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Thread: Thoughts on the Patriots .......

  1. #1
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    Thoughts on the Patriots .......

    I'm sure this topic might have a broad range of opinions. Mine are as follows:

    1. I'm not sure what the Patriots, and especially Tom Brady, were supposed to have done. I haven't seen anything proven. I saw an article where Joe Namath weighed in on the subject and he wasn't convinced Tom Brady had done anything wrong. There was certainly no proof of any wrong doing on Tom Brady's part.
    2. I just don't know than an ounce or 2 is going to make much of a difference in the way a football is thrown or caught. I do believe that if the air pressure in the balls changed significantly the officials (who handle the balls on every play) would have pulled them from the game.
    3. The Patriots owner, Mr. Robert Kraft, issued a statement this morning supporting Tom Brady and bashing the NFL. It seems (to me) that the point Mr. Kraft was trying to make was the NFL seems to be trying to change the topic from the NFL has no case and hasn't proven anything as far as deflating footballs to Tom Brady didn't hand over his (personal) cell phone to a law firm (that were trying their best to public discredit him). Mr. Kraft has an excellent reputation and I think is one of the leagues best owners. The Patriots are a well run team. I think when he says something it is worth listening to.
    4. Tom Brady is his own man. He is a true superstar. He is, I think, the biggest star the NFL has had in quite some time. He does things his own way. I can only imagine the thrill it must be to visit the white house and meet the president after your team has won a championship. This last time, He didn't even go. He said he had a family commitment. He does things his own way. I can very much understand he wouldn't just hand over his cell phone to some 2 for a nickel law firm that were trying to earn a reputation at his expense.
    5. I've discussed this personally with a few people and everyone seems to have the same point of view: First this is a bunch of ado over nothing. It matters about as much as what kind of socks Tom Brady likes. Second, the NFL didn't prove anything.

    I'm interested in what you guys think.


  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul McGaha View Post
    I'm sure this topic might have a broad range of opinions. Mine are as follows:

    1. I'm not sure what the Patriots, and especially Tom Brady, were supposed to have done. I haven't seen anything proven. I saw an article where Joe Namath weighed in on the subject and he wasn't convinced Tom Brady had done anything wrong. There was certainly no proof of any wrong doing on Tom Brady's part.
    2. I just don't know than an ounce or 2 is going to make much of a difference in the way a football is thrown or caught. I do believe that if the air pressure in the balls changed significantly the officials (who handle the balls on every play) would have pulled them from the game.
    3. The Patriots owner, Mr. Robert Kraft, issued a statement this morning supporting Tom Brady and bashing the NFL. It seems (to me) that the point Mr. Kraft was trying to make was the NFL seems to be trying to change the topic from the NFL has no case and hasn't proven anything as far as deflating footballs to Tom Brady didn't hand over his (personal) cell phone to a law firm (that were trying their best to public discredit him). Mr. Kraft has an excellent reputation and I think is one of the leagues best owners. The Patriots are a well run team. I think when he says something it is worth listening to.
    4. Tom Brady is his own man. He is a true superstar. He is, I think, the biggest star the NFL has had in quite some time. He does things his own way. I can only imagine the thrill it must be to visit the white house and meet the president after your team has won a championship. This last time, He didn't even go. He said he had a family commitment. He does things his own way. I can very much understand he wouldn't just hand over his cell phone to some 2 for a nickel law firm that were trying to earn a reputation at his expense.
    5. I've discussed this personally with a few people and everyone seems to have the same point of view: First this is a bunch of ado over nothing. It matters about as much as what kind of socks Tom Brady likes. Second, the NFL didn't prove anything.

    I'm interested in what you guys think.

    I'd say the evidence against Brady is pretty overwhelming:

  3. #3
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    You don't mess with the football. You don't mess with the baseball, baketball, soccer ball or puck. Football is no different.
    Now then, if the Pats didn't already have a history of cheating, we probably wouldn't be having this discussion.
    Belechic has a great football mind, but suffers some character flaws. Integrity is one example of where he doesn't measure up with many of his peers.

  4. #4
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    why can't they play with a set of game balls that are issued by the refs. The same ball for both teams like in basketball

  5. #5
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    It comes down to who do you believe, Brady or Giddell. I'd go with Brady anyday. I think Giddell is on a huge power trip and all he cares about is demonstrating his power. Thats all because he got caught with his pants down last year with the Rice siituation and he has over-reacted terribly. Why did it take him so long to make the decision?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Peterson View Post
    You don't mess with the football. You don't mess with the baseball, baketball, soccer ball or puck. Football is no different.
    Now then, if the Pats didn't already have a history of cheating, we probably wouldn't be having this discussion.
    Belechic has a great football mind, but suffers some character flaws. Integrity is one example of where he doesn't measure up with many of his peers.
    And if Tom Brady hadn't been one of the people who appealed to the NFL to allow visiting teams to bring their own footballs to the game, he might not look so complicit. No ball handler is going to mess with the ball without the knowledge of the guy who throws it. Brady had to know and most likely ordered the ball handler to set the inflation pressure to his liking.

