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Thread: Step back cupboard, a build thread

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Seenings how the Dungeon Shop is below ground, in a basement.....Weather outside is in the single digits..above zero....ground temp is falling...may need to wear a sweater to the shop today....4+" of the white crap on the ground outside.....I HATE WINTER!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Sweater was almost too much...or maybe I was working too hard, today?
    Got out the big plane today..
    IMG_2726 (640x480).jpg
    Used this to joint the edges on two stiles, then ganged them up, and made sure they matched each other...
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    Laid out for a groove, and got the Stanley #45 set up...
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    To match the tongue I milled on the case's sides. More to align the glue joint....wasn't all that deep..
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    Set these two aside, and ganged up three rails

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    So I could joint their edges, and make sure they matched each other..
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    Millers Falls No. 11 was used, this time. Ends were in need of squared up..
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    So, this "sliding mitersaw" was put to use. I clamped the stiles to the front of the case..
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    And made a few more lay-outs....
    Stay tuned, part 2 coming right up...

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Ok, laid out for the tenons...they aren't all that big, just enough to do the job..
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    Decided to trim them just a bit....
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    I had to readjust the mortise jig, stiles are a hair thicker than the webframe parts were...7/8"?
    Time to chop a few holes..
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    One down, 5 to go..
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    Two done. This will be the drawer's opening. Turned the stile end for end..
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    This is for in front of the bottom shelf. Haven't decided on adding the live edged part to this one. Yet.
    One stile is now all mortised up. Taking a supper break, before I work on the other stile.
    Stay tuned

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Today being a Monday, AND a Holiday...woodshop is closed for the day. Have a Happy New Year, people!

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Tuesday? Already? I suppose I should meander to the shop, sometime today? Maybe after Lunch?

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Ok, to get my mind off of other troubles at the house..., went to the shop for a while....
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    Had three of these to do. Fancy handled chisel is curved, to clean out the bottoms of mortises...
    Once those were done, there was a "fight" get things glued and clamped up..somehow..
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    Wasn't as easy as it looked. Rotated this AFTER one end was finally clamped down. Then worked my way up. Then set this thing aside, until the glue cures
    Next, since the bench was clear, the plywood panel for the back and the drawer bottom was cut to sizes least for the back panel...somehow got the case up onto to the bench..
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    Then glue, screws and nails to attach the plywood back..
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    Then set this mess back onto the floor. Holes were drilled through the top webframe. A center hole and two slotted holes on each end.
    Dug out the panel for the top of the case...and set it on the bench to flatten it out, a bit..
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    Got the left end squared to the back edge. Somehow got the case back on to the bench, and center to the left edge and the back edge...then came the screws
    Screws were about 1/8" too long, grinder to reduce their length, AFTER I started a "pilot" hole with them.
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    The one showing is in a slotted hole, another is clear in the back, and the is a center one along the side. Got this mess back onto the floor, to work on the top a bit...
    Needed flattened, front and right edge needed trimmed down..
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    Then set this out of the way, until tomorrow
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    When I can get the face frame installed. Then maybe a drawer, and a door or two? Stay tuned...
    Last edited by steven c newman; 01-02-2018 at 5:44 PM.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by steven c newman View Post
    Seenings how the Dungeon Shop is below ground, in a basement.....Weather outside is in the single digits..above zero....ground temp is falling...may need to wear a sweater to the shop today....4+" of the white crap on the ground outside.....I HATE WINTER!
    My garage shop has two electric heaters running full tilt to keep it warm at 4 degrees outside. And it is insulated.

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by steven c newman View Post
    Today being a Monday, AND a Holiday...woodshop is closed for the day. Have a Happy New Year, people!
    ...and a happy new year to you as well.

  9. #39
    Staying tuned...

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Since the Dugeon Shop is in the basement....seems to stay fairly warm....

    Errands were run today. Then a wee bit of shopwork....Used the coarse grit belt sander to try to hog down a few high spots....sander didn't like all the Ash dust it was eating..went with an older standby..
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    Junior Jack, by Millers Falls. Made a big mess on the floor..
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    yeah....and on me. What good news there was, today....
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    When I took the face frame out of the didn't blow apart....test the drawer opening against the drawer front blank I WAS going to use....3" too smaller, side to side, but a tight to bottom...figures. Guess the blank will now become a raised panel, inone of the doors.

    Going to need a few extra hands, later. And about every clamp I can find, when I go to glue the face frame in place....might even make R. Lee Ermy blush, from all the cussing that will go on

    Had to break up a cat fight....and throw a Tom out the back have a BIG hole in the palm of my hand. First aid for that, and Tater Tot Casserole for supper
    I think the shop can wait until tomorrow....stay tuned.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Hope you don't get Cat Scratch Fever steven. By the way, your project is coming along nicely. Why is it called a "step back cupboard"?

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    There will be an upper cabinet to this base cabinet, and the front of the upper "steps back" from the front of the base unit. Like setting a book case on it.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Errands had to be ran today, by order of the Boss. She can't drive, so I guess I have to.....

    Had to write this up as a series of blogs on another site....took a long time to type them all out, dig through the pictures, and tell the story....and it took three chapters!....

    Maybe tomorrow, I'll just go and hide out in the shop..all day. Once I can get that face frame attached, I can start either on the drawer or build two raised panel doors...depends on how I do with the face frame install, and how tired I get. COPD seems to have a way of making me tired....

    Stay tuned.....if you happen to see a "Blue Streak" flying just means I am having a bit of "fun" in the shop.....

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Got bored...went to to shop, just to change out the cutter on the Stanley #45......#12 became a thing lead to another....grooves on the face frame are now a tad wider..towards the outside edge. Royal PITA to do a groove wider, but got them done. Then, I did find one of the few Veritas tools in my shop....a 3/8" cutter to make 3/8" tapered plugs.....

    Figured a way to hold the frame, so I could run a forstner bit in 9 places on the frame.....Cordless drills were needing charged up. I then got out a Vintage drill...a 3/8" Corded Wards Powr Kraft electric drill, with a keyed chuck. Already had a pilot bit in it, too. Drilled 9 holes and then put stuff away...back started to stiffen up, breathing was acting up...and..I was working up a sweat, can't have that.
    Have about everything ready for tomorrow's shop time....Clamps laid out, glue bottle ready, fresh battery in the 18v drills...maybe I can get the frame Lunch?

    Stay tuned...

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Stanley 45.jpg
    Stanley 45 T-20 SW set up with a #13 straight cutter.....
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    Ward's POWRKRAFT 3/8" drill..vintage? Yellow box is the Forstner set I have used for years. Needed the 3/8" bit....
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    One of the very few Veritas toys I have in the shop. A 3/8" tapered plug cutter bit.
    Needed 9 of these counter-bores drilled....that was fun. Trying to get each spot under the drill bit on the drill press, and still reach the handle to drill the holes.
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    Set the frame in even fits! Got the clamps all lined up and handy. Screws and glue and set out to where I can reach them. Batteries for the drill/drivers are charged up. Maybe after Lunch, the cussing can begin? Still thinking I need an extra pair of hands for this.....or just work faster

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