

  12. #27
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    Mark and Patrick,
    Our system has flaws, there are injustices, money begets money,many politicians are corrupt, the healthcare system is slanted, people many times suck. But as faulty as our system is, I can't think of any other country I'd rather live in. I share some of the same views as you, there are many things that could be better in the USA. But, there must be some good things here to attract so many people who want our way of life. Many of those people come from much worse places, some from socialist countries. The bottom line to me is there is no perfect governmental system because there are no perfect people.

  13. #28
    Correct I do agree.

    But I’m not sold on America being the greatest country. Their are plenty others equally as good. But that’s not me badmouthing America either.

    I do agree with you.

    I do however feel complacently is toxic and these conversations will stimulate outrage anger and cause many to turn their backs. But it will also encourage others whom might feel the same to know they are not alone. I suspect many of these Poole keep it zipped as they know these are no popular opinions and this is the internet and whom knows who is reading and the potential personal consequence going down the road a as pretending who knows who is reading. Employers yada yada, me personally I refuse to go through life pretending for anyone sake myself included to be one bit anything I am not. Sure it has come at a price but one I can burden at the end of the day.

    I’ll curb this crap professionally when it’s called for “as I also have to survive also” but if a employer Sherlocks me out online and wants to part ways with me as a result or not hire me so be it as I wouldn't last long working for them anyway.

    I made the decision long ago, or rather came to the realization that if I made my life about the almighty dollar or wasn’t 100% hi set to whom I was fully knowing I’m not like all,the others I wasn’t gonna make it to the end of this thing..

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Grider View Post
    Mark and Patrick,
    Our system has flaws, there are injustices, money begets money,many politicians are corrupt, the healthcare system is slanted, people many times . But as faulty as our system is, I can't think of any other country I'd rather live in. I share some of the same views as you, there are many things that could be better in the USA. But, there must be some good things here to attract so many people who want our way of life. Many of those people come from much worse places, some from socialist countries. The bottom line to me is there is no perfect governmental system because there are no perfect people.
    Last edited by Lee Schierer; 04-02-2020 at 6:23 PM.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Gloucester, MA
    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Walsh View Post
    Five years ago I was still working for a high end residential custom home builder as a carpenter.

    I had to find another way simply based on my surroundings. The dynamic was this, a bunch of fat bald old white guys milking the clock pissed at where they landed in life based on the decisions they made when they were young. As a result sinking the business of every employer they had ever had. This was contrast by a equally sized and growing workforce of highly skilled immigrants that busted ass and where happy to do so. The white guys all the while bitching about their jobs bing stolen build a wall yada yada.

    Made me sick and ultimately was painful enough to motivate me to find a way out. It also made me hate white guys and have the utmost respect for our immigrants. Whenever I would bump shoulder on a job site with a hard working immigrant with a smile on his face and good attitude “you can see this immediately in someone’s eyes and smile” I would instantly want to be his friend. A white guy with a chip on his shoulder that clearly doesn’t know the meaning of hard work and I just want to puke throw my hands in the air and tell the world how great us Americans have become. It became more work than “a immigrants day of hard work” to spend any amount of hours with these type people never mind 40-60 a week. And they felt the same way about me as their lazy asses were all “merca” build a wall and you a dam snowflake communist..

    I have been working in the trades on and off since 1992. I can remember as teenager painting houses summers “in my area” very very nice houses. But being I was painting them clearly I was of a different demographic. The skilled workers that I marveled at in those days as I shamefully swing a paint brush where all white guys most later in their years. Now 20 plus years later those highly skilled workers doing exceptional work are no longer white. They tend to be Hispanic, they work there asses of and are happy to do so as they come from knowing, know what nothing really is and are motivated to do everything they can to not have nothing. Most times if your white on a job site in the Boston area you are the minority. Something I have seen change in my lifetime. And I say good for them as these imagrwnt workers deserve opportunity as they are actually willing to work for a brewer life. The same white tradesman not even close!

    The above was pretty much my same experience as a guy whom grew up in a time when being a tradesman was still my best option “and not a bad one” coming from single parent household where mom worked two jobs to survive and collage was not a option.

    From what I see it’s as mark saiz. Spoiled pampered Lazy white guys and girls no longer know the meaning of a hard days work. His point about all these years of parents wanting their kin to have a better life along with technology has resulted in what is my oppinion a bunch of lazy useless sad sacks.

    The average white guy will put a small buisness out of buisness in very short order. Lucky for me I have always loved hard work. If not I’d be screwed...
    This isn't entirely true at all. I work for an high end building/ remodeling company in Massachusetts, have for twenty years. I think this is more of an exaggerated generalization than it is reality. I've worked with more hard working white people than lazy white people. There are lazy workers from everywhere. This screams of white guilt to me. In my experience, lazy or complaining people just don't last on constriction sites, no matter of race. Not saying there are no lazy white workers, I'm just saying in my experience, it's pretty proportional. I work on the north shore and in high end residential construction here, it's still much more white workers. Roofing and landscaping are a different story but that's just my experience.

    I live in Gloucester, almost the entire fishing industry here is white workers and those men work hard, thankless jobs. I don't know, I just don't see what you're seeing.

  15. #30

    Well here in the greater Boston and the Metrowest area it is exactly what I have seen.

    I’m in way exploiting or exaggerating my experience.

    I am glad to hear so close to home your experience is different.

    But mine has not been.

    And my point was not that there are no longer white guys as there are plenty. I know first hand in my neck of the woods many companies will only hire white guys as the affluent clients don’t want immigrants around. True I’m not making that up, it has been said to me just that way right from the horses mouth more than once. My point is those white guys tend to be looking for a meal ticket. Not all but in my experience proportionally the majority. Further the immigrant workers always seem to be busy and the level of work they are producing very high.

    Just my experience. Maybe my expectation of hard work is more I line with that of someone fighting to survive than some guy that made poor choice after poor choice now have to do that they have to do as it the only choice they have left.

    I know I know there are plenty out there doing this work because they want to. I have worked with or shoulder to shoulder with such guys on those projects. But those contractors are catering to the 1% building mansions for Craft Brady Gates Buffet and the the like. And then even then I actually see what I’m exposing going on there more than 20 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by David E. Hutchins View Post
    This isn't entirely true at all. I work for an high end building/ remodeling company in Massachusetts, have for twenty years. I think this is more of an exaggerated generalization than it is reality. I've worked with more hard working white people than lazy white people. There are lazy workers from everywhere. This screams of white guilt to me. In my experience, lazy or complaining people just don't last on constriction sites, no matter of race. Not saying there are no lazy white workers, I'm just saying in my experience, it's pretty proportional. I work on the north shore and in high end residential construction here, it's still much more white workers. Roofing and landscaping are a different story but that's just my experience.

    I live in Gloucester, almost the entire fishing industry here is white workers and those men work hard, thankless jobs. I don't know, I just don't see what you're seeing.
    Last edited by Patrick Walsh; 04-02-2020 at 7:04 PM.

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