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Thread: Like a month of Sundays

  1. #1

    Like a month of Sundays

    I used to hate Sundays in March. Back in the 1960's and early 1970's, Pennsylvania had laws against businesses being open on Sundays. No movies, no corner stores, no malls, nothing open. That time of year brought rainy wet snow, or mushy muddy ground as the ground slowly thawed underneath, so it was just too sloppy and cold to do anything out doors. Even TV with three networks was boring until evening. As a teenager, I was either much younger than my cousins or much older than my second cousins so when we visited relatives, I was still bored. (I read a lot of books in March) Anyway, with all the virus hoopla, our state declared all schools are closed, large gatherings like sports events are closed, bars and restaurants are closed, liquor stores closed, many government offices closed to the public, Churches are closing the buildings are going to on-line services. So now we get to step back in time to the old days when nothing was open on Sundays, except this will be everyday for at least two weeks and possibly a month. Just like a month of those darn boring Sundays back when.

  2. #2
    Liquor store closed? OH NO! Where will I get my 180 proof to make my hand sanitizer, which is best taken internally!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Cedar Park, TX (NW Austin)
    I will assume you will posting pics of many new projects.

  4. I miss the days when everything was closed on Sundays and I think we have lost more than gained by making Sundays busy like every other day. I thought you were going to say that it's amazing to have a whole month of Sundays! I'm looking forward to a lock-down here! If only it wasn't due to a virus that will tragically impact on many people's lives and livelihoods - and all taxpayers who foot tge economic bill.

    Cheers, Dom

  5. #5
    Hmm I can totally relate to the part about visiting family on Sundays everything being closed and being bored stiff as a child. I am from a big catholic Irish/Italian/American family. Most of the family still to this day gather at ‘Nanas” house Friday and Sunday evenings for dinner.

    As a child I loathed these gatherings and was bored stiff every moment. Actually as adult I also do and dont partake, holidays are painful for me and I skip most of them. When young i would had prefer to be out riding my bike, skateboard or hanging with my friends or home playing with my toys. I was pretty hyper active then and I still am 43 years later.

    As a adult although still with the need to always be going and totally hyperactive I have zero interest in those gatherings or any public gathers pretty much ever. Shopping and anything popular culture pretty much the same. With all the online shopping opportunities and a awesome shop of my own I pretty much feel no need to leave my house ever.

    So like someone mentioned I feel for those who will become sick by this. I feel terrible for those whom will loose much of if not all of everything they have worked so hard for. I fear this myself honestly. But I relish the opportunity to be able do just as we are being asked and in many cases told and treat this like a permanent snow day. Or maybe hurricane day is better as we really should not even be outside.

    I’ll enjoy this to be honest except the potential lost income although for now my employer is letting work from home in my own shop. I understand many others will be severely challenged to shelter in place with the lack of opportunity for socialization. That I personally don’t get but conceptually do. What I don’t get is people’s resistance to doing so and honestly it really pisses me off bad. Just more to fuel my fire for my lack of patients and empathy for the masses.

    The ability to suffer I see as a good trait. I wish nobody any suede ring or harm in all this but lack empathy or patients for those whom can’t sit in a wee bit of discomfort. I’m not talking those whom will loose everything over this. Not even close, for those people and maybe me long term as said I feel terrible. But for those of us that do have i]options and are all but hurt and still injecting our own will to do whatever we want and crying about everything we can’t do I really don’t feel the slightest bit bad.
    Last edited by Patrick Walsh; 03-18-2020 at 8:05 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Northeast Ohio
    While my work hasn’t shut down yet, I feel it coming. I doubt my employer will close voluntarily, I see it coming in a forced shelter in place like San Fran.
    I’m just extremely frustrated as the impact has already hit my paycheck- we are virtually dead. People canceling appts this week like there’s no tomorrow. I don’t expect my employer to pay my wages either because we are a smaller company, and its out of his hands also.
    I dislike that many people are expecting their wages paid by the people who have no say in the matter, and are losing money themselves.
    I have thought about it from every angle, and it’s pretty much impossible for me to work from home through my employer, unless they are smarter than I and can think of a way. I’ve started beating the drum and lining up jobs to do on the side if we do close, pre ordering parts so I don’t get stuck in a position where I have no availability of parts. And I’m ordering stuff like crazy so that I can complete projects around the house that have been pushed off.
    I don’t have an answer, I don’t know what the right call is, I just know it sucks and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it
    Fortunately my wife is a nurse. While she doesn’t work on the floor anymore, if I lose my income for a bit she can go back full time in either her current position or as a nurse on the floor with no problem. Still makes less than I do even when business is down, but it’ll be something.
    Last edited by Adam Grund; 03-18-2020 at 8:21 AM.

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