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Thread: if you love something...

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Belinda Williamson View Post
    If you love something, lock it in the basement and feed it until it loves you back.
    That's one of the funniest things I've read in a while, Belinda! You missed making me spray my drink on my monitor by about 2 seconds

    Quote Originally Posted by Belinda Williamson View Post
    If it takes a bottle of Tequila and a night with a stranger for someone to figure out they had a good thing in the first place . . . well that's just too bad.
    Extremely well said!
    Lasers : Trotec Speedy 300 75W, Trotec Speedy 300 80W, Galvo Fiber Laser 20W
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    Real name Steve but that name was taken on the forum. Used Middle name. Call me Steve or Scott, doesn't matter.

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    NE Ohio
    If you love something, set it free; if it comes backs it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was
    Let me translate this for you...

    "I met a guy that has no job, treats me like dirt, makes fun of me in front of his friends, leers at other women and makes no secret of the fact he'd jump in the sack with anyone in a heartbeat, when he isn't high on dope, he's whacked out on beer and Jack......but....he needs me."

    Next up is going to be the
    we can still be friends line....

    Let go now and set it or her free & free yourself while you're at it....

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Savannah, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by Rich Engelhardt View Post
    Let me translate this for you...

    "I met a guy that has no job, treats me like dirt, makes fun of me in front of his friends, leers at other women and makes no secret of the fact he'd jump in the sack with anyone in a heartbeat, when he isn't high on dope, he's whacked out on beer and Jack......but....he needs me."

    Next up is going to be the
    we can still be friends line....

    Let go now and set it or her free & free yourself while you're at it....
    I can't decide if us "older" folks here are wise, or just cynical.

    “Life is not so short but that there is always time enough for courtesy and chivalry.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Everybody knows what to do with the devil but them that has him. My Grandmother
    I had a guardian angel at one time, but my little devil got him drunk, tattooed, and left him penniless at a strip club. I have not had another angel assigned to me yet.
    I didn't change my mind, my mind changed me.
    Bella Terra

  4. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Belinda Williamson View Post
    I can't decide if us "older" folks here are wise, or just cynical.
    I think it's because we've all "let" something go at one point that's come stumbling back. We know how that turns out and the phrase becomes kind of comical. Once you set something free, it's generally best for it to stay gone.

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    Newport News, VA
    Hard to believe I'm about to be the voice of hope . . . .

    First off, I agree with pretty much everything everybody has said -- this is just a trite thing that is said to try to ease the pain.

    On the other hand, I was involved with a woman in college for two years or so. We both dragged it on longer than necessary because neither of us was certain what we wanted. It ended hard and painfully. We both moved on with our lives.

    Two years later, she contacted me again. We had both grown a lot in that time. Six months later, we eloped. 10 years later we have a wonderful 5 year old and a good life together.


    If you only took one trip to the hardware store, you didn't do it right.

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Paradise PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Belinda Williamson View Post
    If you love something, lock it in the basement and feed it until it loves you back.
    lol. about 100 years ago that would be what i would do and thats what her parents want to do
    14x48 custom 2hp 9gear lathe
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    36 inch 1914 Sydney bandsaw (BEAST)
    Wood in every shelf and nook and cranny,,, seriously too much wood!

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Kennedy View Post
    Hard to believe I'm about to be the voice of hope . . . .

    First off, I agree with pretty much everything everybody has said -- this is just a trite thing that is said to try to ease the pain.

    On the other hand, I was involved with a woman in college for two years or so. We both dragged it on longer than necessary because neither of us was certain what we wanted. It ended hard and painfully. We both moved on with our lives.

    Two years later, she contacted me again. We had both grown a lot in that time. Six months later, we eloped. 10 years later we have a wonderful 5 year old and a good life together.



    always nice to hear there is some hope instead of just bad news
    14x48 custom 2hp 9gear lathe
    9 inch pre 1940 craftsman lathe
    36 inch 1914 Sydney bandsaw (BEAST)
    Wood in every shelf and nook and cranny,,, seriously too much wood!

  8. #23
    When you're in college, it's tough. Girls (sorry belinda, et all...look away..look away) often don't know exactly what they want, and even if you survive college, a lot of girls see graduation as a time where everything in their life is going to be better (even if everything is already good). I don't mean every girl, but a lot of them. We called it the "life change" when I was in college. If someone was dating a girl who was graduating college (whether they were in college or already graduated), every single one of my buddies got dumped. I got dumped at "life change" twice. Twice!! Both times there really wasn't anything wrong that I knew of but both girls said something along the lines of having different goals and making improvements in their life.

    A buddy of mine got the life change dump from a girl he had dated 7 years, and both different roommates in college also got the "life change" dump. None of their GFs did any better afterwards, but I guess they felt like they had to give it a shot, anyway.

