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Thread: Maple turning orange from Paduk

  1. #1

    Maple turning orange from Paduk

    I hope someone can help me.

    I am getting ready to spray sealer on a chess board with Maple and Pakuk. The maple has a paduk tint to it. How can I get rid if this before spraying. I've tried sanding just the maple by hand but I still get the orange tint?


    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    SE Michigan
    Randy, I hope I’m wrong on this, but there are some woods when sanded produce such a fine dust that it will penetrate other wood grain and become impossible to remove. I assume you sanded the entire top at some point and spread sanding dust over the maple.

    As an example, I made the mistake of sanding ebony banding next to quilted maple. The black sanding dust contaminated the maple and nothing would remove it. I tried vaccuming, compressed air, detail sanding, DNA, mineral spirits and probably more I can’t remember at the moment. Now I only hand plane or scrape when these types of woods are intermixed.

    Like I said, I hope I’m wrong...

  3. #3
    Just incase anyone may want to know how I solved this. I ran it through the planner. Then I sprayed a sanding sealer before I did any sanding. After three coast of sealer it was ready for the finish. If your wondering, I have a helical planner that darn near puts a finish on the wood so this made it easier I think.

    Thank you Phil Mueller for your replay. I did for the fun of it a few tests and the Paduk was by far the worst at this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    SE Michigan
    Randy, I would like to understand what you did. After planing to get back to “clean” maple, did you apply three coats of sanding sealer then sand? And that kept the maple from picking up the Paduk color?

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