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Thread: EMA Jointer Adjustments

  1. #1

    EMA Jointer Adjustments

    Need help with 16" EMA jointer, Can't figure out how to adjust tables. Hoping someone out there has done this. Each table has two cams that are held in place with set screw. remove set screw and cams move and tables can be adjusted but then the treaded hole for set screw is out of line. Seem to me the only way is to redrill holes for set screw but that just seems so impractical



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Western New York
    A couple of good clear pictures would sure help in getting an answer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Not sure why but my first reply didn't show up here?

    Anyway I have that machine and unfortunately your correct in that it is not easy to adjust. I believe they set it up at the factory and figured it would never go out of alignment with that setup. if it's close I would recommend just leaving well enough alone. If your determined however it can be done.

    I did mine several years ago and it took a good deal of time. It requires removing all the screws adjusting the cams and then re-drilling and tapping the holes. Worse still is you Likely won't move all the cams enough to expose fresh meat for drilling into. Which means re-drilling the cams also.

    if you decide to try it let me know and I'll take a look at my machine to see if I remember any tips that could hep you out.

    Good luck,

  4. #4
    Thanks JeffD , seem like a really dumb design to me, I think you're right not anymore than the tables are off I will just leave well enough alone. I would have to fill the holds that are there now as new ones would overlap.

    rounding off the sharp corners


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I think in theory it makes sense.....if you get the tables perfectly flat and lock them in place so they cannot move, then they should stay flat forever. Somehow though, over the years, or perhaps b/c of a single incident, my jointers tables where off just enough that I had to adjust them. I took a quick look earlier and there's at least one cam I had to re-drill. I think that's an easier route than trying to fill the holes....but that's just what worked for me.

    BTW other than that it's a great machine that will provide you years if good use. Not quite as refined as the more expensive SCM version, but built just as heavily!

    good luck,

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