    My own wife gave me the boot once before we were married, said I was a hick and I needed refining. Actually, things didn't get very far at all the first time around, anyway, so it was more of a dump before anything went anywhere to begin with.

    She came back a year later after she grew up (It must've been her that grew up, because I sure never did). I didn't have to chase her down, but I was between GFs then and didn't have a lot to do so we started hanging out together again and things just worked out.

    You just never know what life's going to hand you, but one thing is for sure, the best things happened to me in life when I just sort of let them occur. I just went about my business, tended to the important things that I did have control of and everything else good just sort went as it did and I didn't try to take the wheels off of a wagon and fix them while it was rolling down the road, if you know what I mean.

  9. #24
    girls see graduation as a time where everything in their life is going to be better (even if everything is already good). I don't mean every girl, but a lot of them. We called it the "life change" when I was in college
    hehe when i was in college in the early 80's we called it the senior panic

  10. #25
    Just remember, if you set a puppy free and it goes away for a while, when it comes back, make sure you take it to the vet to have it dipped for fleas and it's shots updated You'd be amazed what a puppy can pick up when it's set free
    Lasers : Trotec Speedy 300 75W, Trotec Speedy 300 80W, Galvo Fiber Laser 20W
    Printers : Mimaki UJF-6042 UV Flatbed Printer , HP Designjet L26500 61" Wide Format Latex Printer, Summa S140-T 48" Vinyl Plotter
    Router : ShopBot 48" x 96" CNC Router Rotary Engravers : (2) Xenetech XOT 16 x 25 Rotary Engravers

    Real name Steve but that name was taken on the forum. Used Middle name. Call me Steve or Scott, doesn't matter.

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Paradise PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Shepherd View Post
    Just remember, if you set a puppy free and it goes away for a while, when it comes back, make sure you take it to the vet to have it dipped for fleas and it's shots updated You'd be amazed what a puppy can pick up when it's set free
    thats why you tell the puppy if it wants to come back, it better not come back with anything it shouldnt have
    14x48 custom 2hp 9gear lathe
    9 inch pre 1940 craftsman lathe
    36 inch 1914 Sydney bandsaw (BEAST)
    Wood in every shelf and nook and cranny,,, seriously too much wood!

  12. #27
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    Lewiston, Idaho

    The bottom line is this. No matter how much you care someone, if they don't care for you, neither of you would be happy in the relationship. Close relationships are tough enough without one of the persons having doubt in the relationship and not working to maintain the relationship.

    Long term relationships or marriage....are like a career...all the partciptants have to work at it every day.

    Beyond that.....a person can't and doesn't own another person. People are not personal property. One can't let go of what doesn't belong to one in the first place. If someone doesn't want a close relationship with another person, that other person doesn't have any choice or control of the situation. To try to control the situation or prolong the inevitible, at best, will only result in a loss of face for that person with the potential for much worse results.

    For the record, God willing, my wife and I should celebrate our 44th anniversary this year. I wasn't her first love. She wasn't my first love. We had both lost before.....and yet....we met on a blind date, 3 days later I asked her to marry me....8 days later, I left for bootcamp....2 days after I got home from bootcamp, we were married. And yes....we both work at our relationship every day......

    Good luck Curtis. You are learning one of life's lessons that some of us learned previously.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Islesboro, Maine
    Nicely put Sam...A lot of truth in that...

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Savannah, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by David Weaver View Post
    When you're in college, it's tough. Girls (sorry belinda, et all...look away..look away) often don't know exactly what they want, and even if you survive college, a lot of girls see graduation as a time where everything in their life is going to be better (even if everything is already good). I don't mean every girl, but a lot of them. We called it the "life change" when I was in college.
    LOL, I couldn't help myself, I had to read your post. Speaking just for myself (of course), I'll share a few things honestly. I didn't have a clue who I was or what I wanted until I was around 25 or so. I was a different woman at 30 than I was at 21. I'm a different woman now than either of those women. I've grown and I've learned and hopefully I'm a better person. Looking back, I don't see how I could have made a committment to someone when when I was 25, but I did, and that ended badly - mostly my fault. I might have asked for a "do over" had he not moved on and remarried and had children with someone else. I've come to terms with the fact that I'm a hard person to live with and that I expect too much of people. Bottom line, Curtis, be true to yourself and don't settle for less than you deserve. I think sometimes we let ourselves get caught up in thinking that we have to find that one soul mate, or the perferct partner, and that there has to be someone special in our life when sometimes it's okay to be alone. That doesn't work for everyone but never depend on someone else to make you happy . . . that's your responsibility.

    “Life is not so short but that there is always time enough for courtesy and chivalry.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Everybody knows what to do with the devil but them that has him. My Grandmother
    I had a guardian angel at one time, but my little devil got him drunk, tattooed, and left him penniless at a strip club. I have not had another angel assigned to me yet.
    I didn't change my mind, my mind changed me.
    Bella Terra

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