    If golfers can tell the difference between golf balls, through a golf club, any pro athlete who handles the ball with his bare hands should be able to tell even minute differences. Refs don't have the touch the pros have. If they did, they would be throwing the ball.
    “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness..." - Mark Twain

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul McGaha View Post
    I haven't seen anything proven........There was certainly no proof of any wrong doing on Tom Brady's part....... the NFL didn't prove anything.....PHM
    Not saying this in a derogatory way, but...The NFL isn't a court of law. It is a business. A business that depends on the perception of its fans. Millions of dollars, nay, billions of dollars pass hands based on the outcomes of these games. The integrity of the games is the commish's main job.....
    He doesn't have to "prove" anything. In the interest of fairness, and because of the contract, he only needs to decide it was more likely than not. So, just a little more than the flip of the coin.

    But what it shows is that if there is even the whiff of systemic cheating, it will be dealt with severely.

    The NFL was already under seige from its handling of several physical abuse episodes and concussion protocols. It is working on those with stricter guidelines. This, too, needed to be handled similarly.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Peterson View Post
    You don't mess with the football. You don't mess with the baseball, baketball, soccer ball or puck. Football is no different.
    Now then, if the Pats didn't already have a history of cheating, we probably wouldn't be having this discussion.
    Belechic has a great football mind, but suffers some character flaws. Integrity is one example of where he doesn't measure up with many of his peers.
    I agree. It is just like doctoring a baseball or corking a bat. There is a lack of integrity on that team.

    "no trees were harmed in the creation of this message, however some electrons were temporarily inconvenienced."

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  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Julie Moriarty View Post
    And if Tom Brady hadn't been one of the people who appealed to the NFL to allow visiting teams to bring their own footballs to the game, he might not look so complicit. No ball handler is going to mess with the ball without the knowledge of the guy who throws it. Brady had to know and most likely ordered the ball handler to set the inflation pressure to his liking.

    If golfers can tell the difference between golf balls, through a golf club, any pro athlete who handles the ball with his bare hands should be able to tell even minute differences. Refs don't have the touch the pros have. If they did, they would be throwing the ball.
    Drew Bree's quarterback of the New Orleans Saints, was on the Dave Letterman show, they threw three footballs to Bree's and asked him what PSI each ball was inflated too.. Bree's correctly identified the PSI level of each ball..

    On another front, Ted Williams could tell if a baseball bat was off by a 1/4 ounce..

  10. #10
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    From my memory every quarterback interviewed said they knew everything about the footballs. I believe Brady knew what was going on. He didn't want to turn over his cell phone and maybe that is fine, however having his assistant destroy it makes it look like he is hiding something and maybe he is. Why destroy it, unless you think he maybe forced to turn it over. IMO they got caught again and should let it go as they won't admit it.
    When working I had more money than time. In retirement I have more time than money. Love the time, miss the money.

  11. #11
    From what I heard in the news, it seems impossible that Brady did not know of the deflated balls. And it seems impossible that anyone would do that without his knowledge and assent. You're just not going to have a rogue ball handler let the air out of the balls without the quarterback's knowledge.

    His destruction of his phone may not prove anything but it's sure suspicious. Certainly looks like he didn't want anyone to read his text messages.

    Last edited by Mike Henderson; 07-29-2015 at 7:16 PM.
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  12. #12
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    The NFL and NFL fans have really driven a lot of this; win, and win at any expense. We have to be honest about this.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by paul cottingham View Post
    The NFL and NFL fans have really driven a lot of this; win, and win at any expense. We have to be honest about this.
    It would be interesting to see some statistics indicating what percentage of fans think it would be okay for their team to cheat, and to what degree.

    Personally, I say zero. But I know just from reading this thread and others like it elsewhere that some would be okay with it.

  14. #14
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    C'mon, Paul, brudda........

    He did it. He did it all. Guilty as sin. Kraft is an idiot. Not because of this, but merely because he is an idiot.

    If Nixon had burned the tapes, he could still have been impeached in the House, but never convicted in the Senate.

    Brady's version - when NFL asked for his cell, he went home and stuffed it in a blender, or something. He's subject to the penalty process of some entertainment gang, not a court of law. And the gang just laughed at his lame-butt story.

    Brady won't go broke. His records will still stand. He gets 4 weeks extra vacation on a beach with a top supermodel. If I was him, I'da asked for 6 games.............

    The whole thing is laughable, to me.
    I feel a whole lot more like I do now, than I did a little while ago.

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  15. #15
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    Whenever my kids would try to avoid the truth, I could always see it in some snarky attitude. Brady had this snarky smile that makes you just wonder. And the coach, his act today was sad. He just wanted to be a wise guy.

    Do I trust these guys...No

    Do I think Brady knew or was involved...Yes

    Do these guys think they are above the rules....Yes

    Do I want to hear anymore of this....No

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