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Thread: Carob and equipment gloat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wittmann, AZ

    Carob and equipment gloat

    Yesterday was a busy day! I dropped my trailer off at the tree trimmers on Friday, they were taking out a big Carob tree and when I drop off the trailer ahead of time, they're crew will load it up for me. I got up early on Saturday to pick up the trailer, they had loaded most of the biggest pieces (I could never have loaded those on my own) which accounted for about 1/4 of the wood. I took the trailer home and unloaded it, then started back to get another load. On the way, I called one of the club members to see if he wanted any and to meet me there. He ended up taking about 6 pieces in the 8" - 14" range, then we loaded up my truck and trailer with more 8" - 16" pieces. What was left was mostly smaller pieces and a few bigger ones with rotten piths.
    Here's the 1st load
    and here's the 2nd with a few more in the back of the truck.
    I got home and got out the chain saw. I've been cutting alot of mesquite lately, and this wood really made a nice break! It cuts much easier than mesquite and I didn't have to sharpen my chain as often. I ended up getting about 4 of the smaller logs and 4 of the bigger logs cut into blanks and sealed before I wore myself out completely (still had to get all of the other logs sealed). By the time I got all of the other logs sealed, I was pooped! But I found the energy to mount one of the smallest blanks and turn a small 6" bowl. This wood turns really nice and surprising sanded up easily even though it was soaking wet. Just a very simple bowl with a coat of BLO.
    I think this wood would be a good candidate for some coring.
    As for the equipment, someone posted about getting a little truck crane for their trailer, I don't remember who it was or even which forum it was posted in, but it sounded like a good idea!
    I stopped by Harbor Freight earlier this week and picked one up (they were on sale for $139). I've got it installed on the trailer, but I'm going to have to have some bracing added before it can be used. My trailer just isn't sturdy enough on it's own. If I can get it properly braced, it should make loaded and unloading the bigger logs much easier!

    Thanks for looking!
    Comments and critiques are welcome.
    "If it is wood, I will turn it."
    vor-tex: any activity, situation, or way of life regarded as irresistibly engulfing.

  2. #2
    I must have missed your call.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Chatsworth, GA
    Great score on all that.I could use some nice pen blanks from that. I would gladly pay shipping.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Crossville, TN
    That should keep you occupied for a while Kathy. Nice looking wood, made a neat bowl, with a little help from you of course.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Goodland, Kansas
    Congrats on some fine wood Kathy. I like the idea of the lift for the trailer. I am getting mine setup.

    Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.

    To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wittmann, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Clark2 View Post
    I must have missed your call.

    Jason, I didn't think you'd want to make the trip all the way from AJ, but I will be bringing some to the next meeting!
    Quote Originally Posted by Donny Lawson View Post
    Great score on all that.I could use some nice pen blanks from that. I would gladly pay shipping.
    Donny, I'll send you a PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernie Weishapl View Post
    Congrats on some fine wood Kathy. I like the idea of the lift for the trailer. I am getting mine setup.
    Bernie, if you posted about a crane then that would be where the idea came from. I hope I can get enough bracing in, otherwise I'll have to start looking for a heavier duty trailer.
    "If it is wood, I will turn it."
    vor-tex: any activity, situation, or way of life regarded as irresistibly engulfing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Harvey, Michigan
    That is a lot of wood... and I got tired just thinking about loading/unloading/ cutting blanks and sealing! How you found the energy to turn a small bowl is beyond me but it sure is a pretty one!

    Great idea on the truck crane! Have thought about one for a couple of years... but I don't have a trailer and didn't want the crane bolted to the bed of my Chevy S-10. Still thinking about it thought as it would sure save your back!!

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  8. #8

    You really get some interesting beautiful wood. and the lift will sure make it much more pleasant to pick up your frequent wood hauls.


  9. #9

    You amaze me! That sounds like an awful lot of work! What sort of temperatures are you experiencing at this time of year? I really like scoring a good wood find but I've run out of room and don't have the time to produce at the rate you obviously do!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wittmann, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Schlumpf View Post
    I got tired just thinking about loading/unloading/ cutting blanks and sealing! How you found the energy to turn a small bowl is beyond me but it sure is a pretty one!
    That's why I chose the smallest blank and turned the simplest form . By the time it was done, I was definitely ready to head for the house

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelvin Burton View Post

    You amaze me! That sounds like an awful lot of work! What sort of temperatures are you experiencing at this time of year? I really like scoring a good wood find but I've run out of room and don't have the time to produce at the rate you obviously do!

    Summer is definitely on the way. It was 105 today and about the same on saturday, but at only 8% humidity it's a dry heat . I'm sure 115 is right around the corner.
    "If it is wood, I will turn it."
    vor-tex: any activity, situation, or way of life regarded as irresistibly engulfing.

  11. #11
    Kathy, your tree trimmer friends are a gold mine for you! Great idea on the crane - I have the shop crane (engine hoist) that I infrequently use around the shop, and it sure is handy when one needs it. Obviously, the capacity of that crane exceeds the chassis it is sitting on, so I would say some extra metal down there would help.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Rural Blair, Nebraska
    Great score, Kathy! I've been lucky enough to turn some carob. It is one of my favorite woods to turn. Great color and easy on the tools. I'm sure the people in the club will greatly appreciate receiving some of the wood.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009
    College Station, Texas
    Kathy, I see the following progression of things:
    1. Sturdier trailer.
    2. Bigger crane
    3. Bigger wood
    4. Bigger lathe

    Something about a vortex?

    2 Chronicles 7:14

  14. #14
    Fun! I love the beauty of Carob! The stuff I've had moved a great deal during drying. Im interested if your "turn to final" technique will work on this.

  15. #15
    pretty piece, like your trailer, when you get it braced let us know

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