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Thread: After Action - SawMill Creek Swap Meet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Tidewater, VA

    Thumbs up After Action - SawMill Creek Swap Meet

    All -

    Thank you Keith and Jackie for hosting and all those attending for coming. The generous gifts by various sponsors were very well received and generated a good bit of discussion.

    Dino Makropoulos demonstrated the Eurekazone EZ Smart Guide system. I read about the happy owners here. Now I understand why. What a great system! Many innovations and the improvements are still coming. Ken Salisbury demonstrated pen turning. Got my wife hooked. (Thanks, Ken! ) Aaron and Keith demonstrated the CNC router and laser engraver. Earl Reid was honored for his contributions to the Freedom Pen Project. Keith presented him with a well deserved plaque for all of his fine efforts.

    Great weather for the day. Outstanding conversations, discussions, and general kibitzing. All in all, an exceptional day! A fall event is tentatively planned. So, if you were not able to make this one, plan to attend this fall.


    ps Many pictures were taken by Keith and Jackie's girls and others. I am sure they will be posted shortly.
    Last edited by Ted Shrader; 05-15-2005 at 10:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Eastern Shore of Virginia


    I left the house at around 8:30 this morning with my cooler, a chair, money, a sample of Box Elder for Ed lang and a Jet Mini bed extension to trade or sell. Forty five minutes later I had not gotten 5 miles from my house! Route 13 south was closed due to multiple accidents, traffic was horrible (where ARE all those people going????) and some jerk in an SUV pulling a trailer of lumber lost it in front of me on the detour and I almost got rear ended. Then my "Check Engine" light came on. I figured "someone" was trying to tell me something, and that traffic was probably unbearable in Hampton Roads, so I turned around and came back home! I know you guys and gals had a great time! Really ticks me that I missed it. Maybe in October. Turns out the check engine light was the O2 sensor...not critical, but tough on gas mileage.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Richmond, VA
    I would like to echo the comments by Ted Shrader. The demonstrations were all very well received and much was learned by watching them. It was great to see and personally meet many woodworkers that I admire on this forum. Keith and Jackie are to be commended for their hard work in making this get together a success!!
    As I was driving home, reflecting on the day,the most impressive part for me was observing three young people interacting with an "older group" with grace and maturity. Jess, Kathy, and Aaron assumed several duties which allowed Keith and Jackie to talk and spend time with their guests. They were completely comfortable with the attendees, and involved with all activities. I know, Keith and Jackie, you are very proud of your "3" young people, but I want you to know that the wonderful spirit of these three did not go unoticed. Please convey my thoughts to them.
    Bill Sampson, Richmond

  4. #4
    It was cold and rainy here all day!

    Glad to hear that the swap meet was a good time!
    Jeff Sudmeier

    "It's not the quality of the tool being used, it's the skills of the craftsman using the tool that really matter. Unfortunately, I don't have high quality in either"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    SwapMeet Group Photo

    Thanks Ted and Bill for the nice comments, Jackie and I really enjoyed visiting with everyone today. I think it was about 9pm before we finally wrapped, we completed the engraved sign for Ralph Steffey and still had a couple of engraving jobs to do for Ken Salisbury before we shut down the shop.

    We did take a large number of photos today, it will take us a couple of days to go through them and get them on the SwapMeet web site. Bill Sampson's reproduction Thomas Jefferson lap desk stole the show, it was just beautiful and I can't wait for everyone to see the pictures.

    Below is a group picture that we had everyone sign...a few of our members are missing in the picture who had to leave early or were out to lunch. You can tell the weather was just perfect, with temperatures in the low 80's.

    After we have had an opportunity to get some rest we will post the photos and more details. Thanks to everyone who participated, we really had a great time and are looking forward to the next SwapMeet.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    W'burg, VA
    Guess I should not compain after Carole's experience. Went to the Urbanna Art on the Half Shell, did my demo thing, stood around for hour after hour and watched people walk by all the booths and never reach for their wallet. I guess I was champ-sell in my are with 5 small items sold, including 2 to an Irish visitor. I did find one new canditate for a turning club I am starting up in June, somewhere in the W'burg, VA area and invite all interested to contact me by email or phone. We will be a roving location club until we settle on a shop that someone can host a meeting/demo. Any & all ideas welcomed. Philip

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Eastern Shore of Virginia
    Philip, I used to live in Urbanna (1994-2000). Nice little town. Did you run into Barbara Gill? She and Dan have a shop just outside of town.

