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Thread: Apple Bowl

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Idaho Falls, Idaho

    Apple Bowl

    I got a call last fall from a friend who was cutting some apple trees, and he asked if I wanted some apple wood. Being the woodaholic I am, I just couldn't turn it down. This was the juiciest wood I have ever turned, and with the horror stories of fruit wood, I assumed that it would crack before I even got it roughed. It didn't, and it didn't crack when it was drying either. However, it did warp. Boy did it warp; so much so, I almost didn't try to return it because I thought there would not be enough wall thickness to get it round. There was enough, just barely. I like the finished piece, and it really took a polish. 7.5 inches across, and finished with 3 coats of tung oil finish and buffed. C & C appreciated. This also shows a before and after view of the reflection reducing technique I have been working on.


    Sawdust Formation Engineer
    in charge of Blade Dulling

  2. #2
    The bowl looks great, I like the rim detail and the burn lines.
    When failure is not an option
    Mediocre is assured.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Chevy Chase, Maryland
    Really good one! Apple is one of my favorites, when I can find some. All fruit woods are rewarding from pear to plum, to cherry and peach.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Alpine, WY
    Nice bowl, the rim adds a nice touch. What ever you are doing to reduce the light reflection is working, but it seems to take away the nice polish you are talking about.

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