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Thread: Proof of fishing with Marc Himes in the U.P.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Eau claire, Wisconsin

    Proof of fishing with Marc Himes in the U.P.

    Hello creekers, This is a continuation of a comment that Marc Himes made a few days ago when we had been fishing on lake Superior the morning I was going to do a tool demo for their turning club. For me the weather was perfect, cool, cloudy and not much wind, and with a couple of great fishing companions to round out a fine first time out on lake Superior. I met Marc at the marina on Presque Isle and Capt. Al was there waiting for us and we were out on the lake very soon after. We had been out just about 20 minutes when we got the first fish, a small Coho salmon but a good size for a nice meal for my wife and I. The next fish came near the end of our loop back to the marina, and that is the lake trout Marc reeled in, it also came home with me and will most likely get put in the smoker next week when I have time.

    That night was the demo at the club meeting and It was a great success and everyone had a lot of questions and I had a lot of answers. We will have to wait for Steve S. to get some pictures of my demo and tool creations to prove it all took place, but here are some pics of the fishing trip.

    Thanks and I had a great time with Marc, Steve and all the rest of the U.P Turners that I met up there!

    Capt. Al netting laker.jpgLake Superior horizon.jpgMarc driving boat.jpgMarc reeling in laker.jpgNot a giant but an eater.jpg
    To turn or not to turn that is the question: ........Of course the answer is...........TURN ,TURN,TURN!!!!
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    To follow blindly, is to never become a leader............................................ .....Unknown

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Richland Wa.
    Great fun Jeff, before opening SMC, I had just emailed you wondering if you had been fishing yet this summer. I'm happy you had a good time. Many years ago I lived in the UP and loved fishing Superior, too much snow each year for me now though, would like to take a road trip someday just to revisit though. Beautiful country.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Glad you had a good time Jeff. I ended up working late that night and was quite disappointed I missed your demo. I was really looking forward to it. Guess I'll have to wait for the news letter.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Harvey, Michigan

    Jeff was busy!

    Jeff arrived late Saturday afternoon and we managed to talk until real late that night. Sunday, Jeff and I attended Marc Himes' retirement party. It was almost a turning club meeting because of all the club members that attended! That worked out great as Jeff got to meet and talk to a bunch of them and I am sure that helped the demo he gave on Tuesday.
    Jeff and Marc.jpg

    Monday was cloudy, cool and rain. We went to Presque Isle to hike around a bit so Jeff could see some of the area up here. Jeff has many interests (that's putting it mildly!!) and one of them is prospecting. He had fun in checking out some of the rocky areas!

    Monday afternoon, even though it was raining, I took Jeff down to our property so he could do some gold panning. Wish I had some photos of that but it was raining hard and I like my camera! Just the same it was funny to watch Jeff stooped over panning... oblivious to the rain, mosquitoes or the obvious LACK of gold!!

    Tuesday morning is when Jeff went fishing with Marc and Tuesday evening is when he gave his demo. Jeff set a club record for the longest running club meeting ever! Usually when the clock hits 9 pm, members just get up and leave! Well, Jeff didn't wrap up speaking until around 9:20 and no one had left!! He then started grinding some drill bits (to use for hollowing end-grain) and handed them out to anyone who wanted one! Finally managed to clear the room at 10:40!! Never seen so many old guys so excited about a meeting before!
    Jeff Demo v1.jpg Jeff Demo v2.jpg Jeff Demo v3.jpg Jeff Sharpening.jpg

    It was a blast! Thanks Jeff!

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  5. #5

    It looks like everyone had a good time. That looks like South Texas winter weather on the boat. But always fun to get out fishing.

  6. #6
    Well.....I am jealous!! That is the same, handsome, talented and debonaire guy I recall spending a little time with a couple years ago. Jeff has more creative ideas in a month than most folks have in a lifetime! Being with him in his shop is fascinating.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Bloomer, WI
    Quote Originally Posted by John Keeton View Post
    Jeff has more creative ideas in a month than most folks have in a lifetime! Being with him in his shop is fascinating.
    I couldn't agree more, John. Sometimes it scares me to think of how much is rattling around in his head at any given time.
    Mike Svoma

    "There is nothing sexier than a woman in camoflage"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Richland Wa.
    His multiple ideas are amazing, but to be able to execute them is even more amazing. I wish I had 1/2 of his talents.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Richland Wa.
    Not only do I wish I had 1/2 of Jeff's talents, I also wish I lived two or three states closer to him. He is a very nice person, and I think it would be a joy to hang out with hom some.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Goodland, Kansas
    Looks like a great time was had by all. I have several of Jeff's ideas in my shop including the drill bits. Someday going to hit that part of the country for a visit.

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