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Thread: How can I quiet a barking dog?

  1. #1

    How can I quiet a barking dog?

    Neighbor goes out for the evening, every evening about 7pm. Leaves little Fido chained up outside. Fido starts barking within 5 minutes and often doesn't stop until neighbor comes home between 10pm and 11pm. Fido is tied directly behind my windows, so I get the brunt of the yip yip yip yip and the other neighbors aren't bothered (as much). Though they are also annoyed, they don't want to make it an issue. So I'm on my own here. Have (politely) talked to neighbor 4 times - they put the dog inide for a week and it's better. Then they start to forget and the problem returns. I don't want to do anything that will provoke neighbor (call police, harm dog, etc). I just want to stop the racket - I'm tired of using ear plugs. (Yes I have and yes it really is that bad.)

    I'm considering some kind of electronic device that makes a high pitched noise when Fido barks. Anyone know of such a device that actually works? (I don't think I can convince the neighbor to let me use a shock collar sort of thing.)

    Other (non-violent) options would be appreciated as well. I want to stop this with a minimum of "relationship damage", if possible.

    Thanks guys.
    Last edited by Frederick Skelly; 12-21-2015 at 5:12 AM. Reason: Clarify
    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

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  2. #2
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    Seems that you are more concerned with relationship damage than they are. You've talked to them 4 times and are still wearing earplugs? I have much less concern about my neighbors' feelings and relationship damage, and have much less tolerance than you. I would start calling the police, every time it happens, until the peace and tranquility was returned to my home. Good luck.

  3. #3
    You've tried to fix it yourself by talking to the neighbor but that hasn't worked. Call in a noise complaint. Not sure of the rules in your area but around here there is a zero tolerance noise policy in effect 24 hours a day. If they come and here the noise it's an automatic $450.00 fine and goes up with any additional complaints.

  4. #4
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    I had to resort to using our county's domestic arbitration department. This settled it. it took the neighbor 5 years before she would even look at me when she passed in her car. She stated that, ''The dog just hates them.'' as her defense.
    The other neighbor would not stop his dog from barking. I started calling them the minute the animal started. He came to my door and could not figure out why I kept calling. I explained the it was extremely bothersome. To this he responded, ''Your are just intolerant.'' I kept calling and they finally have done an acceptable job with the dog.
    I lost nothing by alienating these people.

  5. #5
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    I would talk to them one more time and tell them you will file a complaint or see a lawyer. That probably will not work and you will likely need to actually file a complaint.

    I feel sorry for the dog and hope he does not take the worst of this problem.

  6. #6
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    I agree that good fences make good neighbors and I also try to be very tolerant of my neighbors since I run a wood shop in my garage. I do not run the machines before 7a or after 9p and they are not running continuously like a non-stop yapper. All comparisons aside, you have tried the polite approach.

    There are bark triggered noisemakers that are supposed to train your dog when you are too lazy to do so but, at the distance you are talking about I do not know if they would work (I have a loathing of any dog owner that is just an owner and does not train their animal).

    You could give it one more go and tell them how much you don't want this to become a big deal. After that I would be compelled to lodge a complaint. I would hate to start a petty "war" with a neighbor but, we all have to be tolerant AND responsible.
    Last edited by glenn bradley; 12-21-2015 at 8:31 AM.
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  7. #7
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    I built such a device

    I'm considering some kind of electronic device that makes a high pitched noise when Fido barks. Anyone know of such a device that actually works

    Many years ago I built a device with a simple oscillator whose frequency I varied with a potentiometer, a powerful amplifier, and a high-frequency speaker (I used a dome tweeter). I built this as an experiment and to play with my cats and dogs. The frequency could be turned up into the ultrasonic so I could not even hear it (although I could still feel it!) This thing really got the attention of my pets!

    The interesting thing is I built a second one and gave it to a friend. This one had a tube over the speaker to better aim the sound. He lived in a neighborhood where dogs on three sides of his house would participate regular nighttime barking symphonies. He told all he had to do was stand on his back porch and sweep the neighborhood with this thing while changing the frequency - and ALL THE DOGS SHUT UP! He said it worked every time and eventually the dogs just gave up. Powerful ultrasonic sound might be painful for a dog.

    I don't know if you can buy one but you might make one or have an electronics tinkerer friend make one for you.

    Two other stories:

    One: Years ago I was on the other end of the barking-dog controversy. A generally belligerent neighbor across the fence told me that my german shepherd barked incessantly from the minute I left until the minute I returned. I was horrified, but another neighbor said she never heard him bark. Hmmm.... I set up a reel-to-reel tape recorder on a very slow speed and recorded tapes over several days of the neighborhood. Not one bark from my dog any day! I could hear some other dogs faintly way off in the distance, cars, neighborhood kids, etc. When I told the neighbor he didn't even want to listen to my tapes! Never mentioned it again. Perhaps your neighbor would be willing to review an 8-hour recording of his dog barking.

