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Thread: Breaking ground on a new shop

  1. #1

    Breaking ground on a new shop

    I need advice on which wall to locate to locate my window/workbench. The long axis runs due east/west. There are several trees on the south side which I could remove but would prefer to leave for the shade. I've got a good lighting plan thanks to Jack Lindsey's article on the front page. I do a lot of hand tool work, and at my age natural light seems to make things go smoother.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Houston, Texas area
    Hi John,

    The climate zone of your shop (HVAC requirement) will impact your choice of window placement if you want to be energy efficient. Windows are a huge source of heat gain, which can be good in the north and bad in the south. Western (afternoon) sun is typically the worst/best for heat gain.

    I'm in Zone 2 (Texas) and am putting two small windows on the NW wall of the shop with my main windows getting a tad of morning sun from the SE. No East or West facing windows in my shop. AC operating cost was my primary concern.

    If you want western facing windows in a hot climate, extending the eaves a few feet can help protect the windows from the hottest part of the day.

    Congrats on the new shop.
    Mark McFarlane

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    NC Piedmont
    Mark has excellent points, depends on location. I think in most cases, particularly here in the south, light from north facing windows is the best light.

  4. #4
    I would leave the trees. They lose leaves in winter so the light is good in winter. Natural light is great for work, would put in lots of south facing windows, that vent. You need some on the north to let the air flow through the shop. I have one north window, and have to open the garage door to get the air cleared out. I did put a wide sill on the south windows, so can set a fan on the sill to help move some air.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Williamston, MI
    My workbench is on the south wall and I have to keep the venetian blinds closed to keep the sun out of my eyes. I don't have any shade trees on the south side but am considering planting some.

  6. #6
    Thanks guys!

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