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Thread: Shipped! - Confirmation on my G0766

  1. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Cary Falk View Post
    Last time I checked it was still June 24th form me. I ordered Feb 3. I have to wait until Bellingham gets it's shipment

    I would have thought Feb. 3rd would have made this shipment. Don't know of course.

    I just got the June 22nd on or about almost certainly maybe unless almost hardly most likely e-mail a few minutes ago.


  2. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Virginia Beach, Va
    I ordered mine March 25th. Called them yesterday and was given the June 22nd arrival date and delivery shortly after. I went into this purchase understanding it could be August/September before I see the lathe....anything before that is icing on the cake. I more patient than most, that was actually my first time calling to check the status.

  3. #48
    I have stated a couple of times in these discussions that it was my belief that after the initial issues with tooling up for production of these units, and making sure the quality controls were in place, that the pace of production would increase and the factory's ability to ship faster would also increase.

    I do believe Grizzly is getting these shipped as soon as they can when they are made and come off the line. First shipment on 6/ one scheduled for 6/22, ......[this must be the arrival dates at the port, if it is a "confirmed date" that comes from the factory in Shandong.] Just be aware that Grizzly does not have control over things like storms the ships must navigate, customs and how quickly they get unloaded from the ships...........

    I wish everyone good luck with all this logistical stuff, and hope for smooth sailing and transport!

    Someone posted about a third shipment sometime in July, so all this tells me that Grizzly is moving on these as quickly as they become available to them.
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Nacogdoches, TX
    Good news for me too. Mine has shipped and I have tracking information. It left Grizzly yesterday and shipped to a distribution center last night. It was loaded on a truck in Missouri today and is on it's way home to Texas.

  5. I received tracking as well. As of this morning it was leaving St. Louis which is only about an 8 hour drive from me. I got a call from UPS Freight today to schedule delivery but missed it. Called back and the scheduling girl was gone for the day. Ill call back in the morning. Im assuming it will be in Columbus tonight if its not already. Hoping to schedule my pickup for tomorrow right after work.

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Great Falls, VA
    Dennis, I know Roger is much too nice a guy ever to suggest it, but he was the first to place an order, after all. The right thing to do would be to wait for your pickup until after he gets his this Friday!

  7. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by David C. Roseman View Post
    Dennis, I know Roger is much too nice a guy ever to suggest it, but he was the first to place an order, after all. The right thing to do would be to wait for your pickup until after he gets his this Friday!
    Just saw this comment by a chuckle! Go for it Dennis!
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Lowell, MA
    I'm wondering who is going to be the first to put up a YouTube video of this thing in action. One of the wood turners on YouTube that I follow is moving from a Powermatic to a Robust. From crazy expensive to ludicrously expensive. From out of my game to out of my league. From out of this world to out of this galaxy. You get the picture.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Louisville, KY
    Just got off the phone with UPS freight, being delivered tomorrow between 9 and 3. Guess it's time to clean up the lathe area, oh crum, and run the 220. I am going to be busy tonight, thankfully

  10. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Brandstetter View Post
    Just got off the phone with UPS freight, being delivered tomorrow between 9 and 3. Guess it's time to clean up the lathe area, oh crum, and run the 220. I am going to be busy tonight, thankfully
    Get it done quick!! I just unloaded mine into the workshop. What a beautiful machine.


  11. Mine has made its way to the basement shop as well. Got the legs installed. Still need to level it and clean it up and finish putting it together. Cant wait to push that start button!!

  12. Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Collier View Post
    Mine has made its way to the basement shop as well. Got the legs installed. Still need to level it and clean it up and finish putting it together. Cant wait to push that start button!!
    "oh happy day.......oh happy day...........
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Louisville, KY
    Roger, I can't remember and too lazy to go back through the thread, when do you plan to have yours and set it up. You got this whole thing started. Must say I can't wait to get your opinions on the machine since you came from the "latest" grizzly to this. I came from my first lathe, Jet 14-42 so thats my only comparison.

  14. Quote Originally Posted by Scott Brandstetter View Post
    Roger, I can't remember and too lazy to go back through the thread, when do you plan to have yours and set it up. You got this whole thing started. Must say I can't wait to get your opinions on the machine since you came from the "latest" grizzly to this. I came from my first lathe, Jet 14-42 so thats my only comparison.
    Sometime Friday......I hope it arrives early Friday at the terminal.......if so I should have it set up by about noon....might get to turn one small project just to get some experience on it. I have a gallery featured artist opening @ 5pm, so I won't have much time on it till the following week. If I can sqeeze in one on Saturday, I will try......I will give some initial impressions........with all the lathes I have turned on, I should be able to speak to its performance.
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  15. #60
    Wow, this thing is soooo smooth and quiet!! Im like a little kid on Christmas!! Cant wait to get some wood chucked up on it! I just uploaded a bunch of pics to the computer. Ill get them resized and posted here tomorrow.

    Roger, are you starting one thread for everyone to post pics and impressions and reviews or do you prefer everyone post separate from you? Just curious as I have some complaints. Nothing major and I don't plan to send my lathe back but some minor stuff that should be addressed and Grizzly will be hearing from me.

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