    Two: A previous neighbor where we live now got a blue tic hound from a puppy then left it chained up behind his house and gave it NO attention. No walking, grooming, vet care, nothing. The dog howled and barked a LOT when everyone was gone and that was a lot. Even when the guy was home and the dog barked he never even went outside or tried to get him to be quiet. My house is probably 900 ft away but I could still hear him inside the house. I solved this by spending some time with the dog, scratching his head, giving him treats, taking him for walks, etc. Eventually all I had to do was walk over there and speak to him and he settled down. Such interaction may not be possible in your case but maybe you could throw him some treats with a slingshot or something.


  8. #8
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    Our neighborhood (two doors down) had an all day and sometimes all night long barking dog problem. The family refused to do anything about it. One day the dog stopped barking, with only an occasional yelp. We couldn't understand why, but were grateful. Turns out the neighbor on the other side of them got fed up and purchased an anti bark device that looked like a bird house and emitted some kind of annoying sound that hurt the dogs ears every time it barked. It worked until the family moved away. I had a similar problem with a dog that lived next door to my elderly MIL. Owner was actually belligerent when asked politely to control the barking, so we got the bird house and set it up....worked like a charm on the dog, but had no effect on the terrible neighbor.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by John K Jordan View Post

    Many years ago I built a device with a simple oscillator whose frequency I varied with a potentiometer,
    A tone generator. Very easy to build, or check on Ebay for one.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Calver View Post
    Our neighborhood (two doors down) had an all day and sometimes all night long barking dog problem. The family refused to do anything about it. One day the dog stopped barking, with only an occasional yelp. We couldn't understand why, but were grateful. Turns out the neighbor on the other side of them got fed up and purchased an anti bark device that looked like a bird house and emitted some kind of annoying sound that hurt the dogs ears every time it barked. It worked until the family moved away. I had a similar problem with a dog that lived next door to my elderly MIL. Owner was actually belligerent when asked politely to control the barking, so we got the bird house and set it up....worked like a charm on the dog, but had no effect on the terrible neighbor.
    On Amazon 1/3rd say it doesn't work, but 1/3rd say it does, so it is worth a try for my neighbor. They normally try to be considerate, but when they are in a hurry they don't bother.
    Will it bother my dog inside if it is outside? Well, would it bother her if she weren't deaf? Thunder doesn't bother her anymore because she can't hear it.

  11. #11
    This is what I use for my dog when we walk with her. She walks off leash because of where I live and this brings her right to my side if she needs a quick adjustment. It makes a noise that dogs do not like and for me it works like a champ. It does not work on all dogs but those it does it is like magic. Amazon has it and it's called "ultrasonic pet trainer".


  12. #12
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    I had a similar problem with a neighbor's dogs. I figured I could try something without souring a good relationship with these neighbors. So I purchased the sonic birdhouse made by Dogtek for $30. It senses the sound of the barking dog(s) but the range is limited, so keep that in mind if you go that route. It is a good product, but in my case only worked for a few days. I finally talked to the neighbor and if they bark for more than a few minutes they're let in the house. What I should have done was purchase an ultrasonic dog whistle, which are inexpensive, and try that for a while first. If that works and you want to go automatic then buy the birdhouse.

    I have to disagree with John's method on his 2nd story. While it is admirable that he spends his time giving the neighbor's dog attention it doesn't solve the root problem. And he is trespassing which could be another problem. I don't understand why people like his neighbor get a dog if they don't take care of it. But since it is left outside and not taken care of, one can call the local humane society and they will come out (usually several times) and observe. If they feel the dog is being mistreated, which is what it sounds like in that case, they will notify the local authorities who will start by talking to the person. If things don't change the dog can be taken away.

  13. #13
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    Take your pick.
    This one claims to hear 75' and project sound 300'. If one dog barks others may join, so 300' could be advantageous.
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  14. #14
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    There's no way to come out of this and be friends with your neighbor.

    I've used a handheld device called the Dazzer. It works on about 75% of dogs I've used it on. But you have to be line-of-sight and relatively close to use it. I think that eventually dogs can get used to any of the ultrasonic devices.

    For lots of people, even in good neighborhoods, the dog is not a pet but a guard.

  15. #15
    Thanks for all this advice guys. I thought maybe you'd think I was being unreasonable. I may very well have to file a complaint but you've all given me a number of options to try first. The tone generator shouldn't be hard to find or have built - I know a couple engineers. The birdhouse and other devices, including the whistle, are all helpful to me.

    Yes, these neighbors spend 0 time with the dogs. None. A few treats or even calling the humane society are other ideas I hadn't come up with. Taping the barking gave me a good idea - maybe I'll just invite the neighbor to come sit in my kitchen and listen.

    Regardless of which ones I use, these were all VERY helpful. Thanks for your advice and support. I appreciate it!

    Merry Christmas!
    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

    “If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

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