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Thread: A Few More Cabinets...

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Stony Plain, Alberta
    Thanks Rob.
    The face frames are 3/4" X 1 1/4". Half lap joints in the corners. Rails and stiles are 2 1/2" wide.
    Here is a pic of the hinges. 1/2" overlap on the doors to face frames.


    Hope this helps out..


  2. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    In the foothills of the NM Sandia Mountains
    Gary, it is coming together nicely. I am enjoying the brief glimpses!
    Please help support the Creek.

    "The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for."
    Will Rogers

  3. #48
    Yes that helps a great deal thank you very much for taking the time to snap the photo and respond so quickly!

    Thank you again

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Stony Plain, Alberta

    A Few Drawers.

    Good day to the Creek!

    Happy New Year to everyone!
    With my knee still screwed up I thought it was not a good thing to be hauling 4x8 sheets of plywood around my shop to do a few tops.
    So instead we will do a few drawers.

    These drawers will have through dovetails, with the boxes made of aspen.
    All the parts have been machined and cut to size for the first six.
    I have spent the time to mark and set them in order so no grain will be running the wrong way.
    This aspen really isn't going to be an issue, but I have got into the habit which really helps with other woods.

    drawers 2.jpg

    I love to build little toys for the grandkids.
    But it seems the cut offs from my projects are a bigger hit with them than the toys....
    We will be a hit when we go over to the kids house next time.

    drawers 3.jpg

    The backs of the drawers will have a sliding dovetail joint.
    Sides go to the back of the cabinet but the drawers will only be 14" deep.
    The extra length will help the drawer not to tip a bit when being open and will let me know how far only to open it.

    drawers 4.jpg

    With the drawer parts done we have to sharpen a few tools.
    I use shapton glass stones. 1000 and 16,000 will be needed to put a new edge on the chisels and plane irons.
    drawers 5.jpg

    And a quick shot of the hand tools I use for dovetailing....
    I finally get to give my new LN thin plate saw a work out to see how it performs.

    drawers 6.jpg

    I haven't done a dovetail in probably a year so I want do a few practice ones.


    Keen eyes will see a few things went wrong with this first one..
    Should of taken a couple more swipes with my 4 1/2 to remove the pen and scribe lines and when I was doing the left shoulder base I screwed it up...
    And the shoulders are a bit heavy for the pin size.

    Not really happy with this one but now we will now have the bugs worked out.

    Next one we will do with two pins. And make the shoulders smaller.
    Working with this aspen for the pin boards is not my favorite thing. It's pretty soft.
    To help with this I have a set of chisels that are ground to 17 degrees.
    My standard ground chisels more tear the fibers on this soft wood.

    A couple more practice ones and will then see how we can butcher a real one...

    Last edited by gary Zimmel; 01-03-2012 at 9:20 AM.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    North Plains (Portland), OR
    Nice work, Gary. Beautiful cabinets and workmanship.

  6. #51
    Looks pretty good to my eye, Gary. Your eyes must be much more keen than mine.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Stony Plain, Alberta
    Thanks Brent and Ben...

    Tonight we got the tails for the first six drawers done.
    I find if one does them in batches I am more consistent.
    As I said before working with this soft aspen is trying.
    But it is real good practice for real drawers in furniture....

    tail boards.jpg

    I also got to give my new LN thin plate a good go.
    Pretty impressive, this one I like better than the regular one.
    This saw has a .015" saw plate versus the .020 for the regular.
    This one I ordered with a coco handle....
    It doesn't cut like my Cosman saw which for me is still my best dovetail saw.
    But all in all this thin plate is a keeper.


  8. #53
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
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    The man's a machine! Keep on rocking the dovetails Gary ;-)
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

    – Samuel Butler

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Stony Plain, Alberta

    Six Drawers Done...

    Good Day to the Creek..
    With some shop time last night and tonight we managed to smash together the first six drawers..

    6 drawers.jpg

    All in all I'm happy with them.
    My wife, Geri, was in my shop tonight and made a comment about how long it takes me to do drawers.
    She then asked "why don't you have machines to do them faster"...

    Next will be cut the sliding dovetail backs and put on some bottoms.
    This little project is starting to take more time than I thought it would.....

    Last edited by gary Zimmel; 01-11-2012 at 2:51 AM.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Stony Plain, Alberta

    A Few Tops..

    After a little break we got some shop time the past few nights.
    I got the electrical run through these lowers to where my mortiser will live.
    There was also an extra line run for the next phase of my shop upgrade when I get around to it....
    The tops are two pieces of maple ply with cherry trim. BLO for the finish again.
    That BLO darkens the maple enough to give me a match I like. A bunch of coats of poly will be put on to protect the tops a bit.
    Sorry about the pic, for some reason it's a little dark.


    I thought I would get some good shop time last tonight but a sharp chisel cut that short...
    Red blood on the aspen doesn't look good.
    At least I got the tails and one pin board done for a couple more drawers.


  11. #56
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Stony Plain, Alberta

    Slowly moving forward...

    I finally got all the hand work done on the 11 drawers...
    Not lightning fast production, but we are moving forward.
    The mortiser is now in place, so I can see what this is finally going to look like when done.

    final stage.jpg

    A few cherry fronts and a bunch of knobs and this phase of my shop reno will be done.

    Hope everyone is getting a little shop time this weekend....


  12. #57
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    LA & SC neither one is Cali
    Looking great!
    Of all the laws Brandolini's may be the most universally true.

    Deep thought for the day:

    Your bandsaw weighs more when you leave the spring compressed instead of relieving the tension.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    In the foothills of the NM Sandia Mountains
    Very nice Gary. You’ll have to do a final tally of all the hand cut DT’s when you are done!
    How’s the knee coming?
    Please help support the Creek.

    "The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for."
    Will Rogers

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Stony Plain, Alberta
    Thanks Bruce and Van.
    The knee is slowly coming along Bruce. But at least I can walk without the cane now...
    I see the specialist in a couple more weeks. Our system up here is real slow.
    So far we are at 59 drawers with hand cut dovetails. The next phase will have 13..... at my miter station.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Stony Plain, Alberta

    Another Small Victory...

    Well with my knee feeling a little better we got some shop time.
    Enough to get this morticing station done...
    Long haul for something pretty simple, but I'm liking the result.
    Now to move a few tools into there new home....

    finished .jpg

    With that done I did a little rearranging in my lathe corner.
    This is just to the right of the last pic.
    I have two lathes a General Maxi and a PM3520B
    Please excuse the tool holder being on the wrong end of the PM.
    I spun the lathe around and flipped the tail stock and head but haven't moved the little tool rack it comes with. Not looking forward to getting the bed extension put back on. To get it all lined up and shimmed correctly took me a while the first time. All this to have the PM logo face out....
    Over time we will have to do some cherry cabinets in this corner. Which will be the last ones to complete the shop upgrade..

    lathe corner.jpg

    And maybe a few more dovetailed drawers....

    Next will be to start tearing my chop saw station apart and installing the next batch of cherry cabinets...

    Hope everyone is getting a little shop time!


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