
We are between a rock and a hard place concerning the latest problems we are experiencing from the last vBulletin upgrade. It appears that vBulletin may not be providing another Version 4 upgrade that will fix all of the problems the last one caused so we don't have a choice whether we will move to another software package. I should note that we purchased the new upgrade to vBulletin version 5 and it was a nightmare so that path is not an option for us.

If our Server Administrator spent the time to correct all of the problems and we continue using vBulletin we will be responsible to provide all programming changes in the future which is financially impossible. What he has done is to correct what he could in the short time span since the last upgrade and continue concentrating on the things he has to do to support our conversion to Xenforo. First on his list is the creation of a new banner advertising and management program, from there we have a lot of tech support threads that will need to be updated and the list of things to do goes on and on.....

We have been using vBulletin for almost fifteen years, you can imagine how many things we will need to address to move to a totally different software package.