  8. #8
    Thank you Keith and Jackie for hosting this gathering. Hubby and I had a wonderful and informative time. Guess I should add a profitable time too since I walked away with 10 beautiful Bethlehem Olive Wood blanks. I could probably roam on and on about the day but will just say ditto to everything Ted and Bill said We're looking forward to the fall gathering and I'll bet everyone that missed this one will want to be there after they hear all the great reports of the day.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    Prizes for Everyone

    Thanks Shirley,

    We hope you enjoy the olive wood pen blanks and will be able to attend our next Virginia SwapMeet. When we completed the drawings we had only two people who did not receive prizes so we gave each of them a Corian cutting board we made during our CNC Routing demonstration.

    I am working on adding all of the pictures we took to the SwapMeet web site, I will let everyone know when they are posted.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Virginia Beach, VA

    Thank you

    Thank you Kieth and Jackie. I had a great time. I would also like to thank all of the demonstrators. Dino, Ken, and Aaron. And to top it off we got to see all of the equipment I don't have. Very cool ShopBot and Laser.

    Thanks Again,

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Newport News, VA
    Thank you Keith, Jackie and the Outten clan for hosting a good time. My wife and I enjoyed ourselves. It was nice to meet some fellow creekers. The demos were great. That CNC router operation is a real sweet setup. One of the highlights for me was sitting and talking with Ken Salisbury. For those of you who have met Ken you know what I mean.

    A big thank you goes out to the sponsors as well. They donated some wonderful prizes and there were some smiling faces in the crowd when the drawings were done. I was fortunate to win a MicroJig. A very useful safety tool that will see much use. My digits thank you.

    If this first Swapmeet is any indication of future events I can't wait for the next one. We are looking forward to it.

    Thanks again,
    "The idea that "violence doesn't solve anything" is a historically untrue and immoral doctrine. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. People that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms."

  12. #12
    I sure did have a wonderful time! My 10 beautiful Bethlehem Olive Wood blanks will get drilled this week and I will post pictures later. As has already been said by others posting before me..... Thanks to our hosts, and the businesses that donated prizes as well as those who demoed equipment. I was a fun and interesting day to say the least. I never expected folks from as far as Florida to be there! I did miss you Carole, but I'll keep trying to find Box Elder to lay my eyes on. Glad the car is OK with just a O2 sensor problem. I rode with Bill Woodson who said on the way down that he never wins any drawings....... Guess what he won!??! Just down the lane from the meet lives a wonderful couple with a fantastic shop, sawmill, kiln....... (thank you for the wood and tour)

    Just a great day with a fantastic bunch of folks!

    Thanks so much and I look forward to the next one!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Bedminster, NJ
    Many, many thanks to Keith and family for a great day! And thanks to all who donated prizes - I won the latest issue of Woodcraft magazine and had most of it read before the night ended. I particularly enjoyed meeting and talking with all the other Creekers - what an enjoyable day.
    Semper Fi

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Mont. Co. MD
    Thanks to all Keith, Jackie and their two daughters. Aaron and Ken too. I had a great time. There was so much to take in at Keith's shop, what a great setup, and some very cool tools. I'm only disappointed I didn't take up Dale on her offer for Pizza, I didn't know I could've gotten another shop tour too. I guess that means I'm going to have to come back again! Hope you'll have me.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Huntsville, AL (The Sun and Fun Capital of The South)
    The Swap Meet was a huge success (IMHO). The "Outten Clan" (including Aaron of course) were very gracious hosts. As Keith said everyone walked away with door prizes ranging from magazines to relatively expensive tools. It was humorous that I won a book on how to make segmented bowls . I was able swap it for a bowl blank (that is what "swap" meets are for.

    I really enjoyed meeting and talking with all the folks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Leonard
    One of the highlights for me was sitting and talking with Ken Salisbury. For those of you who have met Ken you know what I mean.
    It is hard to figure out whether this is a compliment or something else.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Schrader
    Ken Salisbury demonstrated pen turning. Got my wife hooked. (Thanks, Ken!
    Now you can spend some of that moldy money on who deserves it

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Outten
    still had a couple of engraving jobs to do for Ken Salisbury before we shut down the shop.
    Oh Yes ! Aaron and Keith did some great stuff for me while I was there. They engraved some "master" medallions on 1/8" thick corian I brought with me which I am going to use to make an 8 cavity mold to cast 2 different size signature medallions - pictures to follow when I get the mold done and cast some finished product.

    They also engraved the lid on my cherry business card holder - pictures attached here.

    I also retrieved my corian shop sign they made me about 6 years ago (inside joke) -- photos to come later after I mount along side of the shop door.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    "If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high - but so are the rewards" - - Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant
    Ken Salisbury Passed away on May 1st, 2008 and will forever be in our hearts.

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