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Thread: Woodpeckers drill press table..

  1. #16
    Of course its easy to built a DP table. Its a time thing and thats all.

    Its also a time thing to go through the return, exchange or refund thing. Non are worth my $134.

    What was worth my $134 was bolting a table to my DP and getting to work.

    I know it sounds harsh but in this and age of disposible everything most everything and a now inherent mind set from conception most everything is made lacking actual quality. Its annoying, really annoying especially when you are willing to ok y up for quality and it almost cant be purchased.

    At the least think of it this way. I needed the DP table to complete a task at a said time for work purposes. I took the hour drive on the customers dime. I ponnyied up the the money on gas to do so. So now to resolve a issue i already took the time to resolve i have drive another hour and spend another $7 on gas or i wait and twiddle my thumbs while a new one arrives in the mail.

    This is how i come to my decison that making one is the most fail same approach. You would think by now i would had learnt this lesson a million times over. Guess i have but lazziness gets us all sometimes. And in all fairness maybe the same mentality that wins over for those whom make and sell this stuff.

    Imop the MDF table should clearly had been wrapped or mounted to substrate that could not warp. Thsi is just my oppinion but isee it day in and day out with crap heavy as hell MDF doors that cost a foryptune to boot. They are also junk!

    I suppose i should had oppened the box and looked at the table befoer i purchsed it. I did try but the box was sealed like fort knox and i sis not want to tear it to shreads only to say "eh another poc i'll pass".

    Anyway this is just my oppinion. I am full aware opinions will differ, some will not

    Really no big deal just a heads up as i wish i had headed to my memory of that prvious thread. Always go with your gut right..

  2. #17
    I understand your frustration. Recently I rented a power tool from Home Depot. Its a 45 min drive and when I got home it didn't work.Phoned them up and told them and they said bring it back for another. I suggested I will have wasted almost 2 hours of my time so they agree and gave me a $20 gift certificate.

    BUT, here is what I would do if I were in the same boat. I would order another from Amazon (next day free delivery) and then either return the defective one thru Amazon or drop it off next time I was in the store. Some might consider this a bit shady but then so is selling defective merchandise.

    Good luck

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Central Missouri, U.S.
    Shady? I'd go with dishonest. Amazon has absolutely no blame here, they just happen to be an easy mark.

    Quote Originally Posted by fRED mCnEILL View Post
    I understand your frustration. Recently I rented a power tool from Home Depot. Its a 45 min drive and when I got home it didn't work.Phoned them up and told them and they said bring it back for another. I suggested I will have wasted almost 2 hours of my time so they agree and gave me a $20 gift certificate.

    BUT, here is what I would do if I were in the same boat. I would order another from Amazon (next day free delivery) and then either return the defective one thru Amazon or drop it off next time I was in the store. Some might consider this a bit shady but then so is selling defective merchandise.

    Good luck

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Coppell, TX
    +1 on Nick's comment

  5. #20
    I have one of these and it's perfectly flat, works great with the back rail and flip stops. But if yours is defective take it back instead of ranting. I don't see the purpose or value of a public tantrum over one data point. And quoting that others have experienced the same does not create a trend line, it only reinforces your opinion whether right or wrong. We all make mistakes, companies make mistakes, and notwithstanding Woodpecker prices, they do produce some very high quality merchandise. You can bet they'd rather next-day-air you a replacement than read this blog!
    PS. When you get one unexpectedly in the mail next week I'll send you my address to forward it to!

  6. #21
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    I have the drill press table from Rockler. It's ok. I think the drill press table from Woodpecker would be as good or better.

    From what I've heard of Woodpecker's customer service I'm thinking they would make it right if given the chance to. I've bought a few things from Woodpecker and never had the need for their customer service.

    Last edited by Paul McGaha; 01-13-2017 at 7:01 PM.

  7. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Walsh View Post
    Nope checked that. Loosened it a bit and still the same. Took the woodpeckers table off and checked mt cast table. The table is flat.

    It will get me by to bore out a bunch or euro hinges. Long term im gonna have to make a table. This is one shop proect i could give a rats rear end about...
    For a few euro cup hinge, I would just use this kreg jig I have it, easy to set up, the result is perfect.

  8. Hi Patrick,

    My name is Justin Killebrew. I have worked for Woodpeckers since 2001 and would be happy to help out here. Please let me know what your address is so that I can have a replacement unit shipped to you. I won't need the other unit back.
    In the future, all it takes is a quick email or phone call to us. We stand behind our products 100%. While this doesn't mean we get it right every time, we do what it takes to make sure you are happy with anything you purchase from us.

  9. #24
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    LA & SC neither one is Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Justin Killebrew View Post
    Hi Patrick,

    My name is Justin Killebrew. I have worked for Woodpeckers since 2001 and would be happy to help out here. Please let me know what your address is so that I can have a replacement unit shipped to you. I won't need the other unit back.
    In the future, all it takes is a quick email or phone call to us. We stand behind our products 100%. While this doesn't mean we get it right every time, we do what it takes to make sure you are happy with anything you purchase from us.
    Yep. Thanks for checking in!

    Now go tell someone it is time to make more DelVe squares, mine got pilfered from my shop and I really LOVED that thing!
    Of all the laws Brandolini's may be the most universally true.

    Deep thought for the day:

    Your bandsaw weighs more when you leave the spring compressed instead of relieving the tension.

  10. Will do! I suspect we will see a re-offer of the DelVe Square later in 2017, hopefully sooner.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    LA & SC neither one is Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Justin Killebrew View Post
    Will do! I suspect we will see a re-offer of the DelVe Square later in 2017, hopefully sooner.

    Great! I will be on the list as soon as I get the email!
    Of all the laws Brandolini's may be the most universally true.

    Deep thought for the day:

    Your bandsaw weighs more when you leave the spring compressed instead of relieving the tension.

  12. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Justin Killebrew View Post
    Hi Patrick,

    My name is Justin Killebrew. I have worked for Woodpeckers since 2001 and would be happy to help out here. Please let me know what your address is so that I can have a replacement unit shipped to you. I won't need the other unit back.
    In the future, all it takes is a quick email or phone call to us. We stand behind our products 100%. While this doesn't mean we get it right every time, we do what it takes to make sure you are happy with anything you purchase from us.
    Good show Justin! Knew you folks would come through for him!
    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

    “If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

  13. #28
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    Highland MI
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    Man, I sure wish we had a thumbs up option up for posts like Justin's!!! Bought a few things from Woodpeckers, my PLM12V router lift is still going strong after a bunch of years.
    NOW you tell me...

  14. #29
    Come to think of it, I see quite a few red anodized aluminum things around the shop! Didn't buy them all at once but over the years they accumulate to a nice collection. That and the green and white systainers!

  15. Just a quick update on this situation. Patrick private messaged me yesterday but I'm still waiting on an address from him so I can send the replacement unit. Once I know where to send it, I'm sure he will be satisfied with his decision to purchase our table.
    I would like everyone to know that while most take the approach of notifying the retailer or manufacturer when there is a problem, not all do. It's incredibly difficult to fix a problem when you don't know it exists. We expect all of our products to work as we claim. If there is ever an issue, contact us. We are pretty easy to deal with.

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