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Thread: Customer service advice...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Tampa, Florida

    Customer service advice...

    Been moving towards integrating some hand tools into my work (currently working on shaping a guitar neck), which has led me to make a few purchases recently. One of these purchases was a new spokeshave from a premium company. Now, along with a couple chisels and a set of card scrapers, this was my first premium purchase (I have a few older tools inherited from family and such).

    The spokeshave looks perfect. It really felt solid and is just a beautiful tool. However, looking over this well crafted instrument it was suddenly difficult not to notice a small chip on the trailing side of the mouth opening. Yes, I admit that it is a small defect, but a defect nonetheless.

    Thinking about how I felt about it, I ended up with the thought that I was a little bit unhappy about it. Even if it will get scratched up and used, I like to be the one who adds the "character" to my new things.

    I'm typically of the mindset that whether you pay five dollars or five hundred, you should not settle for a lesser product (of course expectations are usually higher the more we spend). For example, you don't go to the grocery store, buy a carton of eggs, then say that it's okay if one of the eggs are cracked because you only paid a buck fifty for it. Certainly not. You go back and make sure you get one where each one is perfect. But I was willing to not be this way over this tool that I just spent north of a hundred bucks on, if, and only if, the company told me that it was within there QC tolerances and was a typical thing.

    So, I contacted the company and sent a couple photos. The rep for the company responded saying that "What [I] have there is fairly obviously a casting defect," and "not sure how it escaped without notice."

    The rep followed up by letting me know they would facilitate an exchange if I was willing to ship it back at my expense. That is where I have the issue. I have no problem covering the charge to ship it back to them, but for me it is certainly more the point, especially since it was admittedly something that should have been caught and remedied in house before it ever left.

    I do admit that my wife had a little bit to do with starting this fire. I would have just paid the shipping back for the exchange without worrying about it.

    Should I be bothered? Would it bother you if you just spent the money for a premium tool and get told that you can file it or pay to have it fixed? What do you guys think? Anyone else been lucky enough to end up in a similar situation?

    P.S: long time lurker, short time member, first time posting...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Portland Or
    I think what you're asking for is very reasonable, and assume if you either reached back out to the rep or escalated the complaint they would take care of you.

    I presume the business model of these companies (like most) is a happy customer results in more business...

  3. #3
    First and foremost, welcome Joshua! We're glad to have you posting with us!

    Yes, I would want the tool replaced. Absolutely! You paid for a First, not a Second.

    Yes, I think they should reimburse you for shipping since it is a manufacturing defect.

    I've returned things to both Lee Valley and Lie Nielson. I know that LV reimbursed my shipping both ways, even though it was MY mistake (wrong part #). I THINK I remember that LN did too, when my plane iron arrived damaged.

    What I'd do in your case would depend on how much I like/need/want that spokeshave and how much it costs me to ship it back. Another factor is that even if you decide to request a refund, you're going to pay to ship it back anyway and I'm guessing they won't refund your shipping. So I'd try to renegotiate - perhaps ask for a manager. If no luck, I'd either use as-is (which I'd personally HATE) or I'd pay the return shipping to get a replacement and then do no more business with them (if the matter bothered me a lot).

    A final idea: you could try to negotiate a price reduction if you're willing to keep the tool as-is. Again, you paid for a First Quality tool and got a Second.

    Good luck. Please let us know how it turns out.
    Last edited by Frederick Skelly; 08-25-2015 at 7:47 PM. Reason: clarify
    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

    “If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

  4. #4
    I would put some effort into obtaining free shipping. It is the correct behavior for a high end/high$ manufacturer. If they fail to respond favorably, I hope you will let us know the culprit's name.

    Veritas includes a postage paid return label with every order that is placed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Longview WA
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    Welcome to the Creek. Your profile doesn't include your location. Are you in the same country or even continent as the dealer?

    It seems every time an order of mine arrives from Lee Valley there is a return postage sticker included.

    It seems the vendor in your case is not as committed with keeping customers happy.

    If you like the tool and want the tool, then you may have to pay the freight. You might try talking to a manager who has the authority to make this situation to your satisfaction.

    Especially in today's business environment a vendor doesn't want to leave a customer with a bad experience to share on the internet.

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  6. #6
    I wouldn't go to war over a few bucks, I'd just pay the freight.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    West Chicago, Illinois
    If it was unused, I would just return it to where I bought it from. If they didn't want to pay for the return shipping, tell them you want a refund. At that point, they will usually cave and pay the shipping. They won't want to loose the sale over the cost of shipping. At least a well run company won't. You don't need to get upset over it, point out you can get another one elsewhere.

    If you used it before you noticed the chip, it gets more difficult.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Thien View Post
    I wouldn't go to war over a few bucks, I'd just pay the freight.
    The OP is definitely not trying to start a war. I found his desire for free freight absolutely reasonable and correct. You said you'd just pay the freight, you are generous. I wouldn't in such circumstances and principles are principles in my book. We support Lee Valley and the like who offer second-to-none customer service and policy and other players should look to them for guidance.


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA & Providence Forge, VA
    Question: Did the OP purchase from a retailer, or direct from the manufacturer?
    I feel a whole lot more like I do now, than I did a little while ago.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Tampa, Florida
    I purchased direct from the manufacturer.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Tampa, Florida
    Updated that info.

    Im in Florida and the product hails from another one of the 48 contiguous states.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Koepke View Post

    Welcome to the Creek. Your profile doesn't include your location. Are you in the same country or even continent as the dealer?

    It seems every time an order of mine arrives from Lee Valley there is a return postage sticker included.

    It seems the vendor in your case is not as committed with keeping customers happy.

    If you like the tool and want the tool, then you may have to pay the freight. You might try talking to a manager who has the authority to make this situation to your satisfaction.

    Especially in today's business environment a vendor doesn't want to leave a customer with a bad experience to share on the internet.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Atlanta, GA & Providence Forge, VA
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshua Fishbein View Post
    I purchased direct from the manufacturer.
    OK. No middle man.

    If it is LV or LN, I am very much surprised. Actually, any of the top-tier guys.

    I'm with you, BTW.

    Did you ask for a replacement, or just for a return/refund? EDIT; Oooops - read OP again - you want a replacement.....Baloney.

    If it is LV or LN, email Rob Lee or Tom L-N directly. If not, dunno the names.......
    Last edited by Kent A Bathurst; 08-25-2015 at 10:29 PM.
    I feel a whole lot more like I do now, than I did a little while ago.

  13. #13
    The answer should be obvious to anyone contemplating the situation.

    But for the manufacturer's negligence, there would be no need to have a defective item shipped back.
    The manufacturer should bear the cost of returning the defective unit and re-shipping the replacement unit.

  14. #14
    I would guess you got hold of an "empowered" customer service person who didn't really think this through. I just had a similar situation with the same company (come on, we all know). They immediately sent out a new part and never even mentioned returning the old one. I did send back the defective part because it was the right thing to do, and it was at my expense. The new part came with a zero invoice, so it is the same deal you are getting. You certainly should mention your displeasure if it is bothering you.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Brady View Post
    I would guess you got hold of an "empowered" customer service person who didn't really think this through. I just had a similar situation with the same company (come on, we all know). They immediately sent out a new part and never even mentioned returning the old one. I did send back the defective part because it was the right thing to do, and it was at my expense. The new part came with a zero invoice, so it is the same deal you are getting. You certainly should mention your displeasure if it is bothering you.
    +1. If this is who it now sounds like, they'll make it right. They WANT you happy.

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