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Thread: We Are An Official Non-Profit Organization

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    We Are An Official Non-Profit Organization

    We received our conformation from the US Department of the Treasury today and the Freedom Pens Project has been confirmed as a Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) Public Charity.

    Our letter is stamped June 13, 2005 but our organization became official on January 5th, 2005 so anyone who has made a contribution to the FPP since 01/05/05 may deduct it from their taxes.

    Thanks to all of you who have worked so hard for the Freedom Pens Project and our Military.

    We have almost six months left in this year, lets get our momentum back and ship some pens....monetary donations, as always, will be welcome

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    I hope now that we are official we will be able to bring in more contributions. Several members had mentioned that some of their companies would donate matching funds if we were nonprofit. Anyway, this is long awaited news and we really need your help. We are constantly shipping out free pen kits and completed pens and our funds are low. Please spread the word and consider making a donation yourself. You can send funds through paypal to or send a check to Freedom Pens
    1213H George Washington Memorial Highway, Yorktown, VA 23693.

    Thanks to all for your help and support of the Freedom Pens Project.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    WNC mountains

    Re-occuring Paypal??

    Did you ever get the re-occurring Paypal donations set up? It makes it possible to give several $ a months that is almost painless.

    Bill in WNC mountains

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    We have not set up recurring paypal donations. I will check into that in the next few days.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Gloucester, VA
    Awesome, time to pick up the pace again and crank out some pens!
    SawmillCreek Administrator

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    I have to say I am very disappointed that there has been no response to this thread other than Keith, Aaron, Bill and me. Applying for nonprofit status was quite an experience in and of itself plus the fact that we had to pay $500 for the privilege of becoming nonprofit. I guess I figured people would be as excited about the change in our status as Keith and I are and that it would enable us to receive more donations since it is now tax deductible.

    We are running low on funds and the requests for free pen kits are coming in faster than I can fulfill them. If we don't receive donations we can't continue our mission of providing kits to our turners and sending the completed pens to the troops.

    Please consider making a donation today. Any amount would be greatly appreciated. You can go through paypal to make a donation by sending it to or send a check to Freedom Pens Project, 1213H George Washington Memorial Highway, Yorktown, VA 23693.



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    York Co, PA

    FPP needs our help!

    Ok Folks, we need to step up the donations a bit.
    I just donated $10 - if everyone could do that, FPP would be quite solvent for a while.

    Heck, that's only two brown-bagged lunches vs two Fast Food lunches.

    PS - AND you get to deduct it in your income taxes. <img>

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    Thanks for getting things started with the donations. We really appreciate your help.


  9. #9
    I havn't been dropping by as oftenas I used to. Mostly I have been posting at and my most recent messages there woudld explain why. mainly very busy lately.
    Any way congrats on finally, finally, finally... gaining non profit status. it has been a long road and my hat is off to you for the perseverance.
    I'll spread the word where i can. and to parrot previous comments. hopefully this will help spur more business donations.
    On that note, I worried about the effect betting businesses involved would have withthis project. and sadly some of the concerns where valid. when the big boys joined in . the little guy sort of thought they couldn't compete. shows why a tax increase on the middle class actually raises more money than taxing big business.
    hope the drive for the individual turner gets fired up. sort of incourage the numbers compitition in a friendly way.
    just some thoughts.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Orrum, NC


    I don't make it here as often as I used to, primarily because of IAP, Honeydo's & real work. It is certainly a great accompishment and took a lot of hard work & effort for you to get the Non-Profit status.
    You should have received a donation yesterday thru Paypal from me.
    I challenge anyone who cares about our military to donate something, even if you do not think it is a large amount. $5 or more, together with other donations will keep this worthwhile project going strong.

  11. #11
    I am not a turner but I support my military! I donated so hopefully will help with supplies. Besides the Outen's do such a great thing with this website! Come on guys!

    Corey Hallagan

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Smith County, Texas


    Howdy Jackie:

    Congratulations. I understand you and Keith spent your own personal funds to get this accomplished. That should not be necessary, but I'm sure it is appreciated by all.
    I've had a couple people ask about the process for making deductable donations. IRS requires a receipt as proof of cash donations in most instances. Do you have a process wherein we can provide a receipt?
    Thanks for all you do for this great project.

    Ed Heuslein
    FPP Project Coordinator
    East Texas Woodturners
    Tyler, Texas

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    The IRS requires us to send receipts for donations of $250 or more. I can provide a receipt to anyone who requests one. Donations can be made through paypal to or checks can be sent to Freedom Pens Project 1213H George Washington Memorial Highway Yorktown, VA 23693


  14. #14
    Hey Jackie,
    I don't have a lathe for making pens but I sell a lot of pen blanks with my lumber business. I would like to donate some blanks to your group if you will give me an address to ship the boxes to. I will send 2-300 Mesquite blanks. I also have some Purpleheart, Zebrawood, Wenge and Padauk blanks. If ya'll are interested in any of those, I can give you some of them also. Just let me know.
    Congrats on the 501.3C status. That is a great deal and you should be congratulated for your efforts for our guys overseas and at home. God loves 'em & I know I do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackie Outten
    I have to say I am very disappointed that there has been no response to this thread other than Keith, Aaron, Bill and me. ....

    We are running low on funds and the requests for free pen kits are coming in faster than I can fulfill them. If we don't receive donations we can't continue our mission of providing kits to our turners and sending the completed pens to the troops.

    Please consider making a donation today. Any amount would be greatly appreciated. You can go through paypal to make a donation by sending it to or send a check to Freedom Pens Project, 1213H George Washington Memorial Highway, Yorktown, VA 23693.


    Michael Burton
    Thunderbird Hardwoods
    Llano, TX

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    Thanks for the pen blank offer, we receive requests from Middle Schools for pen blanks frequently when they request kits.

    You can send the pen blanks to the following address;

    Freedom Pens Project
    c/o Hampton Roads Online
    1213-H George Washington Memorial Highway
    Yorktown, VA 23693

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